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Irakaslearen fitxa

Hasiera > Irakaslearen fitxa

Paula Kasares (Iruña / Pamplona, 1969) graduated in Basque Philology (University of Deusto) and Social and Cultural Anthropology (University of the Basque Country – UPV). She has also conducted postgraduate studies in Linguistic Planning (UPV) and Social and Cultural Anthropology (Autonomous University of Barcelona). She earned a Ph.d in 2013 at Public University of Navarre with a thesis in linguistic anthropology.

She has large experience in language planning, since 1995 at the Baztan City Hall, in Navarra. From 1998 to 2000 she was in charge of the Sociolinguistic Department of the Summer Basque University and from 2001 to 2003 director of the Observatory on Linguistic Rights of Basque Country. Currently she is the director of the Service of Planning and Fostering of Basque language of Euskarabidea - The Navarre Institute of Basque Language, depending of Government of Navarre, and she combines that work and tuition at the Public University of Navarre and postgraduate course HIZNET in language planning.

She is author of three books:

Hizkuntz eskubideak Euskal Herrian. Zer eskubidez ari garen eta zertan diren (Deustuko Unibertsitatea / University of Deusto, 2004).

Euskaldun hazi Nafarroan. Euskararen belaunez belauneko jarraipena eta hizkuntza sozializazioa familia euskaldunetan (Euskaltzaindia / The Royal Academy of the Basque Language, 2014).

Irurita, euskarari iraunarazi dion herria. Euskararen belaunez belauneko jarraipena Baztanen (1970-2010) (Baztango Udala / Baztan City Hall, 2014).

She has also written several articles on sociolinguistic, linguistic rights and linguistic anthropology.

Universidad Pública de Navarra
Campus de Arrosadía - 31006 Pamplona
Tel. 948 169000
Fax. 948 169169
Posta elektronikoaren bidezko kontaktua
Campus de Tudela
Avda. de Tarazona s/n
31500 Tudela
Tel. (+34) 948 417800
Fax. (+34) 948 417892
Posta elektronikoaren bidezko kontaktua