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Ana Fernández Militino
Personal Profile
Focus Research
Academic Year
Text Books

Focus Research

  • Small area estimation: EBLUP estimators, Mean Squared Error (MSE) calculation, models with constraints, GLMM

    1.- Applications in official statistics: estimation of unemployment rates per counties, estimation of economic magnitudes per industrial sectors and/or geographical groups

    2.- Epidemiological applications: estimation of incidence and mortality rates in local health areas, estimation of mortality rates by professional activities

    3.- Agricultural applications: estimation of surfaces occupied by different crops per counties, yield estimation


  • Spatial and temporal modelling: geostatistics, lattice data, CAR models, robustness in spatial linear modes

    1.- Environmental applications: pollution studies in aquifers. Measurement errors with GPS

    2.- Real Estate Applications: Modelling Dwelling Selling Prices

    3.- Spatio-temporal modelling of mortality and incidence rates


  • Spatio Temporal Modeling in Satellite Images

    1.- Detecting changing points

    2.- Spatio-temporal models for trend detection.

    3.- Idetification of Burned areas with Machine Learning.




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