Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2019/2020
Bachelor's degree in Primary Education at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Mandatory Year: 3 Period: 2º S
Department: Ciencias
NAPAL FRAILE, MARIA (Resp)   [Mentoring ]

Partes de este texto:


Module/Subject matter

Didactic and disciplinary/ Knowledge of the natural and social environment and its didactic



- Fundamentals and application of the Scientific Method in teaching and learning about the Natural Environment

- Theory about study and research tracks for designing exploration-based educational projects about the Natural Environment. Inquiry-based learning.

- The natural environment and its conservation, diversity of living beings, the human body, matter and energy, The Natural Heritage of Navarre, as described by legislation.  

- Demonstrations and examples of educational projects on the natural environment.

- The educational structure of a project for Primary Education. Stages of a Project. The construction of experimental environments to serve teaching situations.

- Guidelines for preparing proposals and integrated educational projects about the Natural Environment (Área Conocimiento del Medio). Design and preparation of proposals and teaching projects.



Course that belongs to the subject "Knowledge of the natural and social environment and its pedagogy". The following topics are dealt with: Theoretical isssues to develop projects aimed at exploring the environment. Inquiry learning. Guidelines for developing proposals of pedagogic projects in relation to the knowledge of the natural and social environment.


General proficiencies

2.1. Basic proficiencies

  CB1 Students demonstrate knowledge and understanding in an area of study that is part of the basis of general secondary education, and is typically at a level that, whilst supported by advanced textbooks, includes some aspects that imply knowledge at the forefront of knowledge.

CB2 Students can apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner, and have competences typically demonstrated through devising and sustaining arguments and solving problems within their field of study.

CB3 Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) that make them able to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical topics.

CB4 Students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.

CB5 Students develope those learning skills needed to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy.

2.2. General proficiencies

CG1 To know the curriculum areas of Primary Education, the interdisciplinary relationship between different areas of study, the evaluation criteria, and the body of didactic knowledge about teaching and learning processes.

CG2 To design, plan and evaluate teaching and learning processes, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and school professionals.

CG3 To deal effectively with language learning situations in contexts of multicultural and multilingual diversity. Promote reading and critical analysis of texts of various scientific and cultural content in the school curriculum domains.

CG6 To understand the organization of primary schools and the diversity of actions comprising their routine operation. Perform the functions of mentoring and guidance to students and their families, meeting the unique educational needs of students. Assume that the exercise of teaching must be refined and adapted to scientific, pedagogical and social changes along their professional life.

CG7 To collaborate with the various sectors of the educational community and the social environment. Assume the educational dimension of the teaching profession and promote democratic education for active citizenship.

CG8 To maintain a critical and independent relationship with respect to knowledge, values, and public and private social institutions.

CG9 To assess the individual and collective responsibility in achieving a sustainable future.

CG10 To think over classroom practices to innovate and improved teaching. To help students to get habits and skills for independent and cooperative learning.

CG11 To know and apply information and communication technologies in the clasroom. Selectively distinguish audiovisual information that contributes to learning, civic education and cultural richness.

CG12 To understand the role, possibilities and limits of education in today's society and the core competencies that affect primary schools and their staff.


2.3. Cross-curricular proficiencies

CT2 Demonstrate language proficiency (equivalent to level C1 of the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages¿¿: learning, teaching, assessment" of the Council of Europe) in Spanish and, where appropriate, in Basque.



Specific proficiencies

 CE1 To know the objectives and content of the official curriculum, the meaning of the areas of knowledge and their organization, the methodology and evaluation criteria for Primary Education.

CE2 To design, plan and evaluate teaching and learning processes taking into account both interdisciplinary and disciplinary criteria together with other professionals.

CE3 To encourage reading and critical analysis of texts in different scientific and cultural domains. Express orally and in writing with correctness, and master language learning situations in contexts of diversity.

CE4 To design and regulate learning spaces in contexts of multicultural and multilingual diversity. Address the individual needs of students, gender equality, equity issues, and the respect to human rights.

CE6 To understand the organization of Primary Schools and their operation in collaboration with the different sectors of the educational community and the social environment.

CE7 To encourage cooperation, motivation and desire to learn, and actively participate in school projects.

CE8 To maintain a critical and independent relationship with respect to knowledge, values ¿¿and institutions involved in education.

CE9 To acquire habits and skills of autonomous and cooperative learning and to promote an active involvement of students in their social and personal development.

CE10 To think over and analyze classroom practices to innovate and improve teaching, while referring to the basic psychological processes, pedagogical models and disciplinary criteria.

CE11 To meet the educational implications of information and communication technologies.

CE12 To actively organize and manage teaching and learning processes based on the contents of Primary Education from the perspective of skills development.

CE14 Contextualizing teaching activities to the political, social, and pedagogical changes, foster democratic education and the development of active citizenship for achieving a sustainable future.


Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes refer to the proficiencies that the student will adquire in the subject. There are three levels:


- Optimum: Adquisition of 100% of proficiencies, dominating at least 75% of them

- Medium: Adquisition of most of the proficiencies, dominating those skills that contribute to the specific proficiencies of the grade

- Deficient: Poor adquisition of skills that contribute to the specific proficiencies of the grade


A student will get a pass ("APTO") grade if the learning level is optimum or medium



The learning outcomes for this subject are the following:


 LO1. Communicate basic concepts about the natural environment (CB4, CG11, CE3, CE11)
 LO2. To communicate basic concepts on the natural environment  (CB4, CG11, CE3, CE11)
 LO3. To adapt knowledge on the natural environment and cooperative learning, to learning and apprenticeship processes in Primary Education (CB4, CB2, CG1, CG2, CG10, CE1, CE2, CE3)
 LO4. To design educational projects on the natural environment (CB2, CG1, CG2, CE1, CE2, CE10, CE10) 
 LO5. To use fluently theoretical concepts and synthesize arguments to answer interdisciplinary questions on the natural environment (CB1, CB3, CB4, CB5)
 LO6. To understand basic concepts on the natural environment and its conservation, the diversity of living beings, the human body, and matter and energy (CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4) 
 LO7. Analyze innovative didactic models to extract guidelines for the design of educational units / projects in the natural sciences (CE10, CE12).



