Module/Subject matter
Module: Common formation
Matter: Introduction to Engineering and Project Management
The basic contents of the course are as follows:
- Classical theory of projects: introduction to the projects. Definition of classes of documents handled by an engineer. Definition of work teams and its composition. Review of the basic legislation in the field of telecommunications and the main agencies involved.
- Introduction to telecommunications and telecommunications in the economy: review of the role played by telecommunications in our society on a global, European, national and regional level. In this section different professionals from the industry will expose their experiences and views of the role of technical engineer of telecommunications on society. Along the course will be described the main technologies used in telecommunications and also those services and infrastructures that telecommunications can offer to society through the use of the above mentioned technologies.
- Building high performance teams. Creativity: Based on a creativity workshop the teams will be set and the rules of the game, with both global and individual goals for the development of this subject.
- Application of innovation and creativity in the everyday work: knowledge of the innovation Decalogue and its application in any process. The positive aspects of innovation and its direct application in everyday situations to optimize daily processes and their use throughout the career will be analyzed.
- Tools for planning and time management: methodologies for the management of time. Learning the use of basic tools for scheduling tasks and resource allocation.
General proficiencies
G.1. Entrepreneurship and innovation
G.2. Teamwork
G.3. Self-learning
G.4. Efficiency in oral and written communications
G.5. Efficiency in the management of information resources
G.6. Ethical commitment and sustainability
CB2. Students should be able to know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess skills that tend to be demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and solving problems within their field of study
CB3. Students should be able to collect and interpret relevant information (usually within their study field) to suggest arguments taking into account relevant social, scientific or ethic issues
CB4. Students should be able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both a specialist and a non-specialist audience
CB5. Students should develop the learning skills needed to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy
Specific proficiencies
2.1. Ability to learn new knowledge and techniques suitable for the conception, development, or exploitation of systems and telecommunication services autonomously.
2.2. Ability to use communication applications and computer (office, databases, advanced calculus, project management, visualization, etc.) to support the development and operation of networks, services and applications of telecommunications and electronics
2.3. Ability to use computer tools in search of bibliographic resources or information related to the telecommunications and electronics.
2.15. Knowledge of legislation and regulation of telecommunications at national, European and international levels.
Learning outcomes
- Use tools such as spreadsheets, databases, tools for planning and project management and tools, such as videoconferencing for development and for collaborative work, project management and maintenance of engineering projects.
- Describe the role of new information and communications technology in the economic and social fields
- Describe a technology that has been known from a technical paper.
- Know the Telecommunications Market Commission and their functions.
- Know the bases for managing the radioelectric space and allocation of frequencies.
- Know the national and international agencies responsible for regulating telecommunications and relevant regulations.
Know and identify the various agencies at regional, national and international level responsible for regulation related with telecommunications (CNMC, SETSI, CENELEC, etc). Knowing how to find information in them.
- Know the different Telecommunications associations in Spain.
- Learn about the professional associations.
- Know the basis for entrepreneurship: establishing a company.
- Know the importance of the commercial part of a job.
- Develop economic proposals on technical tasks.
- Design and implement effectively an oral presentation, respond adequately to technical issues and write correctly write basic level technical reports.
- Work in group effectively, identifying the objectives of the group and planning the work to achieve the objectives, as well as assuming the responsibilities and commitments associated with the assigned task.
- Use the resources and services available to perform simple searches for information. Classify and summarize the information gathered. Rate intellectual Property and properly cite sources.
- Plan tasks recommended so that they are conducted in accordance with the guidelines set by the teacher and on schedule. Assess the degree of compliance learning objectives and detect the problems in the training progress itself.
- Know and apply the tools and techniques of both generating ideas and project management, which allow to solve known problems and create opportunities.
- Recognize the social and environmental implications of professional activity in the field of engineering. Identify the role of engineering as a profession,
its role in society and ethics and professional responsibility of the activity of an engineer. Assess the commitment to the principles of equal opportunity,
culture of peace and democratic values.
Training activities methodology is based primarily on the active participation of the student during the development of the subject. For this purpose defined 4 cornerstones:
- Exhibition of theoretical content for further discussion and development work in teams. For this first axis of the subject topics, content and duration of each of them are defined. Each topic is documented with bibliographic material and presentations made by the teachers. Also case studies of short duration will be defined so that students, grouped into teams, carry out a brief development and exposure in practice sessions to later enter into debate.
