Course code: 311605 | Subject title: TEACHING ART | ||||
Credits: 6 | Type of subject: Mandatory | Year: 3 | Period: 2º S | ||
Department: Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación | |||||
Lecturers: | |||||
CALVELHE PANIZO, LANDER (Resp) [Mentoring ] |
MODULE: Didactic and disciplinary.
SUBJECT: Visual arts, musical and corporal expression and its didactics
The study plan provides for the development of the following content: Training trends in visual arts education; Art education in the curriculum; Visual arts learning processes and methodologies; The didactic resources and materials of the visual arts; Development of plastic and visual expression, which we can describe as follows:
C1. Formative trends in arts education and visual culture
C2. The didactics of arts and visual culture in early childhood education
C3. Didactic resources and materials of the arts and visual culture for early childhood education.
C4. Development of a pedagogy of projects from the education of the arts and visual culture.
C5. The arts education curriculum in early childhood education.
C6. The contents and competencies of visual arts education in early childhood education.
C7. The evaluation of the processes of creation and interpretation in early childhood education
C8. The creative processes of the arts and visual culture as a model for the children's classroom.
CE1 Know the objectives, the curricular contents, the organization, the methodology, and the evaluation criteria of Early Childhood Education
CE2 Promote learning in early childhood from a globalizing and integrating perspective of the cognitive, emotional, psychomotor and volitional dimensions
CE3 Design learning spaces in contexts of diversity and in multicultural and multilingual spaces, attending to the unique needs of students, gender equality, equity, and the development of human rights
CE4 Reflect on the contexts of learning and school coexistence. Know how to observe systematically, validate a job well done, accept the rules, and respect others
CE5 Reflect on classroom practices to promote innovation. Acquire habits and skills for autonomous and cooperative learning, and learn about quality management models
CE7 Know the educational implications of information and communication technologies
CE12 Actively organize the teaching and learning processes of the contents of Early Childhood Education from a perspective of developing skills.
The learning outcomes are the specification of the skills that the student will acquire in the subject. Three levels are established:
- Optimum: acquisition of 100% of the skills and mastery in at least 75% of them.
- Medium: acquisition of most of the competencies sought in the subject and mastery in those aspects that contribute to the specific competencies of the degree.
- Deficient: insufficient acquisition of the aspects that contribute to the specific competences of the degree.
A student gets a PASS if the learning level is optimal or average.
These learning outcomes are specified in this subject as follows:
They are presented in relation to competencies, training activities and evaluation instruments:
CB1 Possess and understand knowledge of the area of study at a level that is supported by advanced textbooks and includes knowledge from the forefront of their field. | AR1. Know characteristics of different training models in early childhood education and understand the pedagogical criteria that underlie each of the models | C1. Trends and training models in arts education and visual culture in early childhood education. | AF1 Lectures/participatory classes AF5 Reading of bibliographical material / watching videos. AF6 Individual study of the student. | SE1 Participation in class SE2 Application exercises SE4 Partial or group oral or written tests |
CB2 Apply their knowledge to their work in a professional way, which is usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defence of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of study. | AR2. Analyse the factors that arise in common situations of art education in the early childhood education classroom to develop and argumentatively defend proposals that promote learning and solve problems of this stage. | C2 The teaching of arts and visual culture in early childhood education C3 The teaching resources and materials of the arts and visual culture for early childhood education. | AF2 Practical classes AF3 Debates, sharing, AF4 Work preparation | AF2 Practical classes AF3 Discussions, sharing, AF4 Work preparation SE1 Participation in class SE2 Application exercises SE3 Practical work: observation, proposal and, where appropriate, evaluation. SE4 Partial or joint oral or written tests SE5 Teacher's record |
