Resources and equipment

This research group uses well-equipped facilities that are built around four laboratories: the Optical Communications Lab, the Sensors Lab, the Photonics Lab, and the Teralab. The computing and simulation facilities include more than 50 high-end computers that run software for electrical (microwave) and lightwave devices design as well as optical networks and systems simulation. In terms of instrumentation, a wide variety of electrical and lightwave measurements are available. Novel devices and subsystems can also be fully characterised using the wide range of electrical and lightwave components in the labs.

The non-consumable equipment available from own contributions and other organizations is:

Portable Bipotentiostat µStat 200

Small and portable bipotentiostat , that can be used with one- or two-working electrodes configuration, and that offers the most usual electrochemical techniques: Amperometry and Pulsed Amperometry, Linear and Cyclic Voltammetry, Differential Pulse Voltammetry and Square Wave Voltammetry. The instrument is controlled and powered by means of a USB connection.