Public University of Navarre

CastellanoEuskara | Academic year: 2024/2025 | Previous academic years:  2023/2024  |  2022/2023 
Bachelor's degree in Nursing at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 401890 Subject title: FINAL DEGREE PROJECT
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Year: 4 Period: 2º S
PUMAR MENDEZ, MARIA JESUS (Resp)   [Mentoring ]

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Module/Subject matter

Module: Final-year undergraduate Project 



Preparation of an original report of a literature review on a relevant subject in Nursing discipline. This review can be done together with the development of a proposal for a research, the description of a clinical case of interest, the description or development of a guide, protocol, an intervention technique or a business proposal.


General proficiencies

The basic competences (CB) that students will acquired in this course are:

CB1. Understanding of the knowledge in the forefront of their field of study.

CB2. Understanding on how to apply knowledge in a professional way to their work or vocation and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of study.

CB3. Ability to gather and interpret relevant data, within their area of study, to make judgments that include an analysis of relevant social, scientific or ethical aspects.

CB4. Ability to present information, ideas, problems and solutions to both a specialized and non-specialized audience.

CB5. Development of learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.


The transversal competences (CGT) that students will acquired in this course are:

CGT-1. Capacity for analysis and synthesis.

CGT-2. Planning and time management.

CGT-3. Oral and written communication in English.

CGT-4. Knowledge of a second language.

CGT-6. Skills on information management.

CGT-10. Problem  solving.

CGT-11. Decision making.

CGT-18. Ability for autonomous work.

CGT-19. Design and project management.

CGT-21. Concern for quality.


Specific proficiencies

EPT - 3. Carry out work associated with different subjects in a transversal way.


Learning outcomes

R-1 Prepare an original report with adequate theoretical and methodological basis with an updated and relevant bibliographic review for the topic worked on.

R-2 Present and publicly defend the work done.



Methodology- Formative activity  Attendance (h) Personal study time (h)
A-3 Tutoring 2.25  
A-4 Globalized Activities 0.75  
A-4 Personal study time   147
Total 35 40

In accordance with the regulations of the Public University of Navarra and in particular in accordance with the provisions of the following Regulations of the Public University of Navarra:

The FDP will consist of a work carried out individually by the student under the guidance of a director, in which the formative contents, abilities, competencies and skills acquired in the degree are applied and developed.

The fundamental mission of the FDP director is to:

  • Set the specifications of the FDP
  • Guide the student during the completion of the dissertation on issues related to the structure of the topic, writing, philosophy or approach.
  • Ensure that the objectives initially set are achievable within the timeframe foreseen.
  • Authorize its presentation and defense

The work of the director begins the moment the student has been assigned a FDP director. 

The FDP must demonstrate that the student has integrated the competences and knowledge acquired in the Degree, through the realization of work from which applied implications for Nursing are derived. The FDP may be:

  • A literature review
  • A literature review with Proposal of Intervention/Improvement/ Elaboration of a Care Plan/Business Plan/Entrepreneurship Project/Analysis of public data/Others.

Activities for the completion of the FDP

  1. Start: once the FDP assignment process has been completed, it is the student's responsibility to contact his/her director within a maximum period of one month to arrange a working meeting. At this meeting, or within the agreed period, students will present the director with a proposal or preliminary draft of the FDP, including: title, objectives, methodology, work schedule. In case of having a co-director or an external advisor, it must be defined.
  2. During semester 7, the student must take the on-line course on Information Competencies ("CI for SAN"), available in MiAulario.
  3. Development of the FDP: during this period, the student will carry out his/her work with the advice of the FDP director, who must establish at least two working meetings with the student. The basic sections that the FDP will contain, as well as the format to be followed in the presentation, will be made known in the platform of MiAulario.
  4. Authorization for the defense: after reviewing the final written work, the director will authorise its presentation and defence. In the event of not giving the approval, the director must justify his/her refusal in a report and the student may register the FDP for its defence under his/her responsibility.
  5. Submission of the FDP: The FDP file must be attached in electronic format (PDF) in the space provided for this purpose in MiAulario. The FDP Defence Registration and the Open or Restricted Access Authorisation in accordance with the UPNA's general FDP regulations must also be submitted, as required.
  6. Defense: the public presentation of the FDP will be carried out, before the evaluation committee that have been appointed for this purpose, on the dates that the Faculty will indicate sufficiently in advance, and the student can carry out the defense in three different periods: February, May or September. 



Learning outcomes Assessment activity Evaluation Weight (%) Recoverable Minimum grade
R-1 Evaluation of the written paper 75 No --
R-2 Evaluation of the presentation and defense 25 No --


The presentation of the FDP is of a public nature before the tribunal constituted for this purpose, the student will have 10 minutes for the oral presentation of his/her work. The student will then answer questions and clarifications posed by the members of the tribunal for a maximum of 20 minutes.

The evaluation of the FDP will be carried out by the corresponding examining board using the evaluation grids attached below. The grade required to pass the FDP will be 5 out of 10.

The evaluation committee, if applicable, will deliberate on the grade in closed session, giving a hearing, if it deems it appropriate, to the director of the FDP.

If the student does not pass the exam, the evaluating committee will issue a reasoned report on the matter. To this end, the director of the FDP, in view of said report, may propose to the student as many measures as he/she deems appropriate to be able to pass the FDP in future examinations.

Evaluation grid for the written FDP:


Evaluation grid for the presentation:




Every student will arrange the meetings with the director assigned 


Experimental practice program

Not applicable



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.


  1. Cunha ID. El trabajo de fin de grado y de máster: redacción, defensa y publicación. Barcelona: UOC; 2016.

  1. García Sanz MP, Martínez Clares P, editoras. Guía práctica para la realización de trabajos fin de grado y trabajos fin de máster. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia; 2012

  1. Icart Isern MT, Pulpón Segura AM [et al.], editoras. Cómo elaborar y presentar un proyecto de investigación, una tesina y una tesis. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, Publicacions i Edicions; 2012
  2. Serrano Gallardo P. Trabajo fin de grado en ciencias de la salud. Madrid: Difusión Avances de Enfermería; 2012


  1. Sánchez Martos J, Gamella Pizarro C. Eficacia de la presentación oral y defensa del Trabajo Fin de Grado. Metas Enferm. 2013;16(8):28-32.

Internet resources

  1. Outeda CC. Guía práctica para elaborar y presentar un TFG: la escritura académica en un entorno digital. 4ª ed. 2021.


Other resources     

  1. Biblioteca de la Universidad Pública de Navarra. Curso de Competencias Informacionales en el Campo Sanitario (CI para SANI). Acceso a través de la plataforma MiAulario.  


  1. Bibliografías de las asignaturas 401209 Fuentes de datos documentales en el campo sanitario y 401608 Elaboración de proyectos en el campo sanitario




Spanish, Basque, English



Faculty of Health Sciences
