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Catedrático Universidad

  • Department: CIENCIAS
  • Area: Edafología y Química Agrícola
  • e-mail: inigo.virtoATunavarra.es
  • Phone number: (+34) 948 16 9166 (ext. 9166)

Iñigo Virto is an Agricultural Engineer (1998) with a PhD in Soil Science (2004). He performed predoctoral research stays at the Center for Environmental Sciences (CSIC, 2000), University of California in Davis (2001), and U. of Illinois (2002).


Post-doctoral research experience (2005-2007): AgroParisTech, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA, France), and U. Pennsylvania (Dpt. Earth and Environmental Sciences).


Teaching: Teaching activity since 2002/2003 (T&R Assistant(2002-20011), Assistant Professor (contractual: 2011-present)). Accreditation for Full Assistant Professor since 2011.


Teaching in the field of Earth Sciences in the degrees of the School of Agricultural Engineering and the Faculty of Human and Social Science at UPNA:


- Undergraduate programs: Soil Conservation, Geology and Climatology, Erosion, Didactic Projects for Natural Sciences (Earth System).


- Master programs: Disciplinary intensification in Geology in the Master of Secondary Education(UPNA). Soil Quality in the Interuniversity Master on Soils and Water Management (U. LLeida, U. Barcelona, ​​U. Autónoma Barcelona, ​​UPNA).


- Training courses and teacher innovation.


- Teaching stays at the École Normale Supérieure (Paris, France) and the University of Maribor (Slovenia).


- Co-direction of 4 doctoral theses (1 in progress).


- Scientific outreach activities, especially for Secondary Education (more than 50 talks and workshops since 2008).


Research: In addition to pre-doctoral and postdoctoral projects, since its incorporation to UPNA (2008), it has participated in 5 public funding projects (3 as IP), and 12 projects financed by companies (6 as IP). Research lines: Soil quality, Environmental impact of land use, C sequestration, recovery of contaminated soils.


He has produced more than 40 publications in indexed journals, book chapters and extension magazines.


Development Cooperation: Projects for education training, teaching and implementation of basic research infrastructures in U.C. Mozambique (funded AECID and G. de Navarra, 2009-2011)


UPNA (2012-act), responsible for debate activities UPNA (2012-2016), Deputy Director of Internationalization and Promotion in the School of Agricultural Engineering.





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