Public University of Navarre

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Bachelor's degree in Primary Education at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 312301 Subject title: SOCIETY, FAMILY AND INCLUSIVE SCHOOLS
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Basic Year: 2 Period: 1º S
Department: Sociología y Trabajo Social
BOLINAGA BLANCO, MILENA   [Mentoring ] DONER , FATMANIL   [Mentoring ]

Partes de este texto:


Module/Subject matter

Basic training / Socio-psycho-pedagogy



Through the contents of this subject, students are expected to acquire critical knowledge about education and its relationship with the social environment. The aim is to analyze and critically incorporate the most relevant issues of current society that affect the education system in general and the Early Childhood and Primary School in particular.

From a sociological perspective, the relationship between School and Society is presented, analyzing the functions it performs, its variation over time and how the State regulates this relationship through educational reform. Next, we analyze the way in which the fundamental types of social inequality -class, gender and ethnic-cultural-are simultaneously combated and reproduced by the school. Finally, it is dealt with how the transformations in contemporary societies are transforming the relationship between the school and the main socialization agencies: the family, the media and the peer groups.

From a pedagogical perspective, the concept of inclusive education is introduced. A school model inspired by this principle demands organizational and methodological changes, which will be analyzed. Preferential attention is given to the channels of family participation in the creation of the inclusive school, addressing the set of conditions necessary for it to be effective.


General proficiencies

2.1 Basic Proficiencies

BP2 - Students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess skills which are usually demonstrated by developing and defending arguments and resolving problems in their area of study.

BP3 - Students are able to compile and interpret relevant information (normally within their area of study) in order to voice opinions which include reflection on relevant themes of a social, scientific or ethical nature.

BP4 - Students are able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.

2.2. General Proficiencies

GP2 - To design, plan and evaluate teaching and learning processes, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and school professionals.

GP4 - To design and regulate learning spaces in contexts characterised by diversity which attend to the gender equality, fairness and respect for human rights which underpin the values of education in citizenship.

GP5 - To encourage harmonious coexistence in and outside the classroom, solve discipline problems and contribute to the peaceful resolution of conflicts. To stimulate and value effort, perseverance and personal discipline in schoolchildren.

GP6 - To be familiar with the organisation of primary education schools and the range of actions involved in their operation. To perform guidance and tutoring functions with schoolchildren and their families, attending to schoolchildren¿s unique educational needs. To accept that teaching, as a practice, must be constantly refined and adapted to scientific, pedagogical and social changes over the course of one's entire life.

GP7 - To collaborate with the different sectors of the educational community and social environment. To accept the educational dimension of the teaching profession and promote democratic education for active citizenship.

GP11 - To be familiar with Information and Communication Technology, and apply it in the classroom. To distinguish the audiovisual information which contributes to learning, civic education and cultural richness in a selective manner.

GP12 - To understand the function, possibilities and limits of education in today's society and the core competences which affect primary schools and the professionals who belong to them. To be familiar with quality improvement models as applicable to education centres.

2.3. Transverse Proficiencies

TP2 - To demonstrate a level of competence in Spanish and, where appropriate, Basque equivalent to the C1 level of the Council of Europe¿s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.


Specific proficiencies

SP2 - To design, plan and evaluate teaching and learning processes with other professionals according to interdisciplinary and disciplinary criteria.

SP4 - To design and regulate learning spaces in contexts of diversity which are multicultural and multilingual. To attend to the unique needs of schoolchildren, gender equality, fairness, respect and human rights.

SP5 - To reflect in depth on learning contexts and contexts of coexistence in schools, the acceptance of standards, consistency, personal discipline and respect for others.

SP6 - To be familiar with the organisation of primary schools and how they work in collaboration with the various sectors of the educational community and social environment.

SP7 - To encourage cooperation, the motivation and desire to learn, and to participate actively in the school¿s projects.

SP10 - To reflect on classroom practices in order to innovate and improve teaching, and associate them with the basic psychological processes, pedagogical models and disciplinary criteria of the stage of education.

SP13 - To perform guidance, tutoring and conflict-resolution functions with schoolchildren and their families. To be able to observe and acknowledge work well done.

