Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2024/2025 | Previous academic years:  2023/2024 
Course code: 710415 Subject title: Marketing
Credits: 3 Type of subject: Year: NULL_VALUE Period: 2º S
Department: Gestión de Empresas

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Module/Subject matter

Markets, Strategy and Performance/Marketing.




1.- Introduction and Objectives

The purpose of the course is to introduce the students to some of the hot topics in Marketing, following an economics and analytical perspective. For each topic, two levels of analysis will be covered: the practitioner level and the academic research level.

The first part will review areas such as international marketing and marketing metrics.

The second part will cover the following topics: Choice and Customer Lifetime Value segmentation and targeting; Academic research in marketing: some examples.

2.- Methods of teaching and course activities

To pursue the course objective most effectively, students will have to:

1. Study the assigned reading materials.

2. Prepare and discuss cases, readings, and exercises in class.


3.- Course outline, agenda and bibliography

Session 1. Introduction to Marketing. Choice based segmentation and targeting (I)

  • Course presentation
  • Introduction to marketing.
  • The strategic marketing process: segmentation, targeting and positioning.
  • Choice based segmentation and targeting.
  • Choice models and Stata
  • Officestar example

Basic reading

  • Lilien et al (2009) Choice Modeling: Marketing Engineering Technical Note

Additional readings

  • Chicago Booth (2013) The Secrets of Shopping, Capital Ideas
  • Chintagunta, P.K., Chu, J. y Cebollada, J. (2012), ¿Quantifying Transaction Costs in Online / Offline Grocery Channel Choice¿, Marketing Science, January/February, 31 (1): 96-114.
  • Guadagni and Little, (1983) "A Logit Model of Brand Choice Calibrated on Scanner Data" Marketing Science, 2 (Summer), 203-238
  • Lilien, Gary L. and Arvind Rangaswamy (2004) Marketing Engineering: Computer-Assisted Marketing Analysis and Planning, Trafford Publishing, Revised 2nd Edition
  • Lilien, Gary L., Arvind Rangaswamy, and Arnaud De Bruyn (2007) Principles of Marketing Engineering, Trafford Publishing
  • Smith, M. D., & Brynjolfsson, E. (2001). Consumer decision¿making at an Internet shopbot: Brand still matters. The Journal of Industrial Economics, 49(4), 541-558.
  • Train, Kenneth, (2009) Discrete Choice Methods with Simulation, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Ed.


Session 2. Choice based segmentation and targeting (II)

  • Case ABB Electric.


Session 3. International Marketing

Reading List

  • Holt, D.B., Quelch, J.A., Taylor, E.L. (2004): ¿How global brands compete¿. Harvard Business Review 82 (9), pp. 68-75 (*)
  • Stoian, M.C.; Rialp, A.; Rialp, J. (2012): ¿International Marketing Strategy and Export Performance in Spanish SMEs: a Contingency Approach¿. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Vol. 15, p. 213 ¿ 236
  • CASE: Freixenet Multimedia Case

Session 4. Marketing Metrics

Reading list

  • Donthu, N; Hershberger, EK; Osmonbekov, T (2005): Benchmarking marketing productivity using data envelopment analysis. Journal of Business Research, Vol. 58, Issue: 11, p. 1474-1482 (*)
  • Färe, R., Grosskopf, S., Seldon, B. and Tremblay, V. (2004). ¿Advertising efficiency and the choice of media mix: a case of beer¿. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 22: 503-522. (*)
  • Pergelova, A.; Prior, D.; Rialp, J. (2008): "Assessing Advertising efficiency: Does Internet play a role?" Academia, Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, 41, p.91 ¿ 107 (*)

Session 5. Customer Lifetime Value(CLV) management (I)

  • The CLV concept
  • CLV segmentation and targeting
  • Factors affecting CLV
  • Other topics

Basic reading

  • Gupta, S., & Lehmann, D. R. (2003). Customers as assets. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 17(1), 9-24.

Additional readings

  • Gupta, S., Lehmann, D., & Ames Stuart, J. (2004). Valuing customers. Journal of Marketing Research, 7-18.
  • Gupta, S., & Lehmann, D. R. (2005). Managing customers as investments. Wharton School Pub.
  • Baerentzen, Andreas, (2006) Writing a Master¿ Thesis, unpublished document
  • University of Southampton, Web study and research at the U. of Southampton, undated and unpublished document


Session 6. Customer Lifetime Value management (II)

  • Case Royal Bank of Canada


General proficiencies

1. Analyse business cases from a theoretical perspective with the aim of better understanding organisational behaviours.

2. Analyse the structure and evolution of output and input markets and the optimal firm behaviour.

3. Develop a critical and a constructive attitude to one's work and that of others.

4. Display knowledge of the economic and institutional environment in which the economic agents interact within, or through, economic organisations.