Teaching methods

Code Description
TM1 Lecture with full attendance
TM2 Interaction in large group
TM3 Interaction in medium-sized group
TM4 Interaction in small group
TM4 Individualised interaction: tasks and guidelines for autonomous study

Learning activities

Code Description Hours Attendance
LA1 Theory classes (foundation, examples, proven applications and developments) 45 100
LA2 Practical classes or, in the event, practical experience (in the field) 15 100
LA3 Preparation of papers and oral defence 30 10
LA4 Self-study 50 0
LA5 Tutorials 5 100
LA6 Oral or written exams 5 100




Learning outcomes Evaluation Systems Weight (%) Recoverable (%)
LO1 LO 2 LO 3 LO 4 LO 7 SE1: Practical work: observation, proposal analysis, and oral or written presentation 50  Yes
LO 2 LO 4 LO 5 LO 6 SE2: Partial or complete oral or written assessments  50  Yes






1. Analysis of projects and curriculum materials on the Natural Environment in Primary Education.
2. Educational projects on the Physical Environment in Primary Education.
3. Educational projects on the Human Body (health and personal development) in Primary Education.
4.-Educational projects on the Biological Environment (diversity of living beings, ecosystems) in Primary Education.




Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

Catalá, M. (2002). Las ciencias en la escuela: teoría y práctica. Editorial Laboratorio Educativo.
Elósegui, J., P. Guerendiáin, F. Pérez y F. Redón. 1980. Navarra. Guía ecológica y paisajística. Caja de Ahorros de Navarra, Pamplona.
Franquesa, T., I. Alves, A.M. Prieto, y M. Cervera. 1996. Guía de actividades para la educación ambiental. Hábitat. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Madrid.
Freeman, Scott. Biología. 2009. Pearson Educación, Madrid.
Galindo, R., S. Ramírez y J.M. Rodríguez. 1995. El conocimiento del medio en la educación primaria. Bases teóricas y propuestas didácticas. Ediciones Koiné, Toledo.
Harlen, W. (1990). Enseñanza y aprendizaje de las Ciencias. Madrid. Ediciones Morata
Jimenez Aleixandre, M. P. y Caamaño, A. (2003). Enseñar ciencias. Barcelona. Graó.
Jorba, J. y Sanmartí, N., (1994). Enseñar, aprender y evaluar: un proceso de regulación continua. Madrid. MEC.
Markl G. 2004. La Tierra. Un viaje por la historia de nuestro planeta. Editorial Ares y Mares, Barcelona.
Pasek de Pinto, E., Y. Matos de Rojas, T. Villasmil y A. Rojas. 2010. Los proyectos didácticos y la ciencia en educación inicial. Acción pedagógica 19: 134144.
Prieto, T.; Blanco, A.; González, F. (2000). La materia y los materiales. Madrid. Síntesis Educación.
Pujol, R. M. (2003). Didáctica de las Ciencias en la Educación Primaria. Madrid. Síntesis Educación.
Romón, C. 1997. Guía del huerto escolar. Editorial Popular.
Sanmartí, N., (2007). 10 ideas clave. Evaluar para aprender. Barcelona. Graó.
Smith R.L. y T.M. Smith. 2001. Ecología, Addison Wesley Longman, San Francisco
Thybodeau, G.A. y K.T. Patton. 2008. Estructura y función del cuerpo humano. Editorial ElsevierMosby.
Tricárico, H.R. 2007. Didáctica de las ciencias naturales. ¿Cómo aprender? ¿Cómo enseñar? Editorial Bonum, Buenos Aires.
Lan praktikoak zientziaeskoletan. Egilea: Aureli Caamaño
Izaki bizidunen eta lurraren aurkikuntza. Egilea: Jeannine Deunff koordinaturiko lana.
Irakasteko laguntzarenkalitatea ebaluatzeko irizpideak. Egilea: Project 2061.
Revistas de Innovación e Investigación en Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de Ciencias
Enseñanza de las ciencias
Ciencies: revista del Professorat de Ciencies d´Infantil, Primaria i Secundaria
Revistas de Innovación e Investigación Educativa (en general)
Aula de Innovación Educativa (en biblioteca de la Upna)
Perspectiva Escolar (en biblioteca de la Upna)
Infancia y Aprendizaje (en biblioteca de la Upna)
Proyectos curriculares online
Txanela (ikasmaterialak)
La main à la pâte
DECRETO FORAL 24/2007, de 19 de marzo, por el que se establece el currículo de las enseñanzas de Educación Primaria en la Comunidad Foral de Navarra. B.O. de Navarra Número 64.
Real Decreto 1513/2006 del 7 de diciembre por el que se establecen las enseñanzas mínimas de la educación primaria e infantil.





Spanish; English; Basque



 Campus Arrosadía de la Universidad Pública de Navarra. Para conocer el aula o aulas concretas, consulte en la página Web de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. 


