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Titular Universidad

  • Area: Tecnología de Alimentos
  • e-mail: iosune.cantalejoATunavarra.es
  • Phone number: (+34) 948 16 9135 (ext. 9135)

Assoc. Prof. Dr  María-J.  CANTALEJO



School of Agricultural Engineering and Bioscience, Public University of Navarre (UPNA). Campus de Arrosadía, Pamplona, Navarre E- 31006  Spain. e-mail: iosune.cantalejo@unavarra.es


A tenured Professor in the Department of Agronomy, Biotechnology & Food at the Public University of Navarre.

Academic & Professional Background:

  • She graduated in Science.
  • She obtained her 2-year Masters in Food Science and Engineering with Honours.
  • She also obtained her PhD Degree with Honours at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain).
  • Her research experience also includes a post-doc stage abroad for 3 years in the following Centres:

- the Research and Development Department in the Food Company WILD GmbH in Germany;

                - the University of Bayreuth (Germany);

                - the Research Centre INRA in Nantes (France).

Professional experience:

  • Researcher and lecturer for more than 20 years at UPNA.  Her research field is the development of new food products with a special focus on sustainability and studies of shelf-life of food products.
  • She has given guest lectures and seminars in the Karl-Franzens Universitaet (Uni Graz, Austria), the Technical University of Graz (TU Graz, Austria) and the Technological University of Dublin (TU Dublin, Ireland).
  • Head of the PhD Program “Technology and Quality in the Food Industries” with Distinction of Quality (No. MCD 2005-00388)  at the UPNA (for 7 years)
  • Head of the Masters of Reseach in “Technology and Quality in the Food Industries”, with Accreditation (2015), according to the Bologna guidelines (for 7 years).
  • Supervisor of 6 PhD Thesis, 19 Masters Thesis and 64 Final Projects (Practicum)
  • She has extended experience in new pedagogical teaching methodologies that emphasize meaningful learning.
  • She is the main coordinator of the European Erasmus+ project NEMOS (A new educational model for sustainability) co-funded by the European Union.The NEMOS project has been awarded as an Example of Good Practice by the European Commision.
  • She is also the main coordinator of the UPNA group of the projects BIRBIZI (Reuse of whey and underused waste in the agro-industry) and PROMETEA (Integral protection of immuno-circulatory affections in the elderly), both funded by the Government of Navarre.

Personal skills

Honest, trustworthy, hard-working and a skilled communicator; also passionate about researching & working on the next food revolution to eradicate hunger from the world. 

Universidad Pública de Navarra
Campus de Arrosadía - 31006 Pamplona
Tel. 948 169000
Fax. 948 169169
Contact by E-mail
Campus de Tudela
Avda. de Tarazona s/n
31500 Tudela
Tel. (+34) 948 417800
Fax. (+34) 948 417892
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