SP14 - To contextualise teaching work in the face of political, social and pedagogical changes, and to foster democratic education and the development of active citizenship to achieve a sustainable future.


Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes are the concretion of the proficiencies that the student will acquire in the subject. Three levels are established:

- Optimum: acquisition of 100% of the proficiencies and mastery in at least 75% of them.

- Medium: acquisition of the majority of the proficiencies intended in the subject and mastery in those aspects that contribute to the specific competences of the degree.

- Deficient: insufficient acquisition of the aspects that contribute to the specific proficiencies of the degree.


A student gets an APT rating if the level of learning is optimal or medium.

Learning Outcomes in Sociology Part (LOS)

LOS 1. To know the relationship of the school with society through sociological concepts identifying:

a) The social functions of education, its variation over time and how the State ideologically regulates this relationship through reform;

b) The fundamental types of social inequality (social class, gender and ethnic culture) that the school fights and reproduces;

c) The transformations of current society that currently modify the relationship between the school and the main socialization agencies: family, media and peer group.

LOS2. Synthesize the information received in order to establish hierarchical orders through which

a) Distinguish concepts of fundamental importance from those of minor importance;

b) Select the essential information to understand and define the fundamental concepts discarding that whose secondary relevance.

LOS3. Understand how the relationship between school and society in each historical moment supposes:

a) A particular way of performing the social functions of the school that is ideologically constructed;

b) A different way of approaching the issue of social inequalities, both as a social reality and because of its impact on education.

c) A new way to build the joint action of the socialization agencies.

LOS4. Critically analyze the challenges, problems and situations of the current school that derive from their interaction with society.

LOS5. Apply the necessary concepts to know and understand the relationship between the school and the social environment:

a) In the resolution of the practical exercises proposed in the classroom.

b) In the resolution of problems raised in new contexts, to solve in non-contact work time.

LOS6. Critically evaluate and use concepts learned in the subject new educational proposals that arise in different areas of society and school to respond to the challenges and problems expressed by the different social agents.

Learning Outcomes in Pedagogy part (LOP)

LOP1. Identify (to Know) the concept of inclusive education and its relationship with the development of new center cultures and professionals in primary schools.
LOP2. Explain the complexity of human diversity and give examples of evidence in the school environment, based on the existing diversity of schools and families.

LOP3. Use the references established by the model of education and the inclusive school to determine the curricular and organizational measures appropriate to the educational response of students from the perspective of inclusion.

LOP4. Analyze the modalities of participation that can be articulated through inclusive schools: families, educational community and social institutions.

LOP5. Combine the concepts of family and school to be able to cooperate with families and the community in the development of a good education.

LO6. Assess the teaching role of the classroom tutor in the process of educational inclusion as a response to diversity.



5.1. Teaching methods

Code Description
TM1 Lecture with full attendance
TM2 Interaction in large group
TM3 Interaction in medium-sized group
TM4 Interaction in small group
TM4 Individualized interaction: tasks and guidelines for autonomous study

5.2 Learning activities

Code Description Hours Attendance
LA1 Theory classes (foundation, examples, proven applications and developments) 37,5 0
LA2 Practical classes or, in the event, practical experience (in the field) 22,5 80%
LA3 Team work 30 10
LA4 Self-study 50 0
LA5 Tutorials 5 0
LA6 Oral or written exams 5 100





Weight (%)


Weight (%)


It allows
test resit
required grade
LOS1, LOS2, LOS3, LOS4, LOS5, LOS6.  LOP1,LOP2, LOP3, LOP4, LOP5, LOP6. SE2: Group theoretical works (includes SE1 attendance and participation in class, 5%). 40 40 No  
LOS1, LOS2, LOS3, LOS4, LOS5, LOS6.  LOP1,LOP2, LOP3, LOP4, LOP5, LOP6. SE4: Oral or written tests: Final exam 60 60 Yes, 60% 5 (out of 10)
TOTAL   100 100 60  

The weight of the sociology and pedagogy parts in the final grade is proportional to the credits assigned to each of them, 4.5 and 1.5 respectively. Therefore, 75% of the grade corresponds to sociology and 25% to pedagogy. In turn, 40% of the grade for each of the two parts corresponds to the evaluation of group work and 60% to the final exam. However, it is necessary to pass both parts in order to pass the course.




