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The Jacques-Louis Lions Spanish-French School on Numerical Simulation in Physics and Engineering has been organized every two years since 1984, and it is intended for professionals, researchers and students interested in numerical methods.
The sixteenth edition of this School will take place in Pamplona during September 8-12, 2014, and it will be hosted by Universidad Pública de Navarra.
The previous fifteen editions were held in:
Since its foundation in 1991, the Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada (SEMA) is actively concerned with the organization of this School which, together with the Congreso de Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Aplicaciones/Congreso de Matemática Aplicada, represent the two series of scientific meetings sponsored by the Society. In 2004, the Spanish-French School wished to honour the French mathematician Jacques-Louis Lions by giving his name to the School. Since 2008, the Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI) co-organizes the School.
The School is aimed at graduate students in Engineering or Science who want to initiate into numerical simulation, either as a research topic, or in the field of industrial applications. The School is also oriented to technicians working in industry, who are interested in the use of numerical techniques for particular applications, or who want to know about research taking place in both French and Spanish universities and scientific institutions. Finally, the School may be of interest for academics in general, since it permits to exchange knowledge and experience concerning the research topics being developed in different laboratories.
Dpto. Ingeniería Matemática e Informática
31006 Pamplona-Iruña
Tel. +34 948 169 530
Fax. +34 948 169 521
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