Public University of Navarre

Castellano | Academic year: 2023/2024 | Previous academic years:  2022/2023  |  2021/2022  |  2020/2021  |  2019/2020 
Bachelor's degree in Agricultural, Food and Rural Environment Engineering at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 501205 Subject title: GEOLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Basic Year: 1 Period: 2º S
Department: Ciencias

Partes de este texto:


Module/Subject matter




- Materials of the crust. Ltihology.

- Geomprphology

- Climate factors and climate elements

- Composition of the atmosphere. Climate change.


General proficiencies

  • CT5: Capacity to work on multidisciplinary and multicultural teams
  • CB1: Students are able to demonstrate they have acquired knowledge and understanding in a field of study based on the basic foundations gained within their general secondary education together with the support of advanced textbooks and aspects of the latest advances in the field.
  • CB4: Students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialized or non-specialized audiences.


Specific proficiencies

  • CE 6:  Basic knowledge of the geology and morphology of terrain and its application to problems related to engineering. Climatology.
  • CE-28 Ability to recognize, understand, and utilize the principles of agricultural and landscape Engineering, environmental legislation and management, sustainable development principles, market and professional strategies, assessment of environmental assets, hydrology, erosion, plant material production, use, and maintenance, ecosystems and biodiversity, physical environment and climate change. Analysis, management, and land use planning. Landscaping principles. Specific design and graphic expression tools, practical development of environmental impact studies, environmental and landscaping restoration projects. Projects and maintenance plans for green spaces. Development projects. Tools for spatial and landscape planning. Projects and works management and planning
  • CG2: Adequate knowledge of the physical problems, technologies, equipment, and water and energy supply systems, the limits imposed by budgetary factors and building regulations, the relationships between installations and/or buildings with farms, agro-food industries and spaces related to gardening and landscaping with their social and environmental surroundings, as well as the need to relate those surroundings from that environment with human needs and environmental protection.


Learning outcomes

R1. To identify and get to know the materials forming the Earth¿s crust

R2. To identify and get to know the different geomorphologic features in natural and rural landscapes

R3. To know the factors and elements of climate

R4. To Know and apply the most significant climate classifications for agronomical studies

R5. To identify the causes and effects of climate change and the mitigation tools in the agri-food sector.


ENAEE-2: A systematic understanding of the concepts and key aspects of your engineering branch.
ENAEE-7: The ability to choose and apply appropriate analytical and modelling methods.
ENAEE-17: Work effectively both individually and as a team.



 Methodology - Activity In-person classes Non in-person classes
A-1 Theory classes 30 37.5
A-2 Lab and practical sessions 19.5  22.5
A-3 Debate, Exchange and collaborative sessions, group sessions    
A-4 Personal Project work 7.5 30
A-5 Reading    
A-6 Individual study    
A-7 Exams and other tests 3  
A-8 Individual tutorial sessions    
Total 60 90



Weight (%) It allows
test resit
required grade
R1, R2, R3, R4 & R5 Individual work of the student in class. 20 No  
R1, R2, R3, R4 & R5 Written proof on the concedpts developed in the course. 50 Yes 5
R1, R2, R3, R4 & R5  Oral presentation in the classroom. Practical classes* 20 No  
R1, R2, R3, R4 & R5 Group work. Oral presentation. 10 No  

*Practical classes are mandatory and cannot be retaken. Passing practical classes is also necessary to pass the course, both at the ordinary and extraordinary evaluation sessions. At the end of each practice, a report must be submitted. The final mark of the practices will be the average of the qualifications obtained during the practical classes.




1. Introduction to Earth Science. Structure, geochemistry and evolution of the Earth. The geological time scale.

2. Essentials of Crystallography and Mineralogy. Structure and physical properties of minerals. Classification of minerals. Oxides and hydroxides. Carbonates. Silicates.

3. Phylosilicates.

4. Rocks. Classification. Igneous rocks. Metamorphic rocks. Sedimentary rocks. Chemical weathering. Regional geologic framework.

