Public University of Navarre

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Bachelor's degree in Management and Business Administration at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 172843 Subject title: ECONOMICS OF HEALTH
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Optative Year: 4 Period: 1º S
Department: Economía

Partes de este texto:


Module/Subject matter

Module: Labor markets, Economics of Education and Health Economics.

Subject: Health Economics.



The subject focuses on the theory supporting behavior in the health sector. It is structured in 8 different chapters that deal with relevant topics such as: Growth and health, efficiency in the delivery of health services, equity in health and allocation of resources, different health systems and reforms, economic evaluation of health programs, Cost-effectiveness Analysis and Cost Utility Analysis among others.


General proficiencies

Not applicable


Specific proficiencies

Not applicable


Learning outcomes

RA02: Analyze economic institutions as the result and application of theoretical or formal representations of how the economy works.

RA03: Explain the functions of economic agents and the role of institutions in economic and social activity at its different territorial levels (from local institutions to international organizations).

RA04: Identify the main instruments of public intervention and relate policy recommendations to economic, environmental, and social sustainability.

RA06: Identify and anticipate relevant economic problems related to resource allocation in general, both in the private and public spheres.

RA09: Identify and recognize relevant sources of economic information and their content.

RA10: Derive relevant information from economic and social data that is difficult for non-professionals to recognize.

RA12: Manage resource allocation effectively, both in the private and public spheres.

RA13: Apply rationality to the analysis and description of any aspect of economic reality.

RA14: Evaluate the consequences of different action alternatives and select the best ones given the objectives.

RA17: Prepare reports and convey ideas on any economic matter, clearly and coherently, to both specialized and non-specialized audiences.

RA18: Work in a team, being able to argue their proposals and validate or reasonably refuse the arguments of others.

RA19: Organize work, in terms of good time management, order, and planning.

RA20: Select and generate the necessary information for each problem, analyze it, and make decisions based on it.




Participative approach, debates, oral presentations, essays, exercises and exams.




Learning outcomes Evaluation system Weigh (%) Is it possible to recover) Minimum
required grade
R_MEP_08, R_MEP_09 Exercises/Essay 20 Yes 0/10
R_MEP_08, R_MEP_09, R_MEP_10 Tests 60 Yes 0/10
R_MEP_08, R_MEP_09 Presentation 20 Yes 0/10



First Part. Health, Health Services and Economy 

Chapter 1. Health and Economy

Chapter 2. The health market

Chapter 3. Health Demand

Chapter 4. Health Supply

Second Part: Health Systems 

Chapter 5. Health Systems and Health System Reforms

Chapter 6: Equity in health and Health Systems in Developing Countries 

Third Part: Economic Evaluation of Health Programs

Chapter 7. Economic Evaluation of Health Programs

Chapter 8. Cost-Utility Analysis and health measurement



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

FOLLAND S, A GOODMAN y M STANO (7th edition, 2014): The economics of health and health care. Ed Pearsons. 

ZWEIFEL, P., F. BREYER y M KIFMANN (2009): "Health Economics" (Second edition) Springer-Verlag. Berlin.

MUENNING, P. (2008). Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Health. A practical approach. (2nd edition). Jossey-Bass. San Francisco. CA 94103-1741.

GOLD, M., J. SIEGEL, L. RUSSELL, Y M. WEINSTEIN (Eds.) (1996). "Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine". Oxford University Press, Oxford.

JACOBS R, PC SMITH Y A STREET (2006). Measuring efficiency in health care: analytic techniques and health policy. Cambridge University Press.

JONES A (2006). The Elgar companion to health economics. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.

M LOCKETT, TONY (1996): "Health Economics for the uninitiated". Radclife Medical Press. Oxford and New York.






Campus de Arrosadia.
