Course code: 174854 | Subject title: INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY AND ANTITRUST LAW | ||||
Credits: 6 | Type of subject: Optative | Year: 4 | Period: 1º S | ||
Department: Derecho | |||||
Lecturers: | |||||
Private and Business Law/ Business Law and Management: industrial property and competition.
Methodology | Number of hours for lectures | Number of hours for personal work |
A-1 Lecture | 45 | |
A-2 Practical activity in the classroom | 15 | 15 |
A-3 Discussion and debate, seminars, tutorial in groups | 10 | |
A-4 Preparation of paper and presentations | 10 | |
A-5 Reading legal material | 10 | |
A-6 Personal study | 49 | |
A-7 Exams, evalulation tests | 2 | |
A-8 Personal tutorials | 4 | |
Learning outcome |
Assessment activity |
Weight (%) |
It allows test resit |
R91, R177,R94,R202 | Control of attendance | 5% | No |
R91, R177,R94,R202 | Written exam. The exam shall show the different notions and knowledge acquired by the student One written exam in each of the parts. | 60% MINIMUN MARK NEEDED 5* | Yes, by written exam |
R91, R177,R94,R202 | Individual work. The work shall show how the student's ability for the analysis, development or application to real or invented cases | 25% | Yes, by written exam |
R91, R177,R94,R202 | Oral presentacion of an individual work done by the student, debate and discussion in the class | 10% | No |
* Students need to obtain a 5 in the final exam to be able to pass the subject, even the global mark is over 5.
* In case students global mark is under 5 (4,9 or less) the subject is failed
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Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.
There is no text book especially useful for the subject. The contents and agenda can be learn from the bibliography.
It is absolutely necessary the use of European and Spanish legislation: Spanish legislation on competition: Ley de Defensa de la Competencia, Reglamento de Defensa de la Competencia; Spanish legislation on Industrial Property: Ley de marcas, Ley de patentes, Ley de diseño industrial.
UE Treaties and regulations in competition: can be found in; Spanish unfair competition law:
Ley de Competencia Desleal
Spanish legislation translated to english can be found in:
Oficina española de patentes y marcas:
Oficina de armonización del mercado interior:
Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia:
Comisión Europea (competencia):
World Intellectual Property Organization
European Commission (competition)
Prof. Pablo Romero has elaborated a Notes on PI and Competion Law that will be distributed to the students
Complementary readings:
BERCOVITZ RODRÍGUEZ-CANO, A., Apuntes de Derecho mercantil: Derecho mercantil, Derecho de la competencia y propiedad industrial, Aranzadi, 2021.
BERCOVITZ RODRÍGUEZ-CANO, A. (dir.), Comentarios a la Ley de Competencia Desleal, Aranzadi, 2011.
BERCOVITZ RODRÍGUEZ-CANO, A. (dir.), GARCÍA-CRUCES GONZÁLEZ, J. A. (dir. adjunto), Comentarios a la Ley de Marcas, Aranzadi, 2008.
FERNÁNDEZ-NÓVOA, C., Tratado sobre derecho de marcas, Marcial Pons, 2004.
FERNÁNDEZ-NÓVOA, C., OTERO LASTRES, J. M., BOTANA AGRA, J. M., Manual de la Propiedad Industrial, Marcial Pons, 2017.
LÁZARO SÁNCHEZ, E. J. (coord.), Comentario a la Ley General de Publicidad, Civitas, 2009.
MARTÍNEZ SANZ, F. (dir.), Comentario práctico a la Ley de competencia desleal, Tecnos, Madrid, 2009.
MASSAGUER FUENTES, J., El nuevo derecho contra la competencia desleal: la Directiva 2005/29/CE sobre prácticas comerciales desleales, Civitas, 2006.
- Comentario a la Ley de competencia desleal, Civitas, 1999.
MASSAGUER FUENTES, J., GUTIERREZ, A., FOLGUERA CRESPO, J. y SALA ARQUER, J. M., (dirs.), Comentario a la Ley de Defensa de la Competencia, Civitas, 2017.
TATO PLAZA, A., FERNÁNDEZ CARBALLO-CALERO, P., HERRERA PETRUS, C., La reforma de la Ley de Competencia Desleal, La Ley, 2010.