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  • Area: Producción Vegetal
  • e-mail: rosa.murilloATunavarra.es
  • Phone number: (+34) 948 16 8012 (ext. 8012)

Breve CV

R. Murillo got a degree (1997) and phD (2005) in Agronomic Engineering at the Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineers (UPNA) and currently hold a position as Lecturer of the Crop Production Department (ETSIA) at UPNA. She joined the Research Group of Crop Protection (UPNA) in 1998, where she has been developed research on the baculovirus use as biological control agents and bioinsecticides development. Her work focused on the study of the ecology and biology of baculovirus and the implementation of baculovirus-based pesticides in Pest Management Programs in which microbial insecticides for its safety to non-target organisms may represent a tool of great interest. She made a number of research stays in International R&D centers including, the molecular biology baculovirus group of Prof. López-Ferber in the INRA-CNRS, (Saint-Christol lez Alès, Francia) and the CEH-Oxford (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Oxford, United Kingdom). Recently she was granted with a “Jose Castillejo” to establish a collaborative project with Prof Ken Wilson at the Environmental Centre of Lancaster University.Over her research trajectory she has participated in five CICYT projects, two PETRI project, an European project, and three of regional scope (Gobierno deNavarra). She also count with over eighteen years of teaching experience on subjects in the Crop Protection area of the former Agricultural Engineering Degree, and the current GIAMR Degree (Grado en Ingeniería Agroalimentaria y del Medio Rural), and two Master subjects of the Biotechnology Doctoral program. She has supervised two phD thesis and more than twelve Master thesis. She is co-author of 22 scientific publications in JCR-indexed journals (Journal of Citation Reports), one book chapter (Phytoma, 2001) and several articles of national scope.She has participated as co-inventor of a patent which transference culminated with the registration of the first baculovirus–based pesticide in Spain. This accomplishment received the “Award of the best Research Transfer in 2009, granted by the UPNA and the Navarra Innovation Agency. R.M. has three six-year research term favorably evaluated by the CNEAI (Comisión Nacional Evaluadora de de la Actividad Investigadora) and two five-year teaching period evaluated by the UPNA.

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