Home > Optical communications group > Research lines > Optical communications
This research line covers five research topics:
This research line is based in the application of signal processing techniques by making use especially of dispersive devices (fiber Bragg gratings, fibers,...) and electro-optic modulators that translate to fiber-optic communication systems some well-known results of optical spatial systems with the aim of improving the core networks that use WDM/DWDM, OTDM or OCDM multiplxexing techniques and innovating the access networks and metropolitan networks trying to migrate from electronic technologies to electrooptic technologies and all-optical technologies.
The use of photonic technologies for processing spatial or temporal information in the all-optical domain is a field of growing importance, with a strong potential for interesting applications in such diverse areas as ultrahigh-speed optical telecommunications, ultrafast metrology, optical sensing, microwave engineering, image processing and optical computing, amongst others. The advantages of processing the information in the all optical domain are the tremendous available bandwidth and the parallelism intrinsic to the optical approach, which translate into ultrahigh processing speeds that otherwise are not possible.
In this field, we work in the application of these techniques in order to improve the fiber-optic networks. More specifically, we have worked combining periodic optical devices with dispersion (Chirped Fiber Bragg Gratings) with electro-optical modulators with several purposes, such as:
Contact: María José Erro