Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2024/2025 | Previous academic years:  2023/2024 
Bachelor's degree in Medicine at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Credits: 3 Type of subject: Optative Year: 5 Period: 2º S
Department: Ciencias de la Salud
BATLLORI GASTON, MIKEL (Resp)   [Mentoring ]

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Module/Subject matter

Módulo: Optatividad

Materia: Optatividad



- Perioperative medicine, focused on anesthesiology as a transversal specialty in the comprehensive care of the patient who is going to undergo surgical or invasive procedures.

- Clinical simulation in anesthesiology. Teamwork and management of critical situations in the perioperative context. -Advanced anesthesiological pharmacology: inhalation anesthetics, intravenous hypnotics, neuromuscular blockers, local anesthetics.

- Mechanic ventilation. -Ventilation assistance and support, including techniques and devices for advanced airway management.

- Advanced clinical monitoring, including the understanding of the technological bases that underlie the different monitoring modalities, as well as the management of the monitors themselves.

- Anesthesiology in special situations. Identification of patients at high anesthetic-surgical risk and patient optimization strategies.

-Chronic pain. Pathophysiology of the main pain syndromes. -Advanced pharmacology for the treatment of pain. -Invasive techniques in pain management.


General proficiencies

  1. Understand the fundamentals and principles of anesthesiology as a transversal specialty in comprehensive perioperative patient care.
  2. Develop teamwork and effective communication skills in clinical and simulation environments.
  3. Master the use and application of advanced anesthetic pharmacology for safe and effective management of the surgical patient.
  4. Acquire solid knowledge of the basic concepts of mechanical ventilation and its relevance in the perioperative context.
  5. Familiarize with techniques and devices for advanced airway management and ventilatory support.
  6. Learn the principles and fundamentals of advanced clinical monitoring in anesthesiology.
  7. Recognize and address special situations and high-risk anesthetic-surgical patients effectively.
  8. Understand the pathophysiology and management of chronic pain, as well as available therapeutic options.
  9. Know and critically evaluate advanced pharmacology used in pain management.
  10. Familiarize with invasive techniques used in the management of chronic pain.


Specific proficiencies

  1. Identify and explain the anesthesiologist's responsibilities in the perioperative management of the surgical patient.
  2. Demonstrate leadership and teamwork skills during simulated critical situations in the perioperative context.
  3. Differentiate between different types of anesthetics and explain their mechanisms of action, pharmacokinetics, and adverse effects.
  4. Describe the most common modes of mechanical ventilation and their application in the perioperative patient.
  5. Demonstrate the ability to perform endotracheal intubation and manage advanced airway support devices.
  6. Interpret data accurately provided by vital signs and blood gas monitors during the perioperative period.
  7. Develop preoperative optimization strategies for patients with significant comorbidities.
  8. Identify underlying mechanisms and treatment options for different types of chronic pain.
  9. Evaluate the efficacy and potential side effects of drugs used in chronic pain treatment.
  10. Master the technique of catheter placement and administration of local drugs for chronic pain relief.


Learning outcomes

RA172.  To know and deeply interpret those aspects related to medicine that are not addressed in sufficient detail in compulsory subjects.



Training Activities Classroom based hours Personal work hours
Lectures / Interactive Sessions 26  
Practical Sessions 2  
Self-study and Student Work   35
Assessment Tests 2 10
TOTAL 30 45



Assessment activity Weight (%) Resit allowed Minimum required grade
Theoretical Exam 60 YES 5 out of 10
Practical cases Exam 20 NO N/A
Assignments or reports 20 NO N/A

If the minimum requirement for grading is not met in any of the assessment activities, the maximum grade for the subject would be 4.9 out of 10 (fail).



History of anesthesia.

2. Scope of anesthesia practice.

3. Intravenous anesthetics.

4. Inhalational anesthetics.

5. Opioids.

6. Local anesthetics.

7. Neuromuscular blocking drugs.

8. Spinal, epidural and peripheral nerve blocks.

9. Anesthesia delivery systems; general principles of mechanical ventilation.

10. Airway management.

11. Anesthetic monitoring.

12. Fluid therapy.

13. Preoperative evaluation; choice of anesthetic technique.

14. Anesthesia for cardiovascular disease.

15. Anesthesia for respiratory disease.

16. Ophthalmology and ENT procedures.

17. Anesthesia outside the OR

18. Obstetric anesthesia

19. Pediatric anesthesia.

20. Postanesthesia and postoperative pain.

21. Chronic pain management (I)

22. Chronic pain management (II)

23. Chronic pain management (III).


Experimental practice program

I. Vascular access and airway management.

II. Rapid sequence induction of anesthesia.

III. Basic clinical monitoring.



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

Basic bibliography

  1. Pardo MC, editor. Miller¿s basics of anesthesia. 8th ed. Philadephia, PA: Elsevier; 2023.
  2. Butterworth JF, Mackey DC, Wasnick JD, editores. Anestesiología de Morgan y Mikhail. 6a ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Education; 2018.
  3. Gropper MA, editor. Miller¿s anesthesia. 9th ed. Phildelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2020.
  4. Vidal J, director. Manual de medicina del dolor: fundamentos, evaluación y tratamiento. Madrid: Médica Panamericana; 2016.
  5. Catalá E, editor. Manual de tratamiento del dolor. 4a ed. Barcelona: Permanyer; 2020.
  6. Ballantine JC, Fishman SM, Rathmell JP, editors. Bonica´s management of pain. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer; 2019.






Campus de pamplona: Salud

Lugar (Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud)
