Course code: 501404 | Subject title: CROP PROTECTION AND PLANT PRODUCTION | ||||
Credits: 6 | Type of subject: Mandatory | Year: 2 | Period: 2º S | ||
Department: Agrarian Production | |||||
Lecturers: | |||||
Module: Commom to Agrarian Branch
Subject Matter: Fundamentals of Plant Production
- Integration and analysis of social, political and economical factors regulating plant production.
- Analysis, design and management of agricultural systems to render them more productive and sustainable.
- Identification and integration of biotic factors regulating and affecting agricultural ecosystems.
R1. To identify and integrate the biotic factors that regulate and determine agricultural ecosystems.
R2. To understand and integrate the abiotic factors that control and condition agricultural ecosystems.
R3. To analyze and design agricultural systems in order to get more productivity and sostenibility.
R4. To identify biotic factors
ENAEE-6: La capacidad de aplicar su conocimiento y comprensión al análisis de la ingeniería de productos, procesos y métodos.
ENAEE-12: Competencias técnicas y de laboratorio.
Methodology - Activity |
No. of in-class hours |
No. of distance learning hours |
A-1 Lectures/participative classes | 30 | |
A-2 Practicals | 20 | |
A-3 Debates, data sharing, group tutories | 3 | |
A-4 Assignments | 7 | 20 |
A-5 Readings | 25 | |
A-6 Self-study |
34 |
A-7 Exams, tests | 3 | 6 |
A-8 Individual tutoring | 2 | |
Total | 60 | 90 |
Learning outcomes | Type of assessment | weight (%) | Recoverable |
R1-R4 | Tests on theoretical and practical concepts | 45 | yes, recovery exam |
R1-R4 | Report of experimental practica following the structure of technical reports | 10 | no |
R1-R4 | Worksheets of experimental practicals | 40 | yes, recovery exam |
R1-R4 | Registration of attendance and interaction in class | 5 | no |
The agricultural systems, classifications and distribution
Crop communities
Rotations and alternatives
Relationship between agriculture and environment
Methodologies and techniques to analyse limitant factors
Solar irradiation and its influence on crops
Wind and its influence on crops
Soil temperature and its influence on crops
Air temperature and its influence on crops
Water in the air, soil and crops
Energetic crop balance
Modelization of climatic factors in agriculture
Protection against low temperatures and frost
Protection against high temperatures and heatwaves
Protection agaist wind
Introduction to crop protection
Characteristics of the major plant feeders: morphology, biology and ecology
Characteristics, identification, biology and genetics of plant pathogens
Characteristics, biology and ecology of weeds
Decision making in pest management
Rationale of pest control methods
Rationale of disease management methods
Rationale of weed control methods
Phytosanitary regulations
Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.
Caballero, P. y J. Murillo. 2003. Protección de cultivos. Conceptos actuales y fuentes de información. UPNA.
Campbell, G S. 1995.Introducción a la Biofísica Ambiental (Traducción, Esteban Rabie Uauy, Alejandro Valenzuela Avilés, Josep M. Villar Mir) Ed. EUB. Barcelona.
Coscollá, R. (2004) Introducción a la protección integrada. Valencia: Phytoma-España.
Elias, F. Castellví, F.(Coordinado) 2001. Agrometeorología. Ed. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
Fernández, R. Leiva M.J. 2003. Ecología para la Agricultura Ed. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
Fernández-Quintanilla, C., M. Garrido Valero, C. Zaragoza Larios. 1999. Control integrado de las malas hierbas: las buenas prácticas agrícolas. Ed. Phytoma
Lampkin, N. 2001 Agricultura Ecológica (Traducción, coordinadora, Asunción Molina ; traductores, Ricardo Colmenares... et al.) Ed. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
Loomis, R. S. y Conor D.J. 2002. Ecología de Cultivos (Traducción, José Ramón Conde García, Inés Mínguez Tudela, Carlos Cantero Martínez; coordinación, Inés Mínguez Tudela) Ed. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
Oerke, E.C., Dehne, H.W., Schönbeck, F. And Weber, A. 1999. Crop Production and Crop Protection. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Pedigo, L.P. and Rice, M.E. 2008. Entomology & Pest Management. Macmillan Inc. Nueva York, EEUU.
Schumann, G.L. and D´Arcy, C.J. 2006. Essential plant pathology. The Americal Phytopathological Society. St. Paul, EEUU.
Urbano, P, Moro, S. 1992. Sistemas Agrícolas con Rotaciones y Alternativas de Cultivos Ed. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
Urbano, P. 2001. Tratado de Fitotecnia General Ed. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
Urbano, P. 2002. Fitotecnia: Ingeniería de la Producción Vegetal Ed. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
Villalobos, F. 2002. Fitotecnia: Bases y Tecnologías de la Producción Agrícola Ed. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.