Course code: 352105 | Subject title: ENGLISH | ||||
Credits: 6 | Type of subject: Basic | Year: 1 | Period: 1º S | ||
Department: Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación | |||||
Lecturers: | |||||
Tema 1. Company Organization and Human Resources Departments.
1.1) Company Organization
1.2) Grammar: Verb tenses/ Articles and quantifiers
1.3) Vocabulary: Learning Strategies
1.4) Reading: Human Resources department
1.5) Letter and e-mail writing: Letter organization and language/Formal and informal language
1.6) Listening: Experiences/Dealing with communication difficulties
1.5) Speaking: Asking questions
1.6) Pronunciation : Vowels 1
Tema 2. Writing: Letters and e-mails
2.1) Reading: Job advertisements/ Abbreviations
2.2) Grammar: Adverbs/Modal Verbs
2.3) Vocabulary: Compound Words
2.4) Letter writing: Spelling/Punctuation/Replies
2.5) Listening: Numbers and references/Appointments/Problems with orders
2.6) Speaking: Numbers and references/Appointments/Problems with orders
2.7) Pronunciation : Vowels II
Tema 3. Employment Law
3.1) Reading :Employment Law
3.2) Grammar: Questions/ Connectors/ Future tenses
3.3) Vocabulary: Human Resources/ Verbs+ prepositions
3.4) Letter Writing: Answering enquiries
3.5) Listening: Reports/ An Employment Tribunal Claim
3.6) Speaking: Agreeing/Disagreeing/ Defining words
3.7) Pronunciation: Consonants I
Tema 4. Health and Safety/ Absenteeism
4.1) Reading: Health and safety/Absenteeism
4.2) Grammar: Adjectives/Comparison /Modifiers /Relative Clauses
4.3) Vocabulary: Language of meetings and negotiations/Adjectives + preposition/Two word expressions
4.4) Reading: Absenteeism
4.5) Letter Writing: Orders
4.6)Listening: Description of graphs/ Meetings/Negotiations
4.7) Speaking: Describing graphs/ Meetings (Project)
4.8) Pronunciation: Consonants II
Tema 5. Unemployment
5.1) Reading and listening: Unemployment
5.2) Grammar: present participle(-ing) and Infinitive/ Adverbial Clauses I: Conditionals/ If only, I wish
5.3) Vocabulary: Phrasal Verbs/Word partnership/ Social language
5.4) Reading: Motivation
5.5) Listening: Staying at a hotel/Street Directions
5.6) Speaking: Giving directions/ Social language
5.7) Letter writing: Replies
5.8) Pronunciation: Practice
Tema 6. Selection Methods
6.1) Reading: Selection methods
6.2) Grammar. Passive
6.3) Vocabulary: Nouns + prepositions/ Presentations/Word partnerships
6.4) Reading: Questioning skills
6.5) letter writing: complaints
6.6) Listening: Processes and procedures
6.7) Speaking: Processes and procedures
6.8) Pronunciation: Practice
R1. Conocer una lengua extranjera (en inglés, nivel B1)
R2. Aprender una lengua extranjera de forma autónoma
R3. Emplear estrategias específicas de comprensión y expresión oral y escrita de temas relacionados con las relaciones laborales
R4. Redactar los principales tipos de cartas: petición de información, respuestas, pedidos, quejas y petición de trabajo en respuesta a un anuncio
R5. Identificar y seleccionar la información necesaria sobre la materia
R6. Realizar presentaciones en inglés utilizando las nuevas tecnologías
R7. Mostrar habilidades que le permitan trabajar en un contexto internacional
R8. Mostrar habilidades en las relaciones interpersonales a través del trabajo en equipo
Horas: 16 horas (0.66 ECTS)
Learning outcome |
Assessment activity |
Weight (%) | It allows test resit |
Minimum required grade |
R1, R2, R3, R4 | Examen parcial | 25 | SÍ | |
R1, R2, R3, R4 | Examen final | 40 | SÍ | |
R5, R6, R7, R8 | Proyectos y asistencia | 35 | NO | |
La evaluación consiste en cuatro partes:
1.1) Company Organization
1.2) Grammar: Verb tenses/ Articles and quantifiers
1.3) Vocabulary: Learning Strategies
1.4) Reading: Human Resources Dept.
1.5) Letter and e-mail writing
1.6) Listening
1.7) Speaking
2.1) Reading: Job advertisements
2.2) Grammar: Adverbs/Modal Verbs
2.3) Writing
2.3) Listening
2.4) Speaking
3.1) Reading:Employment Law
3.2) Grammar: Connectors/ Future tenses
3.3) Vocabulary
3.4) Letter Writing: Answering enquiries
3.5) Listening
3.6) Speaking
4.1) Reading: Health and safety
4.2) Grammar: -ing and infinitive/ comparison
4.3) Vocabulary
4.4) Reading: Absenteeism
4.5) Writing: recruitment process
4.6) Listening
4.7) Speaking
5.1) Reading: Selection Methods
5.2) Grammar: conditionals
5.3) Vocabulary
5.4) Reading: Questioning skills
5.5) Listening
5.6) Speaking
Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.
Workbook- asignatura: Bueno Alastuey, M.C. English for Labour Relations
Palmer Silveira, J.C. (2003). Business English in the University Classroom. Castellón; Universitat Jaime I.
Wallwork, A. (2002). Business Vision. Oxford; Oxford University Press.
Krois-Linder, A ( 2006). International Legal English. Cambridge; Cambridge University Press.
Jones, L. & Alexander, R. (2000) New International Business English.Cambridge; Cambridge University Press.
Murphy, R. (2004) English Grammar in use (intermediate).Cambridge; Cambridge University Press.
Foley, Mark & Diane Hall (2003), Advanced Learners¿ Grammar (With Answers). Edinburgh: Longman.
Grammar check the quizzes section check the sections on Business English and Law Resources to develop all skills Beginning and intermediate levels /Diagnostic tests and lots of grammar sections linksorganized by level (level 100, level 200. level 300) -well annotated and includes some user reviews
Adjectives, Adverbs, Articles, etc.; Animated Grammar Tutorials; To be; Common Errors; Double Quizzes; Grammar Troubleshooting; Past Tenses; Present Progressive; Present Simple; Present Tenses: Simple versus Progressive; Reading Texts; Verbs: Modals, Infinitives, gerunds, etc.; Vocabulary: Problem Words
http:// grammar activities and games listed by title. You can also create your own activities; self-correcting games and activities available. Business English Grammar Activities: Present Forms; The Past Simple; Irregular Verbs; Present Perfect; Past Simple v Present Perfect; For or Since; Duration; The Future; Going to; Present forms for future; Will or going to? ; Conditionals; Modals; The -ing form; Prepositions; Word order; Passive; Imperative; Question tags; Have something done; Non-defining clauses; A/The; Conjunctions; etc guide to letter writing in English with samples
English Grammar in Spanish
Business English in Spanish