2022-2023 ikasturteko irakasle-ikertzaileentzako prestakuntza planean, Nazioartekotze Gaitasunak 4. atalean, 5na ordu irauten dute 3 lantegi eskaintzen dira, ordubete eta 40 minutuko saiotan banandurik. Lantegi hauek “Language for evaluation and feedback”, “Language for seminars” eta “Working one-to-one with students in an EMI context” dira. Hizkuntzen Goi-Mailako Ikastegian eginen dira, urtarrilean lehenbiziko biak, eta maiatzean hirugarrena.
Language for evaluation and feedback
Working one-to-one with students in an EMI context
Language for evaluation and feedback |
To reflect on the principles of EMI in higher education, potential problems, and effective strategies.
To learn about the types of assessment tools and criteria that can be used in EMI courses.
To design an assessment system for course materials and class activities that interrelates competencies and learning objects.
To discuss different case studies.
Assessment, which can be understood both as periodic sampling and measurement, and as ongoing planning for and provision of feedback, can provide a basis for understanding the characteristics of good practices in EMI courses.
The aim of this course is to give participants the tools to deal with the challenges of assessing and giving feedback through English.
1. Introduction to English-medium Instruction (EMI): Reflections, Awareness and Practice
2. The importance of feedback
3. Principles for fair student assessment
DURATION: Three 1h 40m sessions.
DATES: Monday 9th of January: from 10.00-11.40h. Wednesday 11th of January: from 10.00-11.40h. Friday 13th of January: from 10.00-11.40h.
Language for seminars |
This course focuses on helping lecturers improve their oral communication skills for seminars. Emphasis is on increasing confidence and fluency through realistic activities covering pronunciation, active listening skills, and conversation strategies.
It is a practical, communicative course which requires an active involvement from the participants.
At the end of course, participants should show greater confidence using English as medium of instruction and be able to use a wider range of effective strategies to engage students in seminars.
• The first session will deal with the structure of seminars and the difficulties lecturers face when using English as medium of instruction, giving them the language necessary to:
• The two following sessions are practical: participants will be asked to simulate seminars they will have prepared, thus using what they have learnt in the first session.
DURATION: Three 1h 40m sessions.
DATES: Monday 9th of January: from 12.00-13.40h. Wednesday 11th of January: from 12.00-13.40h. Friday 13th of January: from 12.00-13.40h.
Working one-to-one with students in an EMI context |
Participants will be given the opportunity to:
• consider the implications of providing individual support to students in an EMI setting.
• identify appropriate and effective language use in one-to-one conversations with students.
• discuss and share ideas for good practice.
• Linguistic, cultural and pedagogical challenges in EMI courses. Students’ expectations and teachers’ roles.
• An “English-only” policy or a “multilingual” approach? Do Spanish and Euskera have a role when interacting with students in an EMI context?
• Different ways to use language when leading tutorials and supervision.
DURATION: Three 1h 45m sessions.
DATES: To be set. (Spring semester).