Public University of Navarre

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Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 311615 Subject title: PRONUNCIATION AND ORAL PRACTICE (ENGLISH)
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Optative Year: 3 Period: 2º S
Department: Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación

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Module/Subject matter

Optativo / Mención en Lengua extranjera: Inglés



Students will improve their pronunciation of English and will acquire tools to teach pronunciation.


General proficiencies

2.1 Basic Proficiencies (comunes a los cuatro grados)

BP1 - Students have demonstrated that they possess knowledge of and understand an area of study, based on general secondary education and usually at a level which, albeit with the support of advanced text books, also includes some aspects which imply knowledge of the latest developments in their field of study.

BP2 - Students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess skills which are usually demonstrated by developing and defending arguments and resolving problems in their area of study.

BP5 - Students have developed those learning skills required in order to undertake further studies with a considerable degree of self-reliance.

2.2. General Proficiencies

GP1 - To be familiar with the objectives, curricular content and evaluation criteria of Early Childhood Education.

GP2 - To promote and facilitate learning in early childhood from a global perspective, integrating the different cognitive, emotional, psychomotor and volitional dimensions.

GP3 - To design and regulate learning spaces in contexts characterised by diversity which attend to the unique educational needs of children, gender equality, fairness and respect for human rights.

GP11 - To reflect on classroom practices in order to innovate and improve teaching. To acquire habits and skills for autonomous and cooperative learning, and promote it among children.

GP12 - To understand the function, possibilities and limits of education in today's society, and the core competences which affect early childhood education centres and the professionals who belong to them. To be familiar with quality improvement models as applicable to education centres.

2.3. Transverse Proficiencies

TP1 - To demonstrate a level of competence in English, French, German or Italian equivalent to the B1 level of the Council of Europe¿s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.


Specific proficiencies

SP1 - To be familiar with the objectives, curricular content, organization, methodology and evaluation criteria of Early Childhood Education.

SP2 - To promote learning in early childhood from a global perspective, integrating cognitive, emotional, psychomotor and volitional dimensions.

SP3 - To design learning spaces in contexts characterized by diversity and in multicultural and multilingual environments which attend to the unique needs of children, gender equality, fairness and the development of human rights.

SP4 - To reflect on learning contexts and contexts of coexistence in education centers. To be able to observe systematically, acknowledge work well done, accept the rules and respect others.

SP12 - To organize actively the processes of teaching and learning the contents of Early Childhood Education from a perspective of skills development.


Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes are the realization of the skills that students acquire in the matter. Three levels are


- Optimal level: 100% acquisition of skills and expertise in at least 75% of them.

- Standard or medium level: acquisition of the majority of the alleged relevant powers and expertise in

those aspects contributing to the specific competencies of the title.

- Deficient Level: Insufficient acquisition of the aspects contributing to the specific competencies of the


A student gets a grade of APTO if the level of learning is optimal or medium.

In this subject these learning outcomes are specified as follows:

 R1. Conocimiento del sistema fonológico de la lengua inglesa

 R2. Concienciación respecto a las variedades acentuales de la lengua inglesa

 R3. Adquisición de una pronunciación correcta en lengua inglesa. 

 R4. Adquisición de herramientas para enseñar pronunciación.

 R5. Adquisición de herramientas para mejorar la propia pronunciación.

 R6. Concienciación respecto a la importancia de la pronunciación en lengua inglesa.



5.1. Teaching methods

Code Description
TM1 Lecture with full attendance
TM2 Interaction in large group
TM3 Interaction in medium-sized group
TM4 Interaction in small group
TM5 Individualised interaction: tasks and guidelines for autonomous study

5.2. Learning activities

Code Description Hours Attendance
LA1 Theory classes (foundation, examples, proven applications and developments) 45 100
LA2 Practical classes or, in the event, practical experience (in the field) 15 100
LA3 Preparation of papers and oral defence 30 10
LA4 Self-study 50 0
LA5 Tutorials 5 100
LA6 Oral or written exams 5 100




Weight (%) It allows
test resit
required grade




Learning outcomes Description % % Recoverable
R1, R5, R6 ES1-Attendance and participation in class or, where appropriate, in a school 0 0
R1, R5, R6 ES2-Theory review and summary work 0 0
R1, R3, R6 ES3-Practical work: observation, proposal and, where appropriate, evaluation 50 100%
R2, R3, R4, R5 ES4-Partial or complete oral or written assessments 50 100%



1. Phonetics and phonology
2. Speech production
3. Accents and RP
4. Classification and transcription of english sounds
5. The word: syllables and accents
6. Connected speech
7. Intonation



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

10.1 Compulsory
English phonetics and phonology
ROACH, P. (1985): English phonetics and phonology. Cambridge: CUP.
10.2 Other references
Basque phonetics and phonology
TXILLARDEGI, K. (1982): Euskal fonología. San Sebastián: Ediciones Vascas.
Spanish phonetics and phonology
QUILIS, A. (1993): Tratado de fonética y fonología españolas. Gredos: Madrid.
English phonetics for spanish speakers
FINCH, D. F. y ORTIZ LIRA, H. (1982): A course in English phonetics for Spanish speakers. Londres: Heineman.
MOTT, B. (2000): English Phonetics and Phonology for Spanish Speakers. Barcelona: EUB.
Teaching pronunciation
HANCOCK, M. (1995): Pronunciation Games. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
TRIM, J. y KNEEBONE, P. (1975): English Pronunciation Illustrated. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
VAUGHAN-REES, M. (2003): Test your Pronunciation. Harlow: Penguin English guides.
GARCÍA LECUMBERRI, M. L. y MAIDMENT, J. A. (2000): English Transcription Course. Londres: Arnold.
MORRIS, I. (1984): English Phonemic Transcription. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
BAKER, A. (1981): Ship or Sheep? An intermediate pronunciation course. Cambridge: CUP.
BOWLER, B. y CUNNINGHAM, S. (1999): New Headway Pronunciation Course. (Intermediate and Upper Intermediate). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Transcription dictionaries
JONES, D. (1997): English Pronouncing Dictionary (15ª edición). P. Roach y J. Hartman (eds.). Cambridge: Cambrige University Press.
WELLS, J. C. (2000): Longman Pronunciation Dictionary. Harlow: Longman.
Internet references
The International Phonetic Association Web Page:
IPA ( P. Ladefoged ):
The Speech Internet Dictionary (SID):
University College London (Download IPA Fonts):
Prosody on the web:
FonAtari: euskal fonetikaren ataria):
Centro virtual Cervantes:
Online dictionary:






Arrosadia Campus of the Public University of Navarra. For specific classroom, see the website of the Faculty of Humanities, Social and Educational Sciences.
