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Universidad Pública de Navarra

Wednesday, September 11

Workshop on Computer Algebra and Differential Equations


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Book of abstracts:

  1. Abad, A. and Elipe, A.: "Evolution strategies for computing periodic orbits"
  2. Abad, A., Barrio, R., Blesa, F. and Rodríguez, M.: "A MATHEMATICA interface for the Taylor series method"
  3. Bruno, A. D. and Edneral, V. F.: "Integrability analysis of a polynomial ODE system near a degenerate stationary point"
  4. Crespo, F., Díaz, G., Ferrer, S. and Lara, M.: "Poisson and  symplectic normalization of 4-DOF isotropic oscillators. The  van der Waals family"
  5. Gerdt, V. P. and Blinkov, Yu. A.: "On algorithmic consistency check for discretized PDEs"
  6. Gerdt, V. P. and Blinkov, Yu. A.: "Symbolic-numeric study of finite difference schemes for Navier-Stokes equations"
  7. Gusev, A. A., Chuluunbaatar, O., Gerdt, V. P., Markovski, B. L., Serov, V. V. and Vinitsky, S. I.: "Algorithm for reduction of boundary-value problems in multistep adiabatic approximation"
  8. Kornyak, V.: "Discrete dynamical models with quantum behavior"
  9. Lara, M., and Ferrer. S.: "A very high order, Mathematica generated, Lie series solution to the rigid body motion"
  10. Lasaruk, A. and Sturm, T.: "Approximate reduction of linear partial differential operators"
  11. Morales-Ruiz, J. J. and Acosta-Humánez, P. B.: "A Galoisian approach to supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics"
  12. Mylläri, A.: "Painlevé type dynamical system generated by two Coulomb centers problem"
  13. Mylläri, A., Mylläri, T.,  Rostovtsev, V. and Vinitsky, S.: "Formal integral and caustics in generalised Contopoulos model
  14. Palacián, J.F. and Yanguas, P.: "Computer algebra methods in transition state theory for high rank saddles"
  15. Roanes-Lozano, E., Hernando, A. and Laita, L. M.: "Some reflections inspired by the design of a locomotive classification expert system"
  16. San Juan, J. F.: "Analytical model for Lunar orbiter revisited"
  17. Sansottera, M.: "Towards stability results for planetary problems with more than three bodies"
  18. Stefanescu, D., Gerdt, V. and Yevlakov, S.: "Numerical computation of bounds for positive roots
  19. Ucha,  J. M. and Castro-Jiménez, F. J.: "Interesting examples of quasi free divisors"
  20. Vasiliev, N.: "Fast polynomial reduction"
  21. Zobnin, A. I.: "Differential polynomials and standard bases"


Jesús Palacián
Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática e Informática
Campus de Arrosadía
31006 Pamplona
Tel. (+34) 948 16 95 54
Fax. (+34) 948 16 95 21
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Accesos adicionales:

  • Public University of Navarre - Arrosadia Campus - 31006 Pamplona - Phone: +34 948 169000 - Fax: +34 948 169169