Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2024/2025 | Previous academic years:  2023/2024  |  2022/2023  |  2021/2022  |  2020/2021 
International Bachelor's degree in Management and Business Administration
Course code: 174203 Subject title: STATISTICS I
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Basic Year: 1 Period: 2º S
Department: Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas

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Module/Subject matter

Quantitative Methods / Quantitative Methods



An introduction to basic statistical concepts on data analysis, such as Descriptive Analysis of Univariate and Bivariate data real data, Description and Analysis of Temporal Data. Basic probability notions and an introduction to random variables.

Excel will be the usual framework for data analysis. Moreover students will be briefly introduced to the statistical package R Commander.

MiAulario will provide a communication channel between students and instructors.

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Statistics for Economy and Business: Statistical applications in Business, types of data, data sources.
  • Chapter 2: Descriptive analysis of univariate data: frequency tables, graphical representations of data and statistical measures.
  • Chapter 3: Descriptive analysis of bivariate data: contingency tables and regression analysis.
  • Chapter 4: Time series analysis: Numeric and graphical description of temporal data, time series components.
  • Chapter 5: Probability and introduction to discrete random variables.


General proficiencies

Not applicable


Specific proficiencies

Not applicable


Learning outcomes

RA01: Identify relevant economic information sources for the company and their content.
RA02: Understand economic institutions as the result and application of theoretical or formal representations of how the economy works.
RA03: Derive relevant information for the company from data that cannot be recognized by non-professionals.
RA20: Plan, organize, and control global management projects or those of the different functional areas of the company.
RA25: Use personal, social, and methodological knowledge, skills, and abilities to issue advisory reports on specific situations of companies and markets.
RA29: Develop the skills necessary to understand and apply quantitative techniques to the interpretation and resolution of socioeconomic problems.



From a total of 60 hours, 40 will be devoted to theoretical, problem, and computer sessions.

The remaining period will be devoted to check students' individual progress and to evaluate their work. These sessions will be scheduled throughout the semester.

Being the aim of this course mainly practical, theoretical and computer sessions will be alternated:

a) Theoretical sessions will consist of the exposition of the contents by the instructor. Students will be encouraged to participate by asking and answering short questions and solving exercises, so they keep their attention in the development of the lecture.

b) Computer sessions will be guided by the instructor. Students will be asked to look for data and make use of the provided software to carry out different statistical analyses by using those notions previously introduced during the lectures.

Remark: If changes in the circumstances (partial/total confinement or quarantine) arise, teaching methodology will be revised and adapted (online) according to UPNA guidelines.

MiAulario will be used as the course web page.

Activity Classroom teaching Autonomous work
Lectures 28  
Practice 28  
Readings and autonomous work   87
Exams (continuous and final evaluation) 06  
Tutorials 01  




Weight (%) It allows
test resit
required grade
  Continuous evaluation. Problem resolution and interpretation of computer-obtained outputs. 60% Yes 5 / 10
  Final exam: Problem resolution and interpretation of outputs obtained with the statistical packages used during the semester. 40% Yes  No




Chapter 1: Introduction to Statistics for Economy and Business: Statistical applications in Business, types of data, data sources.

- Statistics. Steps of a statistical study and different statistical areas.

- Enter data into an Excel spreadsheet and other statistical packages.

- Types of variables and scales of measurement.

Chapter 2: Descriptive analysis of univariate data: frequency tables, graphical representations of data, and statistical measures.

- Frequency tables and graphical representations.

- Measures of central and non-central location.

- Box-plots.

- Measures of absolute and relative variability.

- Standardized scores.

- Measures of shape.

Chapter 3: Descriptive analysis of bivariate data: contingency tables and regression analysis.

- Contingency tables.

- Covariance and correlation.

- Statistical and Functional dependence.

- Simple linear regression: Least-squares method.

- Nonlinear regression models.

Chapter 4: Time series analysis. Numeric and graphical description of temporal data, time series components.

- Introduction.

- Graphical analysis of time series.

- Time series components and seasonal models.

- Trend analysis and analysis of seasonality.

Chapter 5: Probability and introduction to discrete random variables.

- Basic terminology of probability.

- Probability Rules.

- Conditional probability and independence.

- Bayes' Theorem.

- Random variables.

- Discrete random variables. Binomial and Poisson distributions.



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.


- PANIELLO, I.; RIVERA, R.; PORTILLA, M. (2011) "Statistical tools for socioeconomic data analysis". EDS.

- PANIELLO, I.; GARCIA, M.; RIVERA, R.; PORTILLA, M. (2012) "Basic Statistics with Microsoft Excel and R-Commander". EDS.

- NEWBOLD, P., CARLSON, W.L.; THORME, B. (2008) "Statistics for Business and Economics", Pearson Ed.


- ARNALDOS, F.; DÍAZ, T.; FAURA, U.; MOLERA, L.; PARRA, I. (2003) "Estadística Descriptiva para Economía y Administración de Empresas. Cuestiones tipo test y ejercicios con Microsoft Excel". 2ª edición revisada. Editorial AC-Thomson.

- CARRASCAL ARRANZA, U. (2007) "Estadística descriptiva con Microsoft Excel 2007". Editorial Rama.

- LIND; MARCHAL; WATHEN (2008) "Estadística aplicada a los negocios y la economía". 3ª edición en español (13ª en inglés). Ed. McGraw-Hill Interamericana.

- MARTÍN-PLIEGO, F.J. (2004) "Introducción a la estadística económica y empresarial: teoría y práctica". 3ª edición revisada. Editorial Thomson.

Students will be encouraged to use MiAulario. There students will find material for both theoretical lessons and computing lab sessions, together with data files and any other recommended additional material.






Campus Arrosadía. Building Mi Aulario.

Practice sessions in computer rooms.

Lectures in rooms as published at the Faculty website (follow link):
