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Research staff

Wit Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) Doctoral Programme

Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: Primera convocatoria abierta desde el 8 de abril de 2022 hasta el 8 de junio de 2022

Wit is an Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) Doctoral Programme cofunded by the EU as part of the H2020-Marie Slodowska Curie Action Cofund, (Call 2020).

It is an International Doctoral Programme for talent attraction to Navarra offering 16 predoctoral contracts to excellent ESRs to develop individual research projects in three of the strategic research lines included in the S4 strategy of Navarre: Health, Automotion-Mechatronics-Advanced Manufacturing and Energy, with the Artificial Intelligence applied to the three previous areas as fourth transversal area.

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