Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2024/2025 | Previous academic years:  2023/2024  |  2022/2023  |  2021/2022  |  2020/2021 
International Double Bachelor's degree in Economics, Management and Business Administration at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 176703 Subject title: MARKETING MANAGEMENT II
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Mandatory Year: 4 Period: 1º S
Department: Gestión de Empresas
MARCOS MATÁS, GUSTAVO (Resp)   [Mentoring ]

Partes de este texto:


Module/Subject matter

Fundamentals of Marketing / Fundamentals of Marketing.



This subject, Marketing Management II follows on from Marketing Management I in the previous semester. This subject aims to equip students with a new knowledge, different concepts and tools of marketing strategies based upon the main commercial instrumental variables: product, price, place and promotion.

Assume well-known the concepts of the subject 172402 Marketing Management I. It is recommended that you at least study the subjects 172101 Business economics and 172102 Fundamentals of economy.


General proficiencies

Not applicable.


Specific proficiencies

Not applicable.


Learning outcomes

RA01: Identify relevant economic information sources for the company and their content.
RA03: Derive relevant information for the company from data that cannot be recognized by non-professionals.
RA14: Understand what marketing is, its most important concepts, and its importance in organizations and the economy.
RA18: Evaluate, based on relevant information records, the situation and foreseeable evolution of a company.
RA20: Plan, organize, and control global management projects or those of the different functional areas of the company.
RA21: Apply policies and practices aimed at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of business management.
RA25: Use personal, social, and methodological knowledge, skills, and abilities to issue advisory reports on specific situations of companies and markets.
RA26: Analyze and solve complex business management problems by applying the knowledge, skills, and competencies acquired.



Formative activities In-class hours Out-of-class hours
A-1 Expository/ Participatory class sessions 24  
A-2 Practices 24  
A-3 Discussion, sharing in community, tutoring of groups 07  
A-4 Report elaboration   36
A-5 Reading material   22
A-6 Individual study   30
A-7 Exams, screening tests 05  
A-8 Tutoring individuals   02
Total 60 90




Weight (%) It allows
test resit
required grade
All E1. Final exam. 40 Yes. Exam 5
All E2. Results, participation and report of the simulation game. The score on the game, the level of participation and the use of appropriate tools in the execution of the game will be assessed 30 No No
All E4. Preparation and participation in practical cases. The work done during the session and the report will be assessed 20 Yes. Equivalent tests No
All E4. Preparation and participation in practical cases. The work done during the session and the report will be assessed 10 No No


When the student fails the activities in which there is a minimum grade required, the course grade will be a maximum of 4.5

For Erasmus and International program incoming students: This subject has a strong component of practice that is evaluated during the class (60%). Please, do not register for this subject if you are not sure that you can attend in-person classes.




Unit I: Product as an instrument

Module 1: Product and Brands: Building Customer Value

1.1. Define product and the major classifications of products

1.2. Branding strategy

1.3. Strategies of other product attributes

Module 2: Services: Building Customer Value

2.1. Define service and the major classifications of services

2.2. Marketing strategy in the services companies

Module 3: New-Product Development

3.1. New-product development strategies

3.2. The new-product development process

3.3. Managing new-product development

Module 4: Product Life-Cycle Strategies

4.1. Concept and the stages of the product life cycle

4.2. Product life-cycle management

Unit II: Price as an instrument

Module 5: Setting prices

5.1. Concept and importance of the prices

5.2. Factors when setting prices

5.3. Major pricing strategies

5.4. Price-Adjustment Strategies

Unit III: Placement as an instrument

Module 6: Design and management of marketing channels

6.1. Supply chains and the value delivery network

6.2. The nature and importance of marketing channels

6.3. Channel behaviour and organization

6.4. Channel design decisions

6.5. Channel management decisions

Module 7: Retailing, wholesaling, direct marketing and online marketing

7.1. Retailing: major types of retailers and their marketing decisions

7.2. Wholesaling: major types of wholesalers and their marketing decisions

7.3. Direct marketing: growth and benefits

Unit IV: Promotion as an instrument

Module 8: Design and management of communication

8.1. Communication marketing tools

8.2. Integrated marketing communications

8.3. A view of the communication process

8.4. Steps in developing effective marketing communication

8.5. Socially responsible marketing communication

Module 9: Mass communication strategies: advertising, public relations and sales promotion

9.1. Advertising

9.2. Public relations

9.3. Sales promotion

Module 10: Personal selling strategies

10.1. Personal selling

10.2. Managing the sales forces

10.3. Supervising and motivating salespeople

10.4. Managing the sales force



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

- Handout by the professor

- Readings and other references recommended by the professor

- Practical cases

Basic bibliography

- Kotler, P. & Armstrong, G. (2018) Principles of Marketing, 17th global edition, Pearson.

Complementary bibliography

- Kerin, R.A.; Hartley, S.W. & Rudelius, W. (2011) Marketing, 10th edition, McGraw-Hill.






Campus Arrosadía.
