Course code: 252302 | Subject title: ELECTRIC CIRCUITS | ||||
Credits: 6 | Type of subject: Mandatory | Year: 2 | Period: 1º S | ||
Department: Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación | |||||
Lecturers: | |||||
URTASUN ERBURU, ANDONI [Mentoring ] | DE LA PARRA LAITA, IÑIGO (Resp) [Mentoring ] | ||||
CC4: Acquire knowledge and understand the principles of circuit theory and electrical machines.
The Electric Circuits course uses a theoretical-practical approach, combining master classes, problem classes, activities and group work, laboratory sessions and autonomous learning by the student.
The lectures will consist on the theoretical explanation of the fundamental aspects of each topic, as well as the resolution of questions raised by the students from their autonomous learning of each topic. As part of the practical, individual and / or group activities, practical exercises and works related to the topics covered will be carried out.
To understand the subject and obtain an adequate outcome, it will be necessary for the student to carry out continuous work around the following activities:
As a teaching complement, MiAulario will be used. Through it, the calendar of the different activities of the subject will be indicated, it will be possible to access the teaching material and it will be used to send the works requested in class.
Activity summary:
Activity | In classroom | Out of classroom |
A-1 Master classes | 45 | |
A-2 Laboratory sessions | 15 | |
A-3 Debates, group mentoring | 5 | |
A-4 Homework | 12 | |
A-5 Notes reading | 5 | |
A-6 Individual study | 58 | |
A-7 Exams | 5 | |
A-8 Individual mentoring | 5 | |
Total | 65 | 85 |
Learning outcome |
Assessment activity |
Weight (%) | It allows test resit |
Minimum required grade |
R1,R2, R3, R4 | Final exam | 80 | Yes | 5 (Note: mínimum 5/10 mark is needed to pass this subject. Otherwise, subject is failed and the final mark is that of the exam) |
R4,R5 | Laboratory sessions, homework and exam | 20 | No | No |
The Electric Circuits course is divided into six subjects, whose specific contents are detailed below:
Topic 1: Resistive circuits
Electrical magnitudes
Polarity. Sign conventions.
Ohm and Kirchhoff laws
Resistors connection.
Voltage and current dividers.
Introduction to resolution methods: nodes and meshes.
Topic 2: Basic tools for circuit analysis
Thevenin and Norton.
Topic 3: Energy storage elements
Magnetically coupled circuits.
Topic 4: Sinusoidal steady state analysis
Wave forms.
The sinusoidal function and phasors. Complex numbers.
Circuits with sinusoidal inputs. Voltages and currents.
Definition of impedance and admittance.
Concept of resonance.
Measurement and calculation of power.
Correction of power factor.
Topic 5: Three-phase systems
Polyphase systems.
Balanced and unbalanced three-phase systems.
Measurement and calculation of power.
Correction of power factor.
Topic 6: Filter Circuits
Low-pass R-C and low-pass R-L.
R-C high-pass and R-L high-pass.
Topic 7: First order circuit response
Systems in transient regime.
Natural response.
Initial conditions.
Complete response.
Theoretical training will be complemented with laboratory sessions in which experimental work will be carried out:
Session 1: Measurements in direct current (i).
Session 2: Measurements in direct current (ii).
Session 3: The oscilloscope: measurement and interpretation of electrical signals.
Session 4: Measurements in single-phase systems.
Session 5: R-L-C series resonance.
Session 6: Measurements in three-phase systems.
Session 7: R-C filter: low pass and high pass.
Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.
Basic bibliography:
[1] Scott, Donald E. Introduction to Circuit Analysis.
[2] Charles I. Hubert. Electric Circuits Ac/Dc: An Integrated Approach.
[3] Jesús Fraile Mora. Circuitos eléctricos. Ed. Pearson, Madrid, 2012. ISBN: 9788483227954.
[4] A. Gómez Exposito, et al. Fundamentos de teoría de circuitos. Thomson, Madrid. ISBN: 978-84-9732-417-5.
[5] J. Usaola García y Mª A. Moreno López de Saá. Circuitos Eléctricos. Problemas y ejercicios resueltos. Pearson Educación, Madrid, 2002. ISBN: 9788420535357.
Advanced bibliography:
[6] A. J. Conejo. Circuitos eléctricos para la ingeniería. Mc Graw Hill/Interamericana de España, S.A, 2004. ISBN: 8448141792.
[7] William H Hayt, et al. Engineering Circuit Analysis.
[8] J. David Irwin. Engineering Circuit Analysis.
[9] A. Bruce Carlson. Circuits: Engineering Concepts and Analysis of Linear Electric Circuits.
[10] A. Joseph Edminister, Mahmood Nahvi. Electric circuits.
[11] E. Thomas Roland, Albert J Rosa. Circuitos y señales: introducción a los circuitos lineales y de acoplamiento. Reverté Barcelona, 2000. ISBN: 84-291-3458-1.