Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2023/2024 | Previous academic years:  2022/2023  |  2021/2022 
Double Bachelor's degree in Management, Business Administration and Law (international program) at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 177890 Subject title: FINAL DEGRRE PROJECT (LAW)
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Year: 6 Period: 1º S
GOÑI LEGAZ, SALOMÉ (Resp)   [Mentoring ]

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Module/Subject matter

Final Degree Project



Each of the tutors will determine the specific topic that each student will have to develop and study in depth and will advise on the appropriate bibliography.


General proficiencies

Oral and written communication in their native language (C.G.3)

Problem solving skills (C.G.7)

Decision making skills (C.G.8)

Autonomous Learning (C.G.16)

Adapting to new situations (CG17)

Creativity (C.G.18)

Motivation for quality (C.G.21)


Specific proficiencies

Ability to handle legal sources (C.E.d.2)

Ability to apply information and communication technologies in different fields of action. (C.E. d.4)

Ability of relationship and basic legal argumentation. (C.E.d.8)

Ability to develop projects on company management and organization and Human Resources. (C.E.d.9)


Learning outcomes

Communicate appropriately in writing using appropriate terminology and techniques
Problem solving and decision making
Learning autonomously and acquiring the skills necessary to incorporate lifelong learning
Be able to adapt to new situations
Be creative and show initiative
Be motivated by quality and rigor in your work
Apply the contents and skills acquired in the different modules to specific cases. The competencies acquired will vary according to the profile that the End of Degree Project acquires
Knowing how to select and manage legal, economic and business management information and documentation
Develop research projects in the field of law
Interrelating the various disciplines that make up legal relations
Be able to advise on legal issues
Develop analysis and research projects on business and human resources organization and management


Learning outcomes Contents Formative Activity Evaluation instrument
Communicate appropriately in writing using appropriate terminology and techniques Elaboration of a research project under the supervision of a responsible professor. A.1-A.4. Written composition / oral presentation
Problem solving and decision making Elaboration of a research project under the supervision of a responsible professor. A.1-A.4. Written composition / oral presentation
Learning autonomously and acquiring the skills necessary to incorporate lifelong learning Elaboration of a research project under the supervision of a responsible professor. A.1-A.4. Written composition / oral presentation
Be able to adapt to new situations Elaboration of a research project under the supervision of a responsible professor. A.1-A.4. Written composition / oral presentation
Be creative and show initiative Elaboration of a research project under the supervision of a responsible professor. A.1-A.4. Written composition / oral presentation
Be motivated by quality and rigor in your work Elaboration of a research project under the supervision of a responsible professor. A.1-A.4. Written composition / oral presentation
Apply the contents and skills acquired in the different modules to specific cases. The competencies acquired will vary according to the profile that the End of Degree Project acquires Elaboration of a research project under the supervision of a responsible professor. A.1-A.4. Written composition / oral presentation
Knowing how to select and manage legal, economic and business management information and documentation Elaboration of a research project under the supervision of a responsible professor. A.1-A.4. Written composition / oral presentation
Develop research projects in the field of law Elaboration of a research project under the supervision of a responsible professor.. A.1-A.4. Written composition / oral presentation
Interrelating the various disciplines that make up legal relations Elaboration of a research project under the supervision of a responsible professor. A.1-A.4. Written composition / oral presentation
Be able to advise on legal issues Elaboration of a research project under the supervision of a responsible professor. A.1-A.4. Written composition / oral presentation
Develop analysis and research projects on business and human resources organization and management Elaboration of a research project under the supervision of a responsible professor. A.1-A.4. Written composition / oral presentation



Methodology - Activity Hours Attendance
A.1. Sessions for presentation of topics, objectives and general methodology 10 100
A.2. Elaboration of theoretical and practical work. 128  
A.3. Tutorials 10 100
A.4. Presentation of a paper 02 100




Weight (%) It allows
test resit
required grade
R92, R189, R17, R195, R203, R157, R14, R194, R140, R166, R197, R139. TFG elaboration      70% NOT RECOVERABLE  
R92, R203,R14, R140,R166, R139. Oral Defense 30% NOT RECOVERABLE  

The evaluation of the final project degree (FPD) will be carried out taking as a reference what is established in the rubric approved as an Annex to the Final Project Regulations of the Faculty of Law.
The FPD can be evaluated:
- Before the Director of the FPD in which case the maximum grade will be 6.9 (APPROVED).
- Before a Tribunal composed of three members appointed by the Faculty of Law.

The student may choose, at the time of registration of the FPD, to defend it before the Director or directly before a tribunal.
The student may request, after defending the FPD before the Director, to defend the FPD before an examining board. The examining board will not be bound by the grade of the Director and this grade will be the final grade.
Whether it is defended before the Director or before a Tribunal, the defense will be carried out by means of an oral and public presentation, lasting between 10-12 minutes. At the end of the defense, the evaluating body may ask any questions it deems appropriate in relation to the work presented.
The dates, times and places for the defense of the TFGs will be published well in advance of the defense.





The offer of topics for papers will be made public on the Faculty's website:

However, students will be able to decide with the professors on different topics to be agreed upon by both parties.



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

The one recommended by the tutor of each TFG.



The work will be prepared and defended in English or another language of the European Union, in accordance with the requirements indicated in the Final Degree Project Regulations of the Faculty and, subsidiarily, in those of the University.



The defense will be held at the Arrosadia Campus