CG12 Understand the role, possibilities and limits of education in today's society; the competences that affect EI schools and their professionals. Know models of quality improvement with application to educational centers. | AR3. Analyse innovative proposals for artistic education and discuss the functions, possibilities and limits that they promote in the field of early childhood education. | C4 Development of a pedagogy of projects from the education of the arts and visual culture in early childhood education. C5. The arts education curriculum in early childhood education. | AF1 Lectures/participatory classes AF2 Practical classes AF3 Debates, sharing, AF4 Preparation of work AF5 Reading of bibliographical material / viewing of videos. AF6 Individual study of the student. | SE1 Attendance and participation in class SE2 Application exercises SE3 Practical work: observation, proposal and, where appropriate, evaluation. SE4 Partial or joint oral or written tests SE5 Teacher's record |
CT2 Demonstrate linguistic competence in Spanish and, where appropriate, in Basque and English equivalent to a C1 level. | RA4 Express themselves adequately and grammatically correct, both orally and in writing. | All contents | AF3 Debates, sharing, AF4 Preparation of work AF7 Exams or assessment tests AF8 Individual tutorials | SE3 Practical work: observation, proposal and, where appropriate, evaluation. SE4 Partial or joint oral or written tests |
CE1 Know the objectives, the curricular contents, the organization, the methodology, and the evaluation criteria of Early Childhood Education | AR5. Know the curricular foundations of artistic education in Early Childhood Education and apply them in a practical way through the design of activities or didactic projects, properly articulating objectives, content, methodology and evaluation criteria. | C2 The didactics of the arts and visual culture in early childhood education C5. The arts education curriculum in early childhood education. C6 The contents and skills of arts education and visual culture in early childhood education. C7 The evaluation of the processes of creation and interpretation in early childhood education | AF1 Lectures/participatory classes AF2 Practical classes AF4 Preparation of work AF5 Reading of bibliographic material AF6 Individual study of the student. AF7Exams or assessment tests | SE1 Participation in class SE2 Application exercises SE3 Practical work: observation, proposal and, where appropriate, evaluation. SE4 Partial or joint oral or written tests SE5 Teacher's record |
CE2 Promote learning in early childhood from a globalizing and integrating perspective of the cognitive, emotional, psychomotor and volitional dimensions. | AR6. Understand the fundamentals of a globalizing and integrating perspective in Early Childhood Education and apply them in the design of globalizing and integrating educational proposals. | C2 The didactics of the arts and visual culture in early childhood education C6 The contents and skills of arts education and visual culture in early childhood education. C7 The evaluation of the processes of creation and interpretation in early childhood education C8 The creative processes of the arts and visual culture as a model for the early childhood education classroom | AF2 Practical classes AF4 Preparation of work AF5 Reading of bibliographic material AF6 Individual study of the student. AF7 Exams or assessment tests | SE1 Attendance and participation in class SE2 Application exercises SE3 Practical work: observation, proposal and, where appropriate, evaluation. SE4 Partial or joint oral or written tests SE5 Teacher's record |
CE3 Design learning spaces in contexts of diversity and in multicultural and multilingual spaces, attending to the unique needs of students, gender equality, equity, and the development of human rights. | AR7. Analyse specific and exemplary classroom proposals for the treatment of diversity, applying the knowledge obtained in the design of educational proposals that take into account the unique needs of students. | C3 The teaching resources and materials of the arts and visual culture for early childhood education. C4 Development of a pedagogy of projects from the education of the arts and visual culture in early childhood education. C6 The contents and skills of arts education and visual culture in early childhood education. C8 The creative processes of the arts and visual culture as a model for the early childhood education classroom. | AF2 Practical classes AF4 Preparation of work AF5 Reading of bibliographic material AF6 Individual study of the student. AF7 Exams or assessment tests | SE1 Participation in class SE3 Practical work: observation, proposal and, where appropriate, evaluation. SE4 Partial or joint oral or written tests SE5 Teacher's record |