- Teamwork for the elaboration of a long-term project. In this second axis students will carry out work related to the subject and they must present it and defend it at the end of the course.
- Practical laboratory sessions for learning time planning and management tool. This third axis is very easy to implement since it's used a model of learning tool software in the laboratories of the University. As all the development of the subject, an eminently practical character will be given to these sessions.
- All of the above works will be accompanied by presentations and panel discussions given by professionals of telecommunication that provide their point of view from the professional experience in the development of his career.
Methodology - Activity |
Presential hours |
Non-presential hours |
A-1 Lectures |
20 |
15 |
A-2 Practice |
20 |
10 |
A-3 Presentations, debates |
10 |
5 |
A-4 Works |
10 |
60 |
Total |
60 |
90 |
Learning outcome |
Assessment activity |
Weight (%) |
It allows test resit |
Minimum required grade |
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17 |
Theoretical and practical exam |
50% |
Yes |
5/10 |
12, 13 |
Oral projects presentations |
10% |
No |
----- |
1, 13, 15, 16 |
Time analysis practices |
10% |
No |
----- |
1, 13, 16, 17 |
Consulting practices |
15% |
No |
----- |
1, 3, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 |
Final project presentation |
15% |
No |
----- |
The evaluation of the course will consist of different parts:
Examination on the theoretical contents exposed along the course, with a weight of 50%.
Final work presentation, with a weight of 15%.
Oral presentations of small projects, with a weight of 10%.
Presentations made at the practical sessions, with a weight of 10%.
Work with the time management tool, with a weight of 15%.
It is necessary to compensate for the final exam (getting 50% of the points) to score the rest of the scores. If the exam score is not compensated, the final numerical score will only be composed by the points obtained in this examination.
The extraordinary evaluation will consist only in a new theoretical test, keeping the qualifications obtained in the other activities. It is compulsory to carry out all the projects and assigned presentations and deliver jobs within the set deadlines.
Attendance to practices on fixed dates is also mandatory. They cannot be recovered in another date.
The qualifications obtained in the activities or tests in the previous semester of teaching of the subject are not preserved.
- Methodology.
- Evaluation.
- The profession of Technical Telecommunication engineering and Telecommunication Engineering.
- History of telecommunications
- Present
- Future: environmental intelligence, ubiquitous computing, Digital Home, Defense, social networks, satellite communications, Internet, mobility, safety on the network...
- Shannon's Model
- The concept of frequency
- Modulation
- Digitalization and its advantages
- The transmission process
- Broadcasting and routing
- Introduction. Types of networks
- Cable networks
- Not guided networks
- Cable telecommunications services. Pair, coaxial and fiber optic.
- Quality of service.
- Services XDSL.
- Wireless services.
- Mobile services.
- Broadcasters services.
- Electromagnetic fields.
- Transmission for guided procedure.
- Free transmission.
- Digital representation of information.
- Voice processing.
- Audio processing.
- Image and video processing
- Multimedia processing.
- Others processes in communications.
- Specific Telecommunications legislation.
- Market information and telecommunications technologies.
- Regulatory agencies and agents.
- Competent institutions in the field of telecommunications.
- Professional schools
- Professional activity, visa and checks
- Jobs
- Labour market
Creativity session.
Presentation of generic telecommunications project.
Presentation of offer.
Presentation on identification of technologies in a project.
ICT consulting work.
Time management tool.
Final project defence.
Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.
- Una panorámica de las telecomunicaciones. Autor: Aníbal Figueiras Vidal. Editorial: Prentice Hall. ISBN: 8420531006 ISBN-13: 9788420531007
- Dirección y gestión de proyectos. Autor: Alberto Domingo Ajenjo. Ra-Ma editorial Madrid 2000
- Guía de los fundamentos de la dirección de proyectos. Project Management Institute AEIPRO ISBN 84-605-7779-1
- Nuevo diseño europeo de las telecomunicaciones, el audiovisual e Internet. Gretel. Colegio oficial de ingenieros de telecomunicación, Madrid 2002
English and Spanish