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Sunday, September 1, 2019

2019 Euro PhD summer school ‘Operational Research for Value-based Health Care’

Euro PhD Summer School 'Operational Research for Value-based Health Care' se celebró del 1 al 8 de septiembre en la Universidad de Lisboa. Femín Mallor participó como Organizador y Daniel García de Vicuña participó como estudiante de doctorado. La investigadora Amaia Ibarra participó como médico-asesor en el challenge propuesto por q-UPHS y el Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra.

Más información:

The Euro PhD Summer School 'Operational Research for Value-based Health Care' (  took place at Instituto Superior Tecnico (Universidade de Lisboa) during 8 days, from Sunday  September 1st to Sunday September 8th, 2019. The theme of the conference highlights the fact that health decision-makers are increasingly seeking evidence and information that can guide them towards better health care management, policy-making and resource allocation. Following this statement the Summer School aimed to be a unique forum for PhD students and young researchers working in operational research in health to get acquainted with multiple topics which are relevant to address health decision-makers needs and to generate sound operational research methods, knowledge and tools aligned with value-based health care.

The Summer School was economically supported by EURO, the European association of Operational Research societies, and received the academic support of ORAHS, the European working group in Operations Research applied to Health Services, as well as the Portuguese and Spanish Operations Research societies. In addition, the Summer School also benefited from the cooperation of two companies in the health sector as Johnson and Johnson and Novartis and two main hospitals in Lisbon and Pamplona.

The organizing committee took advantage of all this support to prepare an intense program made up of different learning activities.  Each day was devoted to a different topic with a prestigious senior researcher in charge of it: lectures were designed to learn about theory and practice, through case studies and some software tutorials. Students learnt about the current health challenges and the different methodological approaches from Sally Brailsford; how to measure value in health from Carlos Bana e Costa; the application of simulation in a variety of settings from Erwing Hans, the modelling with mathematical programming from Alec Morton and finally Martin Utley share his experience in solving real cases by combining different methodologies.   

There was also time for the presentation and discussion of the ongoing research of each of the students participating in the Summer School. This component of the program was especially useful for students receiving feedback from professors and health professionals, but it was also very interesting for all participants who obtained a good overview of what are the current research topics in OR applied to the Health.

A distinctive learning activity of this Summer School was the proposal of two challenges prepared to test and develop the capacities of the students for the team work and to face health real problems. One challenge was proposed by q-UPHS and the Hospital Compound of Navarre (to address the problem of no show up patient to specialist consultation) and the other for the company Janssen (to improve the patient flow of cancer patients). Students worked in groups of 4 students and could receive advice from practitioners and academics.

Finally, but not less important, the program also included social and cultural events that provided the students ideal moments for networking and sharing experiences with other students and mingle with lecturers and health professionals.

Figure 1. Organizers


Figure 2. Participants


Figure 3. Students working on their challenges.