Portada > Personal Docente e Investigador
B. Sc. + M. Sc. ("Licenciatura" 5-years) 1980-85. Biological Sciences. University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Bilbao. Spain
M. Sc. Dissertation. 1985. Purification and properties of the photosystem I of the thermophilic cianobacteria Phormidium laminosum, with the maximum qualification. UPV/EHU.
Ph. D. 1990. Involvement of nitrate and oxygen on lucerne nitrogen fixation, with the maximum qualification (cum laude). Extraordinary doctorate award. UPV/EHU. Bilbao.
1991. Visiting researcher (post-doctoral fellowship funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science). Dept. Cell Biology. Institute for Grassland and Environmental Research. Aberystwyth, Great Britain.
1991-2000. Associate Professor of Plant Physiology. Depts. Agronomy and Environmental Sciences. Public University of Navarra. Pamplona, Spain.
2001- present Full Professor of Plant Physiology. Dept. Environmental Sciences (currently, Science Dept.). UPNa
2002-2003. Head of Department. Dept. Environmental Sciences. UPNa
2004. Visiting Professor. Universidad de La Plata (Argentina)
2003-2007. Vice-Chancellor for Research. UPNa.
2007-2008. Visiting Scientist. Dept. Agronomy. University of Florida. USA.
2010-2019. Academic Director. Master in Environmental Agrobiology. UPNa. Quality label of the Spanish Ministry of Education
2012-present Member of the Academic Committee. Ph. D. Programme in Environmental Agrobiology. UPNa /UPV. Excellence label of the Spanish Ministry of Education
Biology. Plant Physiology. Advanced Plant Physiology. Plant Metabolism. Nitrogen fixation.
Recognition of six (upper limit) five-annual teaching periods (quinquenios): 1986-2015
More than 70 papers in high-impact international journals of Plant Sciences and Agronomy (> 2980 citations; h = 29 [Clarivate-WoS, Core Collection]; > 3500 citations; h = 30 [Scopus]). Publications in the first quartile (Q1): 57. Half of them, in the first decile (D1). Two of them were ranked among the 1% highly cited papers, according to Essential Science Indicators. Other 53 different contributions (chapters of books in Spanish, French and English, non-ISI publications, Proceedings, Internet contributions, etc…). 1 national patent with PCT extension. Editor of three books (in Spanish). Supervisor of 11 Ph D Thesis (all of them, with the maximum qualification, including several European and International mentions and one Extraordinary award). More than 30 funded research projects (at national and international level, half of them of them as the research leader). From 2015, he is the Director of Research of the Plant Physiology and Agrobiology Group at the Public University of Navarra (see full information)
Full list of publications and scientific impact at Web of Science, Scopus or ORCID
Invited speaker, chairman of sessions, member of scientific and organising committees at national and international scientific conferences (more than 200 participations). Invited lectures in Aberystwyth (Great Britain); Institute des Sciences Végétales, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina); University of Florida (US); Washington State University (US), Instituto de Biotecnología (UNAM, Cuernavaca, Mexico) among others.
Recognition of six (upper limit) six-annual research periods (sexenios): 1986-2021
Awarded "Excellence in Research" by the Public University of Navarra (toghether with two other Professors) "for having achieved exceptionally relevant merits in research throughout his academic career"
1994-96. Academic Secretary. Dept. Environmental Sciences. Public University of Navarra.
1996-2007. Member of the Advisory Committee for Research. Public University of Navarra .
1999-03 Responsible for student exchange, within the Erasmus Programme, with the Universities of Reading (UK) and Göttingen (Germany).
2001-03 Responsible for the Degree An Introduction to Science and Technology for Social Sciences Students.
2003-07. Chairman of the Board for Doctoral Studies. Public University of Navarra.
2005-07. Chairman of the Ethics, Animal Experimentation and Biosafety. Public University of Navarra.
2006-07. Co-chairman of the Board for Post-Graduate Studies. Public University of Navarra.
2006-07. Member of the University Quality Assurance Board. Public University of Navarra.
He delivered the opening lecture os the 2024/25 term at the Public University of Navarra.
Spanish Society of Nitrogen Fixation (President 2022-24. Vice President 2019-22. Executive Committee 1996-2001; 2014-19). Spanish Society of Plant Physiology (currently, Spanish Society of Plant Biology) (executive Committee 2001-05). Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Delegate [Consul] in Navarre (2020- ) and Member of the Admission Comittee (2020-24). Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology (FESPB). American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB), among others.
Currently, Associate Editor in Frontiers in Plant Science (Plant Symbiotic Interactions Section). Formerly, he served as a Member of the Editorial Board of Environmental and Experimental Botany (2008-15) and member of the Section Board "Plant Genetics and Genomics" of Genes (2018-21).
Reviewer of more than 30 scientific journals, including some of the most relevant in Plant Sciences, Agronomy and Soil Science Subjects (JCR-ISI): Plant Physiology, Plant Cell and Environment, Journal of Experimental Botany, Plant and Soil, Field Crops Research or Soil Biology and Biochemistry (among others) or multidisciplinary journals, such as Scientific Reports, Current Biology or Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Reviewer of funding agencies: Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva (ANEP, Spain [now Agencia Estatal de Investigación, AEI]), Fondo Nacional de Ciencia y Técnica de Argentina (FONCYT, Argentina), Fondo Clemente Estable (Uruguay), Agence National de la Recherche (France), National Research Foundation (South Africa), International Foundation for Science (IFS) and the United States-Israel BARD Fund, among others.
Member of the Advisory Board of the Agency for the Quality of the Basque University System (Unibasq) (2015-18) and its Ethics Commitee (2017-18). He also served as a a reviewer of Quality Assurance Agencies of the Spanish University System at the national (ANECA [ACADEMIA]) and at the regional level (Andalucia, Galicia, Castilla-Leon [research grants]. Currently, he serves at the Basque Country Agency (Unibasq) [academic performance] and Catalunya (AQU-Cat) [Doctorate Programs], etc.).
Member of the Spanish National Board for the Agriculture Funding Programme of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (2006, 2007, 2012).
Member of the Panel of the Ramón y Cajal and Juan de la Cierva Programmes (2014) and Juan de la Cierva (2017). He also served in the face-to-face interview panel of the Foundation LaCaixa Junior Leader Incoming Program (2019).
Member of more than 40 Ph D Panel Boards (Spain and France), one third as the Chairman of the Panel, and external reviewer for other countries. He also contributed to Extraordinary Award Panels for several Universities.
2003-07. Member of the Board of Trustees of the National Center for Renewable Energies (CENER-CIEMAT) and Technological Centres of Navarra (CETENASA) Foundations. Member of the Executive Committee of the Automotive Technological Center of Navarra (CITEAN) and Pamplona Convention Bureau.