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Theoretical and applied research in the field of economics and business management are the object and purposes of INARBE researchers, with focus on 3 strategic areas:

  • Economic Analysis of Organizations and Business Strategy
  • Economic Market Analysis
  • Public Policy Analysis

Our researchers international leadership results in top class collaborations including research networks across Europe, Latin America, North America, and Australia and links to multilateral organisms and multinational companies. INARBE researchers obtained research funds from competitive public calls amounting to 1 million euros for the whole period 2016-2019.

Since the creation of INARBE, its researchers have consistently obtained research funds from regional, national and international competitive calls (available HERE). Research grants and projects take the largest share of our public funding with the Spanish Government (16 national projects with a PI from INARBE), the EU (one Horizon2020) and the Government of Navarra (5 research projects funded by various regional bodies) as the principal contributors.


Portal of Scientific Production


INARBE researchers also supervise  pre-doctoral contracts (PFI-PFU) associated with the various national research projects and the three post-doctoral contracts funded by Caixa which attracted three post-doctoral researchers from Bocconi (2018-2019), Leicester and Northwestern Universities (for two academic years, 2019-2020 and 2020-2021)


In addition to research projects and transfer contracts, INARBE members maintain high scientific production that they disseminate in congresses, workshops and seminars, which in parallel, are published as research articles in peer-reviewed academic journals. The list of publications of INARBE members can be consulted in the PORTAL OF SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION. A part of our results are available in open access in ACADEMICA-E.

Experimental Economics Laboratory

INARBE's Experimental Laboratory focuses its activities on conducting simulations and experiments in both the economic and business fields. Data provided by the experiments and simulations helps companies to understand, predict and quantify the behaviour and reactions of their customers and human resources in real competitive situations.

The research developed includes fields such as Marketing to understand, predict and quantify the behaviour and reactions of consumers to different loyalty strategies, Microeconomics and game theory, Experimental economics, which applied to human resources management, allows to analyse and predict the behaviour of individuals and teams of workers subjected to specific situations, Industrial organization for successful decision making and the management of natural resources and environmental economics including externalities, regulatory systems and financing problems.

Centro Jerónimo de Ayanz
Campus Arrosadia
31006 Pamplona-Iruña
Tel. +34 948 169512
Contact by E-mail