Optical communications

This research line covers five research topics:

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Optical amplifiers and fiber lasers

Optical communication Group has a wide experience on optical amplifiers and fiber lasers using Er-doped fibres and Brillouin and Raman non-lineal effects in fibers.

We have experience from 1992 in the fabrication of Erbium doped amplifiers, obtained initially in collaboration with British Telecom research labs. From 2000 we also work Brillouin and Raman non-lineal effects in fibers, using commercial pump laser sources.

We have also developed fiber laser sources using both Erbium doped and Raman amplification.



All-fiber multiwavelength lasers have attracted much interest recently because of their potential applications in wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) communications, microwave generation, high-resolution spectroscopy and fiber opticsensing.




Fiber lasers are attractive for such applications because of their fiber compatibility, compact size and simplicity. Fiber lasers show high output powers and small loss in their connection to fiber optic networks. In the last years and due to the huge development of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology, fiber laser sources emitting simultaneously in multiple wavelengths have been investigated.
We have demonstrated the suitability of these lasers for sensor interrogation by using the FBGs as transducers.


Tunable and switchable lasers have been also developed by us. We have fabricated short cavity lasers (10 cm) as well as long cavity lasers (155 km) for remote sensors interrogation.
Design of optical filters based on Photonic Crystal Fibers for fiber optic Raman lasers has been also carried out.


Contact: Manuel López-Amo, Silvia Díaz, Rosa Ana Pérez