Portada > Centro Superior de Idiomas > Última hora
The EMIT test held in the Centro Superior de Idiomas is designed to ensure that candidates have the necessary linguistic competence to teach their subject in English at university level in the Public University of Navarra. The required level is equivalent to C1 of the European framework.
In order to participate in the process, you should register for the test (until December 8th).
How to register:
Access to the system with your username and password and complete the registration for the EMIT test. If you are a new user, you should register and create a password.
Click "Matrícula curso académico - Inglés", and then "...requiero hacer prueba de nivel"
Once you are registered, you will receive an email with the confirmation of the registration.
Help and support:
Centro Superior de Idiomas, Edificio El Sario, Módulo 3 – 1st floor.
Telephone number: 948 169791
E-mail: centro.idiomas@unavarra.es