Public University of Navarre

CastellanoEuskara | Academic year: 2020/2021 | Previous academic years:  2019/2020  |  2018/2019  |  2017/2018  |  2016/2017 
Bachelor's degree in Agricultural, Food and Rural Environment Engineering at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 501303 Subject title: ANIMAL PRODUCTION
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Mandatory Year: 2 Period: 1º S
Department: Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación

Partes de este texto:


Module/Subject matter

Animal Production Fundaments



Bases of animal production. Animal nutrition.

Prodction characateristics of different animal species.

Main animal production systems.

Animal products and their social-economic contest.

Biotechnology applied to animal production


General proficiencies

  • CT2: Capacity for oral and written communication in English
  • CT5: Ability work in multidisciplinary and multicultural team
  • CB1: Students are able to demonstrate they have acquired knowledge and understanding in a field of study based on the basic foundations gained within their general secondary education together with the support of advanced textbooks and aspects of the latest advances in the field.


Specific proficiencies

  • CG2: Adequate knowledge of physical problems, technologies, equipment and systems of water and energy supply, the limits imposed by cost factors and building regulations, and the relationships between facilities or buildings and farms, agribusiness and related spaces gardening and landscaping with its social and natural environment, and the need to relate them to environmental and human needs
  • CE11: Ability to understand and apply the principals of animal production. Ability to define and design livestock facilities
  • CE12: Ability to recognize the applications of biotechnology in agriculture and livestock engineering
  • CE22: Ability to recognize, understand and use the principles of animal production technologies: Animal Anatomy; Animal physiology; Production systems, animal protection and exploitation; Animal production techniques; Animal genetics and improvement


Learning outcomes

- R1 To understand the importance of Animal Production
- R2 To gain knowledge on the productive characteristics of animals
- R3 To identify livestock production systems
- R4 To gain knowledge on animal nutrition principles
- R5 To know the main animal products and their socio-economic context
- R6 To anaylse the applications of biotechnology in animal production


ENAEE-6: La capacidad de aplicar su conocimiento y comprensión al análisis de la ingeniería de productos, procesos y métodos.
ENAEE-17: Funcionar de forma efectiva tanto de forma individual como en equipo.
ENAEE-18: Utilizar distintos métodos para comunicarse de forma efectiva con la comunidad de ingenieros y con la sociedad en general.



Methodology -Activity Classroomhours Non contact hours
A-1 Expository / participatory classes 22.5  
A-2 Practice 22.5  
A-3 Debates, tutoring groups    
A-4 Projects 12 22.5
A-5 Reading material    30
A-6 Individual study    37.5
A-7 Tests, Exams 3  
A-8 Individual Tutoring    
Total 60 90





Resultado de aprendizaje Sistema de evaluación Peso (%) Carácter recuperable
 R1, R3, R5  Teacher registration  15%  No
 R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6  Written test about the studied concepts  50% To  pass this part a minimum of a 5 points out of 10 is required  Recoverable activity with a written test
 R2, R3, R4, R5  Small project in groups to apply, analyze, develop or study part of the contents.  10% No
 R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6   Group work to solve problems and analyze results. Presentation of work in a coordinated and consistent way  25% No

Se realizan varias pruebas escritas durante el semestre y la evaluación es continua.

Los trabajos individuales y en grupo se realizan a lo largo del semestre y se pueden entregar y presentar ¿on line¿.

Finalmente, habrá una prueba final escrita que puede hacerse con la herramienta Exámenes de MiAulario en caso de no presencialidad.



1 - Importance of animal production

2 - Animal productions. Types and characterists

3 - Breeds and genetic improvement

4 - Quality of animal productions. Food safety and traceability

5 - Principals of animal production. Animal biotechnology

6 -. Production systems I

7 -. Production systems II

8 - Animal production and the environment. Waste management

9 -. Animal welfare. Biosafety. Transport

10 - Tecnical and economic management

11 -. Facilities


Experimental practice program

Visita a una gran superficie: acercamiento a los productos ganaderos

Introducción a los distintos sistemas de producción y a los componentes de los mismos

Taller de expresión oral

Caso práctico: alimentación animal

Caso práctico: reproducción animal

Visita técnica a una granja de vacuno lechero

Caso práctico: planificación y manejo de granjas de ovino de leche y ovino de carne

Caso práctico: planificación y manejo de una granja de porcino

Caso práctico: calidad del huevo fresco

Trabajo cooperativo: descripción, estudio y análisis de un sistema ganadero



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

- Cole, H. H. y Ronning, M. (1980) Curso de Zootecnia. Editorial Acribia. Zaragoza, - EAAP (1994) Proceedings of the Fourth Zodiac Symposium Biological basis of sustainable animal production. Wageningen, The Netherlands - FAO (2009) El estado mundial de la agricultura y la alimentación. La ganadería, a examen, FAO, Roma. - FAO (2009) La larga sombra del ganado. Problemas ambientales y opciones. FAO, Roma. - Pond, W. G. (2006) .Introducción a la Ciencia Animal. Editorial Acribia. Zaragoza - Wadsworth, J. (1997) Análisis de Sistemas de Producción Animal - Tomo 1: las Bases Conceptuales. (Estudio FAO Producción y Sanidad Animal 140/2), FAO, Roma. - Wadsworth, J. (1997) Análisis de Sistemas de Producción Animal - Tomo 2: Las Herramientas Básicas. (Estudio FAO Producción y Sanidad Animal 140/2) FAO, Roma.