CE5 Reflect on classroom practices to promote innovation. Acquire habits and skills for autonomous and cooperative learning, and learn about quality management models | RA8. Use the knowledge obtained in the study of innovative proposals in children's artistic education to solve specific situations and problems typical of the classroom at this stage. | C3 The teaching resources and materials of the arts and visual culture for early childhood education. C4 Development of a pedagogy of projects from the education of the arts and visual culture in early childhood education. C7 The evaluation of creation and interpretation processes in early childhood education C8 The creative processes of the arts and visual culture as a model for the early childhood education classroom. | AF2 Practical classes AF4 Preparation of work AF5 Reading of bibliographic material AF6 Individual study of the student. AF7 Exams or assessment tests | SE1 Attendance and participation in class SE3 Practical work: observation, proposal and, where appropriate, evaluation. SE4 Partial or joint oral or written tests SE5 Teacher's record. |
CE7 Know the educational implications of information and communication technologies | AR9. Apply knowledge obtained on the educational implications of information and communication technologies in the design of work proposals with elements of children's visual culture. | C3 The teaching resources and materials of the arts and visual culture for early childhood education. C4 Development of a pedagogy of projects from the education of the arts and visual culture in early childhood education. C8 The creative processes of the arts and visual culture as a model for the early childhood education classroom. | AF2 Practical classes AF4 Preparation of work AF5 Reading of bibliographic material AF6 Individual study of the student. AF7 Exams or assessment tests | SE1 Participation in class SE3 Practical work: observation, proposal and, where appropriate, evaluation. SE4 Partial or joint oral or written tests SE5 Teacher's record |
CE12 Actively organize the teaching and learning processes of the contents of Early Childhood Education from a perspective of developing skills. | AR10. Apply an educational perspective based on the development of skills to classroom situations and proposals. | C2 The didactics of the arts and visual culture in early childhood education C5. The arts education curriculum in early childhood education. C6 The contents and skills of arts education and visual culture in early childhood education. C7 The evaluation of the processes of creation and interpretation in early childhood education | AF2 Practical classes AF4 Preparation of work AF5 Reading of bibliographic material AF7 Exams or assessment tests | SE1 Participation in class SE3 Practical work: observation, proposal and, where appropriate, evaluation. SE4 Partial or joint oral or written tests SE5 Teacher's record |
5.1. Teaching Methodologies
Code | Description |
MD1 | Keynote presentation in plenary |
MD2 | Large group interaction |
MD3 | Medium group interaction |
MD4 | Small group interaction |
MD5 | Individualized interaction: tasks and guidelines for autonomous study |
5.2 Formative Activities
Code | Description |
AF1 | Theoretical classes (fundamentals, exemplifications, contrasted applications and developments) |
AF2 | Practical classes or, where appropriate, external practices (field) |
AF3 | Preparation of papers and oral defense |
AF4 | Autonomous study of the student |
AF5 | Tutorials |
Learning outcome |
Assessment activity |
Weight (%) | It allows test resit |
Minimum required grade |
RA1, RA2, RA3, RA5, RA6, RA7, RA8, RA9, RA10. | SE1: Active participation in class. | 10% | No | |
RA1, RA3, RA4, RA5, RA6, RA9. | SE2: Theoretical works of review, application or synthesis. | 30% | Yes | 5 |
RA1, RA3, RA4, RA5, RA6, RA7, RA8, RA9, RA10. | SE3: Practical work. Observation, proposal and, if appropriate, evaluation. | 30% | No | 5 |
RA1, RA2, RA3, RA5, RA6, RA7, RA8, RA9, RA10. | SE4: Oral or written test, partial or as a whole. | 30% | Yes | 5 |
BLOCK 1: Pedagogical relations between art and childhood: between creative freedom and art as knowledge for children
BLOCK 2: Pedagogical relations between art and childhood: Art as an experience in the context of a pedagogy of projects
BLOCK 3: Creative strategies and curriculum for visual arts education in early childhood education.
Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.
11.1. Basic Bibliography
AGUIRRE ARRIAGA, I. (2006): Modelos formativos en educación artística: Imaginando nuevas presencias para las artes en educación. Foro Virtual Permanente del Congreso Regional en Formación Artística y Cultural para América Latina y El Caribe.
AGUIRRE ARRIAGA, I. (2007) Contenidos y Enfoques Metodológicos de la Educación Artística. Lección Magistral. Congreso de Formación artística y Cultural para la Región de América Latina y el Caribe, Medellín, 2007.