BLOCK I. School and society

The social functions of the school

1.1. The school as part of society: static vision (structure)

1.2. Cultural function of the school

1.3. Political function of the school

1.4. Economic function of the school

1.5. Reproduction function of the social structure

1.6. Guard and custody function

1.7  Social change function

Social change and education in modernity.

2.1. The school as part of a society: dynamic vision (change)

2.2. School and social change: economic and social political changes

2.3.Education and postmodernity: pluralism, NTICS and consumer culture

2.4. Counter-learning

2.5. Origin and evolution of the Spanish educational system in modernity

Ideology and educational reform

3.1. Concept of education and educational system

3.2. Ideology and reform.

3.3. The hidden curriculum

3.4. The school culture.

3.5. Quality and excellence as ideology

BLOCK II. School and inequality

Education and social inequality

4.1. Stratification and inequality

4.2. Social class and education

4.3. From the segmented school the comprehensive school: human capital, equality of opportunities and meritocracy.

4.4. The limits of comprehensiveness: the theory of cultural capital

4.5. School failure and drop-out

4.6. Ownership: public and private centers

4.7. The ESCS (Index of economic, social and cultural status) and the PISA report

Education and gender inequality

5.1. The social construction of gender

5.2. Differential socialization of gender

5.3. Segregation, mixed education and co-education

5.4. Teachers and gender

Education and ethnic-cultural inequality

6.1. Immigration and education system

6.2. Assimilationism

6.3. Multiculturalism

6.4. Interculturalism

6.5  Cultural clash

BLOCK III. School and socialization agencies

Changes in the socializing role of the family in modernity

7.1. Diversification of family models

7.2. Immigration and family diversity

7.3. Models of character socialization in modernity

7.4. Changes in the socializing role of parents and teachers

7.5. The controversial Education for citizenship

The socializing role of the mass media

8.1. NTCS and social relations

8.2. The media and the family

8.3. The media and the peer group

8.4. The formation of critical viewers.

8.5. Advertising, fashion, brands and children's consumption

Social research and sociology of education (transversal theme)

9.1. The sociology of education

9.2. Quantitative social research techniques

9.3. Qualitative social research techniques


BLOCK IV. Inclusive Education

10.The school and its relationship with the environment. Inclusive School

10.1.Diversity concept evolution: from exclusion to inclusion.

10.2.Educational Inclusion: a new center culture, a new professional culture.

10.3.Necessary changes for inclusion: conceptual, curricular, organizational, methodological and formative levels.

11.Family and school as educational contexts: participation sense.

11.1.The concept of participation.

11.2. Family-school, school-family relationships.

11.3.Social relationships at the school from the inclusion perspective.

11.3.1. Interpersonal relationships among between peers.

11.3.2. Peaceful coexistence, mediation and conflict resolution



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

11.1. Basic bibliography

AINSCOW, Mel et al. (2000:) Guía para la evaluación y mejora de la educación inclusiva (Index for inclusion para PRIMARIA). Desarrollando el aprendizaje y la participación en los centros educativos. Descargable en:

Carbonell, J. (1996): La escuela entre la utopía y la realidad., Diez temas de sociología de la educación, Eumo, Barcelona.

Fernández Palomares, F. (coord.) (2003): Sociología de la Educación, Pearson, Madrid.
Taberner Guasp. J. (2008): Sociología y educación. Funciones del sistema educativo en las sociedades modernas, Tecnos, Madrid.

MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN (2009: Educación inclusiva, iguales en la diversidad. Descargable en:
Trinidad Requena, A., Gómez González, J. (2012), Sociedad, familia, educación, Tecnos, Madrid.

11.2. Detailing bibliography

AA.VV. (2008). Ideas para andar a la par. Dossier de Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 378, 61-69.
Ainscow. M. (2001). Desarrollo de escuelas inclusivas. Ideas, propuestas y experiencias para la mejorar las instituciones escolares Madrid: Narcea.

