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Amparo Lázaro Ibarrola (2013). Reformulation and Self-correction: Insights into correction strategies for EFL writing in a school context. VIAL Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics 10: 29-49.Abstract
Amparo Lázaro Ibarrola, María del Pilar García Mayo (2012). L1 use and morphosyntactic development in the oral production of EFL learners in a CLIL context. International Review of Applied Linguistics 50: 135-160.Abstract
Amparo Lázaro Ibarrola (2012). In what aspects are CLIL learners better than EFL learners? The case of morphosyntax. International Journal of English Studies 12(1): 79-96.Abstract
Amparo Lázaro Ibarrola (2011). Imitating English oral texts: A useful tool to learn English Pronunciation?. Porta Linguarum 16: 49-63.Abstract
Amparo Lázaro Ibarrola (2009). Reformulation and self-correction: Testing the validity of correction strategies in the classroom. RESLA 22: 189-215.Abstract
Amparo Lázaro Ibarrola (2009). Self-correction: New Tools for EFL Teachers. Applied Linguistics Now: Understanding Language and Mind : 435-445.
Amparo Lázaro Ibarrola (2007). Enseñanza de la lectura a través de phonics en el aula de Lengua Extranjera en Educación Primaria. Porta Linguarum. Revista Internacional de Didáctica de las Lenguas Extranjeras 8: 153-167.Abstract
María del Pilar García Mayo, Amparo Lázaro Ibarrola, Juana M. Liceras (2006). Agreement in the English interlanguage of Basque-Spanish bilinguals: A minimalist farewell to pro. ITL: International Review of Applied Linguistics 151: 83-98.Abstract||PDF
María del Pilar García Mayo, Amparo Lázaro Ibarrola, Juana M. Liceras (2005). Placeholders in the English interlanguage of biliingual (Basque-Spanish) children. Language Learning 55(3): 445-489.Abstract||PDF
Conference Papers
María del Pilar García Mayo, Amparo Lázaro Ibarrola (2014). Do children negotiate for meaning? Evidence from EFL and CLIL settings. XXXII International AESLA Conference, Sevilla.
Lázaro Ibarrola, A., Hidalgo Gordo, M. A. (2013). Children interactions while playing a game: Promoting oral production in EFL classrooms.. AEDEAN (XXXVII), Oviedo (Spain).Abstract
María del Pilar García Mayo, Amparo Lázaro Ibarrola (2013). Oral interaction strategies among EFL and CLIL children in task-based pair work. Task-Based Language Teaching Conference, Banff (Canada).
María del Pilar García Mayo, Amparo Lázaro Ibarrola (2013). Child pairwork in an EFL context. IRAAL - Irish Association for Applied Linguistics, Dublin (Ireland).
Lázaro Ibarrola, A., Hidalgo Gordo, M. A. (2012). Should EFL teachers present vocabulary in semantically related sets?. AEDEAN (XXXVI), Málaga.Abstract
Amparo Lázaro Ibarrola (2010). Strategies to correct EFL Writing in High-School: Effects on error reduction and classroom validity.. 34th AEDEAN International Conference, University of Almeria.Abstract
Amparo Lázaro Ibarrola, María del Pilar García Mayo (2010). Faster and non-stop morphosyntactic development of CLIL vs non-CLIL (Basque-Spanish) bilinguals learning English in high-school: Is CLIL the explanation?. European Second Language Association (EUROSLA), Reggio Emilia (Italy).Abstract
Amparo Lázaro Ibarrola, María del Pilar García Mayo (2009). Interactional strategies and morphological development in the English interlanguage of bilingual (Basque-Spanish) learners. European Second Language Acquisition (EUROSLA) 19, Cork (Ireland).
Amparo Lázaro Ibarrola, María del Pilar García Mayo (2009). Assessing English L3 development in secondary schools: A two-year longitudinal study in a CLIL setting. 6tyh International Conference on Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism, Bolzano (Italy).
Amparo Lázaro Ibarrola (2009). Self-Correction: New Tools For Efl Teachers. AESLA, Almería.
Book Chapters
Amparo Lázaro Ibarrola (2010).English phonics for Spanish children: Adapting to new English as a Foreign Language classrooms. In: Researching Literacy in a Foreign Language Among Primary School Learners (eds. Diehr, Bärbel and Rymarczyk, Jutta). Abstract
Amparo Lázaro Ibarrola (2009).Self-correction: New Tools for EFL Teachers. In: Applied Linguistics Now. Understanding Language and Mind (eds. Carmen M. Bretones et al.).
Amparo Lázaro Ibarrola (2008).Estrategias de corrección de redacciones en lengua extranjera: Un experimento en el aula.. In: 25 Años de Lingüística Aplicada en España: Hitos y Retos/ 25 Years of Applied Linguistics in Spain: Milestones and Challeges. (eds. Rafael Monroy y Aquilino Sánchez).
Amparo Lázaro Ibarrola, María del Pilar García Mayo (2006).Is forma euskara-gaztelera haur edulebidunen ingelesezko tarteko hizkuntzan (La forma 'is' e la interlanguage inglesa de niños bilingües euskera-castellano). In: Hizkuntzak ikasten eta erabiltzen (eds. J. Cenoz & D. Lasagabaster). Abstract
Mª del Pilar García Mayo, Amparo Lázaro Ibarrola (2005).Pronouns revisited: Evidence from the morphosyntactic development of English as an L3. In: Estudios de Filología Inglesa en honor de Antonio Garnica (eds. F. Garrudo Carabias y J. Comesaña Rincón).
Oral interaction among young learners of English as a foreign language: The impact of the use of negotiation and corrective feedback strategies during communicative tasks on language learning (2013 - 2016 )
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