Public University of Navarre

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Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 252204 Subject title: FURTHER STUDIES IN PHYSICS
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Basic Year: 1 Period: 2º S
Department: Ciencias
VERGARA PLATERO, JOSE (Resp)   [Mentoring ]

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General laws of Electricity and Magnetism and as well as their application to problem solving in the context of engineering applications.

  1. Electric Field
  2. Electric Potential
  3. Electric field in materials. Capacitance
  4. Electric current
  5. Magnetic field
  6. Magnetic induction
  7. Magnetism in matter



  • 1 Introductory session.
  • 3 Laboratory sessions. 


General proficiencies

CG2: Ability to address the activities under Engineering projects described in the previous epigraph


CG3: Knowledge of the scientific and technological background necessary for the learning of new methods and theories and for a proper adaptation to novel situations.

CG4: Problem solving proficiency with personal initiative, decision making, creative and critical thinking. Capacity to elaborate and communicate knowledge, abilities and skills.


Specific proficiencies

CFB2: Knowing and understanding basic concepts and fundamental laws of mechanics, fields and waves and electromagnetism as well as their application to problem solving in the context of engineering applications.


Learning outcomes

R1. Understand and use the fundamental physical principles of Electromagnetism in the analysis and study of the concepts and resolution of problems associated with subjects of higher degree courses.

R2. Identify and assess the physical aspects of Electromagnetism involved in the problems and specific engineering situations.

R3. Use and relate the different units of measurement of the main physical quantities related to Electromagnetism.

R4. Use appropriate measurement tools to determine the most relevant physical parameters in the field Electromagnetism.

R5. Acquire skills for experimental verification of physical laws and for the determination of physical parameters.

R6. Capability to report a measurement process in terms of its basis, required instrumentation and conditions in which it is valid.

R7. Know how to communicate information, ideas and conclusions.



Methodology- Formative activity Attendance (h) Self study (h)
A-1 Lessons in classroom 45  
A-2 Laboratory 15  
A-3 Preparing and writing the laboratory report   15
A-4 Personal study time   67
A-5 Exams, tests, tutoring 8  
Total 68 82



Learning outcome
Assessment activity
Weight (%) It allows test resit
Minimum required grade
R1,R2,R3,R7 Written exam (first mid-term) 42.5 Yes 2
R1,R2,R3,R7 Written exam (second mid-term) 42.5 Yes 2
R4,R5,R6,R7 Laboratory work (compulsory) and report evaluation 15 No -


Ordinary evaluation

The ordinary evaluation will be made through written exams (two mid-term exams) and the practical work at the laboratory. 

The practical work at the laboratory is compulsory and cannot be passed through a resit exam. 


Resit (extraordinary) evaluation

- Final written exam. 

The mark of this exam will be the 85% of the final mark. The remaining 15% will correspond to the laboratory mark.




No specific agenda


Experimental practice program

Laboratory practices

    Electric Field and Potential

    Ohm's Law

    Biot-Savart's Law/ Faraday's Law


These three practices are considered to be essential in order to achieve the learning outcomes. Consequently, the assistance to these three practices is mandatory.

 It will be necessary to submit a practice report after the laboratory sessions for its qualification.



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

Basic Bibliography


Physics for Scientist and Engineers (vol II)

Paul A. Tipler and Gene Mosca

Ed. W.H. Freeman and Company (2008)


Physics for Scientist and Engineers

Douglas C. Giancoli

Ed. Pearson Education (2008)



M. Alonso & A. Finn

Addison-Wesley Longman (1992)


Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics

R. A. Serway, J.W. Jewett, Jr.

Ed. Brooks Cole (2010).


The Feynman Lectures on Physics: Volume II: The Electromagnetic Field

R.P. Feyman et al.

Basic Books (2011)


Advanced Bibliography


Electricity and Magnetism, Vol.1 

B.I. Bleaney, B. Bleaney.

Oxford Science Publications (1989)






Lectures: Aulario

Laboratory: Edificio de Talleres
