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José L.López

Professor of Mathematics

(1) Education

Degree in Physics, 1990 . University of Zaragoza.
Ph. Degree in Physics, 1995. University of Zaragoza.
Degree in Mathematics, 1997 . University of Zaragoza.

(2) Employment History

University of Zaragoza, 1995-1999. Associate Professor.
State University of Navarra, 1999-present. Full Professor.

(3) Research Interests

Asymptotic Approximation of Integrals.
Analytical Aspects of Special Functions.
Singular Perturbation Problems: Asymptotic Approximation.
Limit Cycles of Dynamical Systems.


(4) Recent Publications (since 1998)

1. Several Series containing Gamma and Polygamma Functions. J. Comp. Appl. Math. 90 (1998) 15-23.

2. Expansiones asintóticas de integrales: unificación de métodos asintóticos. Rev. Academia de Ciencias de Zaragoza 53 (1998) 29-57.

3. A family of multiple integrals analytically solvable. Appl. Math. Lett. 12 (1999) 119- 125.

4. The Whittaker function M as a function of k. Const. Approx. 15 (1998) 83-95. With J. Sesma

5. Zeros of the Whittaker function associated to Coulomb waves. IMA J. Appl. Math. 62 (1999) 71-87. With J. Sesma

6. Asymptotic expansion of the incomplete beta function for large values of the first parameter. Integral Transforms and Special Functions 8(3-4) (1999) 233-236. With J. Sesma

7. Asymptotic Approximations of integrals: The term by term integration method. J. Comp. Appl. Math. 102 (1999) 181-194.

8. The limit cycles of the Lienard equation in the strongly nonlinear regime. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 11 (2000) 747-756. With R. López-Ruiz.

9. Approximations of orthogonal polynomials in terms of Hermite polynomials. Meth. Appl. Anal. 6 (2) (1999) 131-146. With N. Temme.

10. Uniform approximations of Bernoulli and Euler polynomials in terms of hyperbolic functions. Est. Appl. Math. 103 (1999) 241-258. With N. Temme

11. Asymptotic expansions of the Whittaker functions for large order parameter. Meth. Appl. Anal . 6 (2) (1999) 249-256.

12. Hermite polynomials in the Asymptotic Representations of Generalized Bernoulli, Euler, Bessel and Buchholz Polynomials. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 239 (1999) 457-477. With
N. Temme.

13. Bifurcation curves of limit cycles in some Lienard systems. Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos. 10 (5) (2000) 971-980. With R. López-Ruiz.

14. Asymptotic expansions of symmetric standard elliptic integrals. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 1 (1) (2000) 754-775.

15. Uniform asymptotic expansions of symmetric standard elliptic integrals. Const. Approx. 17 (4) (2001) 535-559.

16. The Askey scheme for hypergeometric Orthogonal polynomials viewed from asymptotic analysis. J. Comp. Appl. Math. 133 (2001) 623-633. With N. Temme.

17. An asymptotic expansion of the double gamma function. J. Approx. Theory 111 (2001) 298-314. With C. Ferreira.

18. Asymptotic expansions of generalized Stieltjes transforms of algebraically decaying functions Stud. Appl. Math. 108 (2002) 187-215. With C. Ferreira.

19. Asymptotic expansions of the Epstein-Hubbel Integral. I.M.A. J. Appl. Math 67 (2002) 301-319. . With C. Ferreira.

20. Asymptotic expansions of the double zeta function . To appear in J. Approx. Theor. With C. Ferreira.

21. Two-point Taylor expansions of analytic functions. To appear in Stud. Appl. Math. With N. Temme

22. Asymptotic relations in the Askey scheme of orthogonal hypergeometric polynomials. To appear in Adv. Appl. Math. With C. Ferreira and E. Mainar


(5) Recent Reprints

1. Asymptotic expansions of the Appell function $F_1$. Submitted. With C. Ferreira.

2. Asymptotic expansions of the Lauricella function $F_D$. Submitted. With C. Ferreira.

3. Asymptotic and convergent expansions of Charlier, Laguerre and Jacobi polynomials. Submitted. With N. Temme.

4. Multi-point Taylor expansions of analytic functions. Submitted. With N. Temme.

5. Asymptotic analysis of two singular perturbation problems with discontinuous boundary data. Submitted. With E. Pérez.

6. Number and amplitude of limit cycles emerging from topologically equivalent perturbed centers. Submitted. With R. López-Ruiz.


