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Universidad Pública de Navarra

Friday, January 17

Workshop on Computer Algebra and Differential Equations

Registration and abstract submission

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  • Herramientas


For registration, please follow these steps:

  1. Complete this form.
    Important note: There will be a limited number of grants covering the registration for participants which are PhD students at the time of the registration. Some additional financial assistance may be available for travel and lodging expenses. If you want to apply for one of these grants, please you should send by e-mail before August 31 the following information:
    • An official proof of your student status.
    • photocopy of your passport.
    • A short CV (1 page max in PDF).
    • A recommendation letter.
  2. Pay the registration fee
  3. Registration fee
    Before September 15 After September 15
    200€ 250€

    By bank transfer to the following account number:


    Swift Code: BCOEESMM008

    IBAN Code: ES16 3008 0001 1807.0019.0523

    Concept: Last name + First name (for example: PalacianJesus). Please, keep a receipt of your payment.

    The registration fee covers attendance to the talks, proceedings, conference material, coffee-breaks, lunches, cultural program and conference dinner.

    The registration fee for accompanying persons should be paid in cash on arrival.

  4. Send the form by e-mail.
  5. Send the bank receipt together with a cover letter with details of the sender (name and affiliation) by e-mail.

Abstract submission (before October 15)

If you want to present a communication, you have to submit an extended abstract (up to 2 pages in PDF) by e-mail before September 15. You must use the file abstract.tex and send the files .tex and .pdf.

The time to present the contribution will be 30 minutes (25 for the talk and 5 for questions and comments). In the final program these times may be adjusted depending on the amount of presentations, but always in agreement with the speakers.

The proceedings will be published after the Workshop.

Pre-registration (before August 31)

The organizing committee of the Workshop would appreciate to know the approximate number of attendees and talks as soon as possible for better organization.

By this end we ask anyone who intends to attend CADE2009 to complete the basic data of the form (personal and communication information) and send them by e-mail before August 31. Thereafter, you may supplement the rest of the information contained in the form and pay the registration fee.

Jesús Palacián
Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática e Informática
Campus de Arrosadía
31006 Pamplona
Tel. (+34) 948 16 95 54
Fax. (+34) 948 16 95 21
Contact by E-mail

Services Portal

Accesos adicionales:

  • Public University of Navarre - Arrosadia Campus - 31006 Pamplona - Phone: +34 948 169000 - Fax: +34 948 169169