Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2023/2024 | Previous academic years:  2022/2023  |  2021/2022  |  2020/2021  |  2019/2020 
Bachelor's degree in Innovation on Food Processes and Products at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 502006 Subject title: INSECT FARMING
Credits: 3 Type of subject: Optative Year: 4 Period: 1º S
Department: Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación

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Module/Subject matter




  • Model systems of farmed insects and potential for innovative systems.
  • Biological and engineering requirements of insect farms.
  • Industrial products and processes from insect farms.
  • Environmental, economic and social impact of insect farms.


General proficiencies

CG1    The capacity to work in the field of agrifood and innovation in a socially and ethically responsible manner, and with a commitment to sustainability.

CG2    The capacity to use knowledge in order to solve problems and generate opportunities in the agrifood field with a vision which embraces setting up projects and exploiting market openings.



Specific proficiencies

CE15  To be familiar with the bases of food processing and preservation, the main equipment involved, ancillary systems, design, modelling and optimisation. To be familiar with the repercussions of factors related to processing on food quality, stability and safety. The capacity to assimilate, understand and use the principles of Food Science and Technology: Food engineering and basic operations; and Processes used in the agrifood industry. The capacity to assimilate and understand the operating principles of the agrifood industry: Equipment and ancillary machinery used in the agrifood industry.


CE17  To be capable of using food processing knowledge at both small and industrial scales in food innovation.


CE21  To be capable of developing new food products and processes through the generation of ideas, bearing in mind all aspects of quality, market demand, profitability, necessary technology, packaging and presentation. The capacity to identify problems and potential improvements.


Learning outcomes

LO1. To understand the importance of insect farming for different purposes, particularly for human and animal nutrition.
LO2. To be able to design innovative farming systems and food products with edible insects.
LO3. To be aware of the economic, social and environmental impact of insect farms.



Methodology - Activity No. of hours
A-1 Lectures/readings/discussions 30
A-4 Assignments & group projects 25
A-6 Tutorage 10
A-7 Exams 10
Total 75


The course has been structured into seven modules (approx. one per week) each comprising several activities, which include:

  • Lectures, presented as recorded videos and readings.
  • One team assignment or project. It will be accomplished throughout the entire course period. Each team will consist of 2-3 students and will prepare a presentation of the work done in the final module.
  • Discussion forums. To expose problems, challenges and potential solutions arising from the modules. These forums will be led and moderated by the instructors, who will grade the quality and quantity of student participations.
  • Quizzes.They will consist of questions on the study material. 

Instructors will be available for synchronous tutorages weekly to answer questions related to the study material or the assignments.

A final exam will address questions from all course topics at the end of the course.





Weight (%) It allows
test resit
required grade


Learning outcomes Type of assessment Weight Recoverable
LO1-LO3 Quizzes and final exam 55% Yes, recovery exam
LO2 Group project presentation 35% Resubmission of reviewed assignment
LO1-LO3 Discussion forums 15% No

If the student did not get the minimum grade to weigh in any of the activities, the grade of the subject would be 4.9 out of 10 at most (fail). 



Module 1. Introduction to insect farming
Module 2. Basic entomology for insect farming
Module 3. Farming systems for edible insects
Module 4. Environmental requirements for edible insect farming
Module 5. Design and operation of insect farms
Module 6. Impact of edible insect farming
Module 7. Wrap up of the course



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.


  • Dossey AT, Morales-Ramos JA, Rojas MG. 2016. Insects as sustainable food ingredients. Academic Press. Libro electrónico en Biblioteca UPNA.
  • Van Huis A & Tomberlin JK. 2017. Insects as food and feed: from production to consumption. Wageningen Academic Publishers.
  • Veldkamp T, Claeys J, Haenen OLM, van Loon JJA, Spranghers T. 2022. The basics of edible insect rearing: handbook for the production chain. Wageningen Academic Publishers. Libro electrónico. ISBN: 9789086869022


  • Hanboonsoong Y, Jamjanya T, Durst PB. 2013. Six-legged livestock: edible insect farming, collecting and marketing in Thailand. FAO (pdf gratuito en web FAO).
  • Schneider JC. 2009. Principles and Procedures for Rearing High Quality Insects. Mississippi State University.
  • Singh P & Moore RF. 1985. Handbook of Insect Rearing. Elsevier, Oxford, UK.
  • Van Juis A, Van Itterbeeck J, Klunder H, Mertens E, Halloran A, Muir G, Vantomme P. 2013. Edible insects: future prospects for food and feed security. FAO