(6) Recent lectures

1. The solutions of the Whittaker equation as functions of the order parameter
XV C.E.D.Y.A./V C.M.A., 22-26/09/1997.

2. Expansiones asintóticas de integrales: unificación de métodos clásicos.
Departamento de Matemática Aplicada, Facultad de Ciencias,
Universidad de Zaragoza. 17-12-1998.

3. Aproximación asintótica de integrales: métodos clásicos y algunas aplicaciones.
Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. 28-05-1999.

4. Five asymptotic expansions for the three symmetric standard elliptic integrals
International Workshop on special functions. Asymptotics, harmonic
analysis and mathematical physics. Hong Kong, 21-25/06/1999.

5. Uniform asymptotic expansions of Bernoulli and Euler Polinomials. International
Congress of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Edimburgo, 05-09/07/1999.

6. Uniform asymptotic expansions of symmetric standard elliptic integrals. San Diego
Symposium on Asymptotics and Applied Analysis, San Diego, 10- 14/01/2000.

7. Aproximacion de integrales mediante series divergentes. Departamento de
Matemáticas, Universidad de Zaragoza, 03-02-2000.

8. Asymptotic expansions of generalized Stieltjes transforms of algebraically decaying
functions. NATO Special Functions 2000: Current Perspective and Future Directions.
Arizona State University, Tempe, 29/05-9/06/2000.

9. Aproximacion de integrales por series divergentes. Departamento de Matemáticas,
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. 09-03-2001.

10. Asymptotic expansions of the solutions of some simple two-dimensional boudary
problems with Singular perturbation. VI International Symposioum on Orthogonal
Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications. Roma, 18-22/06/2001.

11. The role of the error function in some simple singular perturbation problems.
XVII CEDYA, VII CMA. Salamanca, 24-28/09/01.

12. Desarrollos asintóticos de los polinomios de Charlier, Laguerre y Jacobi. Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. 22-03-2002.

13. Aproximaciones asintóticas de los polinomios de Charlier, Laguerre y Jacobi. Departamento de Matemáticas, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. 14-05-2002.

14. Desarrollos asintóticos de los polinomios de Charlier, Laguerre y Jacobi. Departamento de Física Moderna, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada. 21-05-2002.

15. Asymptotic approximations of integrals: application to asymptotic approximations of orthogonal polynomials. IWOP02: Orthogonal Polynomials and Approximation Theory. Leganes, 24-27/06/02.

16. Approximations of integrals by means of divergent series: the distributional method. School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta. 30-07-02.


(7) Teaching

Curso 94-95. Métodos Matemáticos de la Física I (C. Físicas)
Cursos 95/96 y 96/97. Matemáticas (Veterinaria).
Curso 97/98: Matemáticas (C. Químicas). Cálculo (Matemáticas).
Curso 98/99: Matemáticas ( C. Químicas).

Universidad Pública de Navarra:

Curso 99/00: Matemáticas (Ingeniero Agrónomo). Matemáticas (Administración y Dirección de). Métodos Numéricos (Ingeniero Industria).
Curso 00/01: Matemática Financiera (Economía). Ampliación de (Ingeniero Agrónomo). Herramientas Matemátics del Ordenador (Libre Elección).
Curso 01/02: Matemática Financiera (Economía). Matemáticas I (Economía). Herramientas Matemátics del Ordenador (Libre Elección).
Curso 02/03: Fundamentos Matemáticos II (Ingeniero Industrial). Matemáticas I (Economía). Herramientas Matemátics del Ordenador (Libre Elección).


(8) Contact Information

José L. López
Departmento de Matemática e Informática
Universidad Pública de Navarra

Phone: 34-948-169534
Fax: 34-948-169521
e-mail: jl.lopez@unavarra.es



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