Characterization of genetic resources of onion (Allium cepa L.) from the Spanish secondary centre of diversity
Mallor, C.; Carravedo, M.; Estopanan, G.; Mallor, F.
Año: 2011
Revista: Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research
Genetic variation for bulb size, soluble solids content and pungency in the Spanish sweet onion variety Fuentes de Ebro. Response to selection for low pungency
Mallor, C.; Balcells, M.; Mallor, F.; Sales, E.
Año: 2011
Revista: Plant Breeding
Using mathematical morphology for unsupervised classification of functional data
Leon, T.; Ayala, G.; Gaston, M.; Mallor, F.
Año: 2011
Revista: Journal of statistical computation and simulation
Effects of Strength Training on Muscle Fatigue Mapping from Surface EMG and Blood Metabolites
Izquierdo, M.; González-Izal, M.; Navarro-Amezqueta, I.; Calbet, J.A.; Ibañez, J.; Malanda, A.; Mallor, F.; Häkkinen, K.; Kraemer, W.J.; Gorostiaga, E.M.
Año: 2011
Revista: Medicine and science in sports and exercise
A Morphological Clustering Method for daily solar radiation curves
Gastón-Romeo, M.; León, T.; Mallor, F.; Ramírez-Santigosa, L.
Año: 2011
Revista: Solar Energy