Alonso-Tapia, J (2005) Motivar en la escuela. Motivar en la familia. Madrid: Morata

Arnaiz, P. (2003). Educación inclusiva: una escuela para todos. Málaga: Aljibe.

Bauman, Z., (2013), Sobre la educación en un mundo líquido, Paidos, Barcelona.

Bazarra, L., Casanoca, O. & García Ugarte, J. (2007). Profesores, alumnos, familias.

Siete pasos para un nuevo modelo de escuela. Madrid: Narcea.

Besalú, X. (2002): Diversidad cultural y educación, Madrid, Síntesis.

Bolívar, A. (2006). Familia y escuela: dos mundos llamados a trabajar en común. Revista de Educación, 339, 119-146.

Carabaña, J. (2008): ¿El impacto de la emigración en el sistema educativo español¿, ARI, 63.

Carabaña, J. PISA 2006: sin novedad. Claves de Razón Práctica
Comellas, M.J. (2009). Familia y escuela: compartir la educación. Barcelona: Graó.

Dahlberg, G., Moss, P., Pence, A. (2005): Más allá de la educación en educación infantil, Graó. Barcelona.

Duran, D. y Miquel, E (2004) Cooperar para enseñar y aprender Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 331,73-76.

Durkheim, E., (2009) Educación y sociología, Poular, Madrid.

Echeita, G. (2006). Educación para la inclusión o educación sin exclusiones. Madrid: Narcea.
Echeita, G. (2006). Educación para la inclusión o educación sin exclusiones. Madrid: Narcea.
Fernández, J.M.; Velasco, N. (2003). Educación inclusiva y nuevas tecnologías: una convivencia futura y un diálogo permanente. Pixel Bit: Revista de medios y educación, nº21, 55-63.

Ferrés i Prats, J. (2008): La educación como industria del deseo, Gedisa, Barcelona.
García-Bacete, F.J. (2003). Las relaciones escuela-familia: un reto educativo. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 26(4), 425-437.

García-Bacete, F.J. (2006). Guía de recursos para promover las relaciones entre escuelas y familias. Cultura y Educación, 18(3-4), 311-328.

Hargreaves, A. (2003): Enseñar en la sociedad del conocimiento, Octaedro, Barcelona.
Macionis, J. y Plummer, K. (2007): Sociología, Pearson.
Martínez García, JS (2005) ¿Dos reflexiones sobre el sistema educativo español: El nivel educativo no cae, y las clases sociales sí existen¿, El viejo topo.
Moriña, A. y Parrilla, A. (2005). Criterios para la formación permanente del profesorado en el marco de la educación inclusiva. Revista de Educación, 339, 517-539.
Paniagua, G. & Palacios, J. (2005). Relaciones con las familias. En G. Paniagua & J. Palacios (Eds.). Educación infantil. Respuesta educativa ante la diversidad (pp. 265-294).Madrid: Alianza Editorial.

Parrellada, C. (2008). ¿Se invaden, se necesitan¿? Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 378, 47-51.

Parrilla, M.A. (2002). Acerca del origen y sentido de la educación inclusiva. Revista de Educación, 327, 11-30.

Rosario, P.; Mourao, R.; Núñez, J.C.; González-Pineda, J.A.; Solano, P. (2006). Escuela-familia: ¿es posible una relación recíproca y positiva? Papeles del Psicólogo, 27(3), 171-179.

Sandoval, M. (2008). La colaboración y la formación del profesorado como factores fundamentales para promover una educación sin exclusiones. Contextos educativos, 11, 149-159.
Sandoval, M., López, Mª.L., Miquel E., Duran, D., Giné, C. y Echeita, G. (2003). Index for Inclusion. Una guía para la evaluación y mejora de laeducación inclusiva. Contextos Educativos, 5, 227-238.

Santos Guerra, M.A. (2006). El pato en la escuela o el valor de la diversidad. Madrid: CAM- Encuentro.






Arrosadia Campus of the Public University of Navarra. For specific classroom, see the website of the Faculty of Humanities, Social and Educational Sciences.