5. Explain and motivate the analyses, interpret the results and present all these clearly and concisely in English.


Specific proficiencies

1. Master the technical and IT tools needed to carry out applied studies.

2. Distinguish the characteristics and relations of the different variables that condition corporate strategy.

3. Understand, analyse and solve complex problems related to the efficiency of organisations on the basis of broad knowledge of advanced tools for business economic analysis.


Learning outcomes

1. Assess the company's adaptation and optimal behaviour in these markets.

2. Design business policies aimed at improving competitive advantage.

3. Distinguish the different business strategies in real business operation.

4. Identify the different strategies driving organisational performance.

5. Study the competitive behaviour of companies in various contexts.



Activity Hours ECTS
1- Lectures, discussions and case presentations 18 0.72
2- Training and monitoring of work in progress and cases 06 0.24
3- Reading related cases and articles and practical preparation and study 18 0.72
Total 42 1.68



Weight (%) It allows
to resit
required grade
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Class assignments and class participation 50 Yes  
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Exams 50 Yes 5 out of 10

When the student fails the activities, evaluation instruments or exams in which there is a minimum grade required, the course grade will be a maximum of 4.9



Session 1. 

  • Course presentation.
  • Introduction to Marketing.  
  • Marketing Strategy.


  • Session materials
  • (University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing, 2015) chapters 1, 2 and 5

Optional readings

  • Kotler, P. (2017) Marketing Management, Pearson, chapters 1, 2 and 7

 Session 2.

  • Individual-based segmentation and targeting


  • Session materials
  • (Gary L. Lilien, Rangaswamy, & Bruyn, 2017)
  • (Elshiewy, Guhl, & Boztug, 2017)

Optional readings

  • (Ascarza, Fader, & Hardie, 2017)
  • (G L Lilien, Kotler, & Moorthy, 2009)

 Session 3.

  • Case ABB Electric


  • Case ABB materials

Session 4.

  • The CLV concept
  • CLV segmentation and targeting
  • Factors affecting CLV
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)


  • Session materials
  • (Gupta & Lehmann, 2003)

Optional readings

  • (Gupta, Lehmann, & Stuart, 2004)
  • (Gupta & Lehmann, 2005)

Session 5.

  • CLV exercises


  • Session materials

Session 6.

  • Case Royal Bank of Canada
  • Final paper details


  • Case RBC materials



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

Ascarza, E., Fader, P. S., & Hardie, B. G. S. (2017). Marketing models for the customer-centric firm. In International Series in Operations Research and Management Science (Vol. 254, pp. 297¿329).

Elshiewy, O., Guhl, D., & Boztug, Y. (2017). Multinomial Logit Models in Marketing - From Fundamentals to State-of-the-Art. Marketing ZFP, 39(3), 32¿49.

Gupta, S., & Lehmann, D. R. (2003). Customers as assets. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 17(1), 9¿24.

Gupta, S., & Lehmann, D. R. (2005). Managing Customers as Investments: The Strategic Value of Customers in the Long Run.

Gupta, S., Lehmann, D. R., & Stuart, J. A. (2004). Valuing Customers. Journal of Marketing Research, 41(1), 7¿18.

Lilien, G L, Kotler, P., & Moorthy, K. S. (2009). Marketing models. Trafford.

Lilien, Gary L., Rangaswamy, A., & Bruyn, A. De. (2017). Chapter 3 Targeting Individual Customers. In Principles of Marketing Engineering and Analytics, 3rd Edition. Retrieved from marketing engineering&f=false

University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. (2015). Principles of Marketing. In Principles of Marketing.

Optional resources

  • Interview with the Dean of the Chicago School of Business

¿The debate between theory and practice¿

  • IBM Marketing Analytics (CLV, customer acquisition, etc)

  • Malcom Gladwell Choice, happiness and spaghetti sauce, Ted Talks video,

  • BRiTE (Brand, Innovation, Technology) conferences, Center for Global Brand Leadership, Columbia Business School






Check the university web page for schedule and classrooms.
