Credits: 3 | Type of subject: Optative | Year: 4 | Period: 2º S | ||
Department: | |||||
Lecturers: | |||||
Environmental impact, agricultural pollution, soil erosion, water resources, territory management
CG1 The capacity to work in the field of agrifood and innovation in a socially and ethically responsible manner, and with a commitment to sustainability.
CE19 To know how to apply the bases of sustainability to food processing. Development and implementation of environmentally-friendly food processes. Use and optimisation of water and energy in agrifood processes. The capacity to use methods to assess and correct environmental impact.
R1. Finding out the main effects of agricultural and agrifood industry activities on the environment.
R2. Identifying the possible measures for making agricultural and agrifood industry activities sustainable.
R3. Acquiring knowledge of advanced management tools for predicting the effect of agriculture on water and soils.
Topic 1. Effects of agricultural activity on the environment. General presentation. Principal processes and phenomena. Lessons learned or that need to be learned. A sustainable activity is possible.
Topic 2. Wind erosion. Description of the phenomenon. Analysis of cases: ¿The ecological and social disaster of the Dust Bowl, U.S.A., in the nineteen thirties¿.
Topic 3. Soil erosion by water. Description of the phenomenon. Case analysis: ¿Soil erosion by water in agricultural areas of Navarre¿.
Topic 4. Nonpoint source pollution: agrochemicals, sediments, residues. Description of the phenomenon. Analysis of cases. ¿Nonpoint source agricultural pollution in experimental watersheds of Navarre¿.
Topic 5. Point source pollution. Description of the phenomenon. Analyses of cases: ¿Residues from oil mills¿. ¿Residues from pig farms in Navarre and their use as fertilizers¿.
Topic 6. Inappropriate use of large-scale water resources. Description. Analysis of cases: ¿Drying up of the Aral Sea (Kazajistán and Uzbekistán) and salinization of adjacent lands¿.
Topic 7. Conversion of rainfed lands into irrigated ones. Description. Case analysis: ¿Effects on water quality in the transformation of the Lerma Watershed (Zaragoza)¿.
Topic 8. Computer tools for management, simulation models for predicting the effect of agricultural activities. Description. Case analysis. ¿Effect of change in use on runoff and soil erosion in Navarre, analysis of scenarios
Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.
Awad, A., H. Salman, Y. T. Hung, 2006. Olive oil waste treatment. L. K. Wang, Y. T. Hung, H. H. Lo, C., Yapijakis, Eds. Waste treatment in the food processing industry. Taylor&Francis, Boca Raton.
Brady, N. C., R. R. Weil, 2008. The nature and properties of the soils. Pearson Prentice Hall. New Jersey.
Manahan, S., E., 1997. Environmental Science and Technology. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton.
Montgomery, D., R., 2007. Dirt: the erosion of civilizations. University of California Press. Berkley.
Lal, R. (Ed.), 2002. Encyclopedia of Soil Science. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York
Morgan, R. P. C., 2005. Soil Erosion and Conservation. Blackwell Publishing, Malden.
Stewart, B. A., T. A. Howell, 2003. Encyclopedia of Water Science. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York
Casalí, J., R. Gastesi, J. Álvarez-Mozos, L. M. De Santisteban, J. Del Valle de Lersundi, R. Giménez , A. Larrañaga, M. Goñi, U. Agirre, M.A. Campo, J.J. López, M. Donézar, 2008. Runoff, erosion, and water quality of agricultural watersheds in central Navarre (Spain). Agricultural Water Management 95(10): 1111-1128
De Santisteban, L.M., J. Casalí, J. J. López, 2006. Assessing soil erosion rates in cultivated areas of Navarre (Spain). Earth Surface Processes & Land Forms 31(4): 487-506
Giménez, R., Casalí, J., Chahor, Y., 2012. Herramientas informáticas de gestión de terrenos agrarios: potencialidades del Modelo AnnAGNPS en Navarra. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica, 38(2), 107-121, 2012.
Kemp, D. D., 2004. Exploring environmental issues: an integrated approach. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. London.
Liu, S., X., 2007. Food and agricultural wastewater utilization and treatment. Blackwell Publishing, Ames.
Merchán, D., Causapé, J., Abrahão, R., 2013. Impact of irrigation implementation on hydrology and water quality in a small agricultural basin in Spain. Hydrological Sciences Journal. 58, pp. 1400 - 1413.