Public University of Navarre

CastellanoEuskara | Academic year: 2024/2025 | Previous academic years:  2023/2024  |  2022/2023  |  2021/2022  |  2020/2021 
Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 245703 Subject title: ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY
Credits: 3 Type of subject: Mandatory Year: 4 Period: 1º S
Department: Ciencias
GIL BRAVO, ANTONIO (Resp)   [Mentoring ] BIMBELA SERRANO, FERNANDO   [Mentoring ]

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Module/Subject matter

M25. Business administration, environmental and projects



The main objective of this course is to acquire applied knowledge about environmental technologies and sustainability. Industrial and domestic activities generate pollution and have to meet the necessary tools for its prevention and control.


General proficiencies

GC3: Knowledge in basic materials and technology that will enable them to learn new methods and theories, and give them with versatility to adapt to new situations.

GC4: Ability to solve problems with initiative, decision making, creativity, critical thinking and to communicate and transmit knowledge and skills in the field of Industrial Engineering in the specific technologies of Mechanical Engineering.

GC6: Capacity to manage specifications, regulations and mandatory standards.

GC7: Ability to analyze and assess the social and environmental impact of technical solutions.

GC10: Ability to work in a multilingual and multidisciplinary environment.

GC11: Knowledge, understanding and ability to implement the necessary legislation in the field of Industrial Engineering.


Specific proficiencies

SCC10: To learn the basics of environmental technology and sustainability.


Learning outcomes

L1: To write reports and prepare draft projects

L2: To apply the technical and administrative legislation for the execution of projects

L3: To understand the basic principles that govern the unitss of chemical processes and effluent treatment systems and their influence on pollution prevention and sustainable development

L4: To know the methods of pollution prevention and environmental management



Methodology- Formative activity  Attendance (h) Self study (h)
A-1 Lessons in classroom. 22.5  
A-2 Practicals 7.5  
A-3 Realization of groups projects   5
A-4 Personal study time   35
A-5 Tutoring and assessment tests 5  
Total 35 40




Weight (%) It allows
test resit
required grade
L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 Written assessment tests setting out the acquired concepts (EM) 75 Recoverable through an assessment test 5/10
L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 Written assessment tests setting out the acquired concepts (PM) 25 Recoverable through an assessment test Not

In this case, the final mark of the course, FM, is calculated as:

FM = 0.75 x (EM) + 0.25 x (PM)

where EM is the mark of the written exam and PM is the practicals mark.

If the exam mark is less than 5/10, the final mark of the course will be the one of the written exam.



The Environmental Technology course is divided into three thematic units:

Unit 1. Characterization and treatment of contaminated water.
Unit 2. Pollutants and air pollution control.
Unit 3. Management of municipal and industrial solid waste.


Experimental practice program

Evaluation and relation of the physicochemical parameters that characterize the degree of contamination of a residual water.

Determination of the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

Determination of ammonia concentration

Determination of nitrite concentration



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science. M.L. Davis and S.J. Masten. McGraw-Hill, Third Edition (2014).

Metcalf & Eddy, Wastewater Engineering. Treatment and Resource Recovery. Fifth Edition. Ed. McGraw-Hill (2000).

Contaminación ambiental. Una visión desde la Química. C. Orozco, A. Pérez, Mª.N. González, F.J. Rodríguez, J.M. Alfayate. Ed. Paraninfo (2011)



English. Basic bibliography in spanish.



Campus of Arrosadia
