Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2023/2024
Course code: 710513 Subject title: Cross-cultural Business Behaviour
Credits: 2 Type of subject: Year: NULL_VALUE Period: 2º S
Department: Gestión de Empresas
ERRO GARCES, AMAYA (Resp)   [Mentoring ]

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Module/Subject matter

International Professional Skills



This course provides an in-depth understanding of culture and its impact on the internationalization process. Culture is a complex concept that influences how people perceive, think, communicate, and interact with each other. The course explores the different levels of culture through the onion and iceberg drawings, which demonstrate the visible and invisible aspects of culture, respectively. The course also introduces the Hofstede models, including MultiFocus and 6-D, which provide a framework for analyzing cultural differences across different societies.

These dimensions enable the course to explore cultural differences in various domains, such as organizational behavior, communication, management, and leadership. The course also discusses the cultural specificity of management techniques and how they vary across different cultures. Additionally, the course covers the concept of mental images or culture clusters, which refer to the perceptions and stereotypes people hold about different cultures.

Overall, this course provides a comprehensive understanding of culture and its impact on companies. By the end of the course, students will be able to analyze and understand cultural differences across different domains and apply this knowledge in their professional lives.


General proficiencies

Not applicable.


Specific proficiencies

Not applicable.


Learning outcomes

RA19. Manage cultural diversity in the international environment

RA20. Develop key skills for effective communication and conflict management in international contexts.

RA21. Design the international HR strategy of an organization.

RA22. Manage the operational needs of expatriate personnel



  1. Expository method: Presentation of relevant aspects of the agenda or bibliography.
  2. Case studies: Analysis of situations based on cases that present current problems.
  3. Inverted class: Active learning that implies that the students, in advance of the face-to-face class, must have addressed the planned contents through various materials such as videos, infographics, websites or readings among others.
  4. Problem-based learning: Active learning through the approach of solutions to various problems.




Weight (%) It allows
test resit
required grade
RA 19;  RA 22 Group works or cases 40% No  
RA 20;  RA 21 Written test 60% Yes Yes (5/10)


  1. Written tests (evaluation through objective tests of different nature): Students will be required to solve written questions in class individually, demonstrating the ability to synthesize on the issues related during the course.
  2. Preparation and presentation of individual or group works or cases: The individual work carried out by the students will be valued, both in small individual and in works with more development (critical review of readings, monographic works on a specific topic ...).




01. What is culture?

02. The different levels of the culture: the onion and iceberg models.

03. The Hofstede models. Multifocus and 6-D

04. Power Distance Index.

05. Individualism / Collectivism.

06. Masculinity / Feminity.

07. Uncertainty Avoidance Index.

08. Long Term Orientation.

09. Indulgence / Restraint.

10. Culture specificity of management techniques.

11. The mental images / culture clusters.


Experimental practice program

The subject develops the preparation and presentation of individual or group works or cases. The individual work carried out by the students will be valued, both in small individual and in works with more development (critical review of readings, monographic works on a specific topic ...).



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

HOFSTEDE, Geert (2010) ¿Cultures and Organizations, Software of the mind¿ Ed McGraw- Hill Third Edition

HOFSTEDE, Gert Jan et al. (2002)¿ Exploring Culture: Exercises, Stories and Synthetic Cultures¿ Ed McGraw-Hill

WURSTEN, Huib (2019) ¿The seven mental images of national culture¿. Ed. Hofstede Insights.






Universidad Pública de Navarra. Campus Arrosadia

Professors who are not from UPNA:

  • Javier San Martín