AGUIRRE ARRIAGA, I., (2009) Sobre los usos del arte en la escuela infantil. In-fan-cia: Educar de 0-6 años, nº 117-3, pp. 3-8
Curriculum Oficial Navarra (Nafarroako kurrikulum Ofiziala)
AGUIRRE ARRIAGA, I. (2015) Hacia una narrativa de la emancipación y la subjetivación desde una educación del arte basada en la experiencia. Docencia, 57 pp. 5-15. Santiago de Chile.
HERNÁNDEZ HERNÁNDEZ, F. (2002) Los proyectos de trabajo: Mapa para navegantes en mares de incertidumbre.Cuadernos de Pedagogía n.º 310.pp. 78-82
HERNÁNDEZ HERNÁNDEZ, F. (Coord.) (2004) Proyectos de trabajo. Una nueva forma de usar el conocimiento y de entender la educación. Nuevas reflexiones y experiencias sobre una propuesta muy innovadora. Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 332, Febrero 2004.
GREENE, M. (2005). Liberar la imaginación. Ensayos sobre educación, arte y cambio social. Barcelona: Graó.
KINCHELOE & STEINBERG (1997). Cultura infantil y multinacionales. Madrid: Morata (2000)
FEBRER, MERCÉ DE (2005 ) Es un regalo ir a trabajar cada día. En VV.AA Vivencias de maestros y maestras: Compartir desde la práctica educativa pp. 47-58. Barcelona: Graó
FEBRER, MERCÉ DE (2010) ¿Es real la realidad? Cuadernos de Pedagogía nº 400, Abril 2010, Pp 26-29.
ROMERO, MONTSE (2010) Yo quiero aprender a volar. Cuadernos de Pedagogía nº 400, Abril 2010, Pp 23-25
ANGUITA, MARISOL (2011) Cartografías de lo posible. (Trabajo de máster, inédito)
ANGUITA, MARISOL (2011). Yo soy tú, yo soy todos, pero yo soy yo. Revista Aula de infantil. (60), 21-23.
ANGUITA, MARISOL (2012). Cajas de vida: paisajes que nos narran. Cuadernos de Pedagogía. (422) 34-38.
ANGUITA, MARISOL (2014) Planeta grullas o de cómo desear juntos. Cuadernos de Pedagogía (448). 22-27.
11.2. Deepening bibliography
AGUIRRE ARRIAGA, I., (2000) Teorías y prácticas en educación artística, Universidad Pública de Navarra- Ocatedro (2005)
EFLAND / FREEDMAN / STUHR (2003) La educación en el arte posmoderno, Barcelona, Paidós, 2003.
EFLAND, A. - Una historia de la educación del arte, Barcelona, Paidós, , 2002.
EFLAND, A. (1996). «El currículum en red: una alternativa para organizar los contenidos de aprendizaje». Kikirikí, p. 42-43, 96-109.
EFLAND, A. (2004) Arte y cognición. La integración de las artes visuales en el currículum, Barcelona, Octaedro-EUB, 2004.
GIROUX, H.A., (1994), Los profesores como intelectuales públicos, Kikiriki, 34, (39-47).
HERNÁNDEZ HERNÁNDEZ, F., (1995), La clase como espacio de debate y construcción cultural, Kikiriki, 37, (4-8).
HERNÁNDEZ. F. (2007) Espigador@s de la cultura visual. Otra narrativa para la educación de las artes visuales. Barcelona: Octaedro.
VECCHI, VEA (2001) La luz: pensamientos, imaginarios y exploraciones. Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 307, p. 67-73. Noviembre, 2001.
Other resources: Videos
SANCHO, JUANA Mª. Pedagogía 2.0
Manipulación desde la infancia de la Publicidad para prepararnos en consumidores
HERNÁNDEZ, FERNANDO (Entrevista sobre proyectos de trabajo):
Conferencia sobre las Escuelas de Reggio Emilia:
CABANELLAS, I. Mensajes entre líneas. Gobierno de Navarra.
CABANELLAS, I. Momentos. Cantos entre balbuceos. Gobierno de Navarra /UPNA
Arrosadía Campus of the Public University of Navarra. To know the specific classroom, consult the Web page of the Faculty of Human, Social and Educational Sciences.