5. Use and exploitation of geological resources. Applications in environmental geology. Geology and mining resources. Geologic materials for building, energy production and fertilization.

6. Factors conditioning landscape formation. Lithology, Structural factors, Climate. Dynamic and human-induced changes.

7. Agents of landscape formation. Rivers. Glaciers. Wind. Oceans. Landforms and sedimentation in local conditions. Land morphology as a factor of soil formation.

8. Essentials of hydrogeology. Hydrologic basin. Hydrogeological basin. Hydrogeological behavior of rocky materials and Quaternary deposits.

9. Introduction to Climate Science. Structure and composition of the atmosphere. Factors and elements of climate. Meteorological stations.

10. Solar radiation.

11. Heat and Temperature.

12. Atmospheric moisture. Winds. General circulation of the atmosphere.

13. Evapotranspiration. Water balances.

14. Climate classification. Agro-climates. Climate as a factor of soil formation.

15. Climate change. Causes and effects. Past climates. Climate changes due to changes in the composition of the atmosphere.



Experimental practice program


1st  PART: Geology & Geomorphology

  • Interpretation of geological maps (two sessions)
  • Crystallography. Study of models and elements of symmetry and resolution of problems.
  • Tools for minerals and rocks identification
  • Oral presentation about geological map.
  • Photogeology and photointerpretation (two sessions)

2nd PART: Climtaology

  • Analysis of the elements of climate I: Radiation
  • Analysis of the elements of climate II: Temperature
  • Analysis of the elements of climate III: Evapotranspiration (Method of Thornthwaite, Turc and Pruitt y Doorenbos (FAO))
  • Calculation of the water balance
  • Climate classification (Martonne´s aridity Index, Walter-Lieth climograph, Thornthwaite and Papadakis classifications)



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

Bibliografía básica


Barry, R.G., Chorley, R.J. Atmósfera, tiempo y clima. (7ª edición).  Ediciones Omega, S.A. Barcelona, 1999. ISBN 84-282-1182-5


Bridge, J. Earth surface processes, landforms and sediment deposits. Ed. Cambridge, 2008


de Freitas, M. H. Engineering Geology. Principles and Practice  Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. ISBN: 978-3-540-68626-2


Elías Castillo, Fco. y Castellví,  F. Agrometeorología. Coedición: Min. Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación y Mundi-Prensa, Madrid, 1996


Gobierno de Navarra.  Mapa Geológico de Navarra. Dpto. de Obras Públicas Gobierno de Navarra, 1992, Venta en Servicio de Cartografía (Avda. San Ignacio en Pamplona)


Gutiérrez Elorza, M. Geomorfología climática. Ed. Omega, 2001


LaMoreaux J. W. Environmental Geology. Springer, New York, NY. ISBN: 978-1-4939-8787-0


Oliver. J. E (editor). Encyclopedia of World Climatology. Springer, Dordrecht. ISBN: 978-1-4020-3266-0


Pozo Rodríguez, M., González Yélamos, J. y Giner Robles, J. Geología Práctica. Ed. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004


Sánchez Rodríguez, J. Instrumentos meteorológicos. Ed. Instituto Nacional de Meteorología. Min. Transporte, Turismo y Comunicaciones, Madrid, 1990


Tarbuck y Lutgens. Ciencias de la Tierra. Una introducción a la Geología física. Ed. Prentice Hall, 2002


Bibliografía complementaria

Fuentes Yagüe, J.L. Iniciación a la meteorología y la climatología. Ed. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid, 2000. ISBN 84-7114-869-2

Fernández García, F. Manual de climatología aplicada: clima, medio ambiente y planificación. Ed. Síntesis, Madrid, 1995. ISBN 84-7738-275-1

Gobierno de Navarra. Website de Climatología (link)

Strahler, A.N. Geología física. Ed. Omega, Barcelona. 1997. ISBN 978- 8428207706



