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Fecha: 30 de agosto de 2024 23:59

Listado seminarios Departamento de Economía 2023/2024


A– Sala de Reuniones del Departamento de Economía. Edificio Los Madroños, 2ª planta (ECON–2026)
B–  Sala de Usos Múltiples del Departamento de Economía. Edificio Los Madroños, 2ª planta (ECON–2024)
C– Sala de Conferencias. Centro Jerónimo de Ayanz (INARBE)
D– Sala Nicolás de Oresme Edificio Los Madroños, planta baja (ORES)


14.12.23 2026 12:00 TBA Oriol Sabaté Universitat de Barcelona
01.12.23 2026 12:00 TBA

Lara Ezquerra Guerra

Universitat de les Illes Balears
20.11.23 2026 12:00 TBA

Nagore Iriberri

Universidad del País Vasco e Ikerbasque
16.11.23 2026 12:00

Global and regional long-term climate forecasts: A heterogeneous future (trabajo conjunto con Jesús Gonzalo)

Mª Dolores Gadea Rivas

Universidad de Zaragoza
09.11.23 2026 12:00 Assessing long run Sustainable Development. Evidence from Global Genuine Savings Cristián Ducoing UPNA
03.11.23 ON LINE 12:00

Overeducation, Performance Pay and Wages: Evidence from Germany

Mehrzad Baktash University of Trier
26.10.23 2026 10:00

Taxing workers through the 20th century

Sara Torregrosa Hetland UPNA
19.10.23 2026 10:30 Growth, inequality and conflict Luis Carranza Ugarte USMP
11.10.23 INARBE 12:00 When capturing developments in Africa's colonial income inequality - What can we learn from social tables? Ellen Hillbom Lund University
10.10.23 2026 12:00

CANCELADOEconomic inequality and the ecological footprint: Time-varying estimates for the United States and France, 1962-2021

Fredrik N G Andersson Lund University
05.10.23 2026 12:00

Inflation persistence, noisy information and the Phillips curve

José Elías Gallegos Banco de España
25.09.23 2026 12:00 News Consumption, Multi–homing,
and Advertising Strategies
Ricard Gil Queen´s University
20.09.23 INARBE 12:00 Unexpected side effects os trade policy:
integration in the Spanish wheat market, 1725–1905

Víctor Gómez Blanco


Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
14.09.23 2026 12:00 Network Perception in Network Games Sofía Ruiz Palazuelos

Aix–Marseille School of Economics