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EMI Courses


En el Plan de Formación del PDI del curso 2023-2024, dentro del apartado 4. Competencias para la Internacionalización, se han ofertado tres talleres de 5 horas de duración distribuidos en 3 sesiones de 1 hora y 40 minutos titulados “Language for evaluation and feedback”, “Language for seminars” y “Working one-to-one with students in an EMI context”. Estos talleres se impartirán en el Centro Superior de Idiomas, los dos primeros en enero, y el tercero en el mes de mayo.

Language for evaluation and feedback

Language for seminars

Individual support to students in EMI courses


Language for evaluation and feedback


To reflect on the principles of EMI in higher education, potential problems, and effective strategies.

To learn about the types of assessment tools and criteria that can be used in EMI courses.

To design an assessment system for course materials and class activities that interrelates competencies and learning objects.

To discuss different case studies.


Assessment, which can be understood both as periodic sampling and measurement, and as ongoing planning for and provision of feedback, can provide a basis for understanding the characteristics of good practices in EMI courses.

The aim of this course is to give participants the tools to deal with the challenges of assessing and giving feedback through English.

1. Introduction to English-medium Instruction (EMI): Reflections, Awareness and Practice 

  • Reflections on personal situations in terms of EMI subjects, English competence, teaching experience, intercultural competence, teacher and students’ attitudes, challenges and needs.

2. The importance of feedback

  • Characteristics of effective, corrective and peer feedback.
  • Language for feedback.
  • Case studies.

3. Principles for fair student assessment

  • Reflections on assessment styles and awareness of types (from formative to summative).
  • Language for assessment.
  • Case studies.  

DURATION: Three 1h 40m sessions.


Classes will take place in classroom 306

Teacher: Rubén Valtierra

Course participants: Lecturers.

Number of participants: 12.


Language for seminars


The first session will deal with the structure of seminars and the difficulties lecturers face when using English as medium of instruction, giving them the language necessary to:

  • Prepare a seminar
  • Explain procedures
  • Set up groups
  • Give step-by-step guidance
  • Use questions to guide students
  • Monitor groups
  • End the group session.

The two following sessions are practical: participants will be asked to simulate seminars they will have prepared, thus using what they have learnt in the first session.


  • This course focuses on helping lecturers improve their oral communication skills for seminars. Emphasis is on increasing confidence and fluency through realistic activities covering pronunciation, active listening skills, and conversation strategies.
  • It is a practical, communicative course which requires an active involvement from the participants.
  • At the end of course, participants should show greater confidence using English as medium of instruction and be able to use a wider range of effective strategies to engage students in seminarswhich can be understood both as periodic sampling and measurement, and as ongoing planning for and provision of feedback, can provide a basis for understanding the characteristics of good practices in EMI courses.


Monday 29th of January: from 12.00-13.40h. Tuesday 30th of January: from 12.00-13.40h. Friday 2nd of February: from 12.00-13.40h.

Classes will take place in classroom 315

Teacher: Lindy Osborne

Course participants: Lecturers.

Number of participants: 12.


  • Preparing a seminar
    • Types of seminars
    • Discussion: Preparation
    • Create a Handout pre-seminar. Why and how.
  • Language to
    • Explain procedures
    • Set up groups
    • Give step-by-step guidance
    • Use questions to guide students
    • Monitor groups
    • End the group session.
  • Practice

Individual support to students in EMI courses


This interactive workshop is designed to let participants share experiences in the provision of individual support to students in EMI courses and work together to improve their practice with a special focus on the use of language.

There will be brief presentations, small group activities, whole group discussions, case studies and role plays. Participants are expected to be actively involved.

Participants will be given the opportunity to:

  • compare the needs of students in EMI and non-EMI courses and the issues involved.
  • identify types of student consultations during office hours and review the language used in those interactions. e.g giving feedback.
  • observe and analyse conversations between students and lecturers in one-to-one sessions.
  • reflect on their own practice and explore ways of improvement.


Participants will put together a list of recommendations for best practice.


The course will take place in room 


 Centro Superior de Idiomas. 


Lecturers teaching EMI courses.



  • Students’ individual support at University.
  • Diversity in EMI courses. Students’ needs and lecturers' roles.
  • Useful phrases for individual consultations in English.
  • One-to-one conversations with students and coaching techniques.

A3U - Alumni

Centro Superior de Idiomas
Edificio El Sario, Módulo 3
Campus de Arrosadía
31006 - Pamplona
Tel. +34 948 16 9791 +34 948 16 9790
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