Course code: 312208 | Subject title: THE TEACHING PROFESSION | ||||
Credits: 6 | Type of subject: Basic | Year: 1 | Period: 2º S | ||
Department: Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación | |||||
Lecturers: | |||||
Teaching as a profession. Characteristics, legislation and regulatory keys for teaching functions. The functions of teachers and their ethical implications. Pedagogical proposal for the school stages (Early childhood and Primary education): Knowledge and management of the stage curriculum. Annual Didactic Programming (ADP; PDA in Spanish). Teaching practice in the school and classroom space. Participation in school life: keys and principles. Organization, evaluation and management of the school space. Teaching practice and equity: challenges to respond to. Teacher training and teacher development.
Basic proficiencies
BP1 - Students have demonstrated that they possess knowledge of and understand an area of study, based on general secondary education and usually at a level which, albeit with the support of advanced text books, also includes some aspects which imply knowledge of the latest developments in their field of study.
BP2 - Students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess skills which are usually demonstrated by developing and defending arguments and resolving problems in their area of study.
BP3 - Students are able to compile and interpret relevant information (normally within their area of study) in order to voice opinions which include reflection on relevant themes of a social, scientific or ethical nature.
BP4 - Students are able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
General proficiencies
GP1 - To be familiar with the curricular areas of Primary Education, the interdisciplinary relationship between them, the evaluation criteria and the body of didactic knowledge involved in the respective teaching and learning procedures.
GP2 - To design, plan and evaluate teaching and learning processes, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and school professionals.
GP3 - To address language learning situations effectively in contexts of diversity which are multicultural and multilingual. To encourage reading and the critical commentary of texts from the different scientific and cultural fields found in the school curriculum.
GP4 - To design and regulate learning spaces in contexts characterised by diversity which attend to the gender equality, fairness and respect for human rights which underpin the values of education in citizenship.
GP5 - To encourage harmonious coexistence in and outside the classroom, solve discipline problems and contribute to the peaceful resolution of conflicts. To stimulate and value effort, perseverance and personal discipline in schoolchildren.
GP6 - To be familiar with the organisation of primary education schools and the range of actions involved in their operation. To perform guidance and tutoring functions with schoolchildren and their families, attending to schoolchildren¿s unique educational needs. To accept that teaching, as a practice, must be constantly refined and adapted to scientific, pedagogical and social changes over the course of one's entire life.
GP7 - To collaborate with the different sectors of the educational community and social environment. To accept the educational dimension of the teaching profession and promote democratic education for active citizenship.
GP8 -To maintain a critical, independent relationship with respect to knowledge, values and social institutions, both private and public.
GP9 - To value both individual and collective responsibility in the achievement of a sustainable future.
GP10 - To reflect on classroom practices in order to innovate and improve teaching. To acquire habits and skills for autonomous and cooperative learning, and promote it among schoolchildren.
GP11 - To be familiar with Information and Communication Technology, and apply it in the classroom. To distinguish the audiovisual information which contributes to learning, civic education and cultural richness in a selective manner.
GP12 - To understand the function, possibilities and limits of education in today's society and the core competences which affect primary schools and the professionals who belong to them. To be familiar with quality improvement models as applicable to education centres.
Transverse Proficiencies
TP1 - To demonstrate a level of competence in English equivalent to the C1 level of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
SP1 To be familiar with the objectives, curricular content, meaning of the areas and organisation, methodology and evaluation criteria of Primary Education.
SP2 To design, plan and evaluate teaching and learning processes with other professionals according to interdisciplinary and disciplinary criteria.
SP4 To design and regulate learning spaces in contexts of diversity which are multicultural and multilingual. To attend to the unique needs of schoolchildren, gender equality, fairness, respect and human rights.
SP5 To reflect in depth on learning contexts and contexts of coexistence in schools, the acceptance of standards, consistency, personal discipline and respect for others.
SP6 - To be familiar with the organisation of primary schools and how they work in collaboration with the various sectors of the educational community and social environment.
SP7 To encourage cooperation, the motivation and desire to learn, and to participate actively in the school¿s projects.
SP8 To maintain a critical, independent relationship with respect to knowledge, values and the institutions involved in education.
SP9 To acquire autonomous and cooperative learning habits and skills in order to encourage the active involvement of schoolchildren in their social and personal development.
SP10 To reflect on classroom practices in order to innovate and improve teaching, and associate them with the basic psychological processes, pedagogical models and disciplinary criteria of the stage of education.
SP11 To be familiar with the educational implications of Information and Communication Technology.
SP12 To organise actively the processes of teaching and learning the contents of Primary Education from a perspective of skills development. To be familiar with quality improvement models.
SP13 To perform guidance, tutoring and conflict-resolution functions with schoolchildren and their families. To be able to observe and acknowledge work well done.
SP14 - To contextualise teaching work in the face of political, social and pedagogical changes, and to foster democratic education and the development of active citizenship to achieve a sustainable future.
The learning outcomes are the concretion of the competences that the student will acquire in this subject. Three levels are established.
- Optimum: acquisition of 100% of the skills and mastery in at least 75% of them.
- Medium: acquisition of most of the competencies sought in the subject and mastery in those aspects that contribute to the specific competences of the degree.
- Deficient: insufficient acquisition of the aspects that contribute to the specific competences of the degree.
A student gets an APTO grade if the learning level is optimal or average.
In this subject, these competences are defined as follows:
LO1 Demonstrate mastery of the basic notions associated with the contents of the subject (ES2, ES3, ES4).
LO2 Understand school organization, as well as educational planning in educational institutions (ES2, ES4).
LO3 Design pedagogical proposals and didactic programs attending to the diversity and the requirements of participation and inclusion (ES3).
LO4 Express and analyze the different dimensions of the didactic act and the organizational act in a context of teaching functions, autonomously (ES2, ES4).
LO5 Evaluates the teaching function in an active school and social context (ES1, ES2 and ES3).
LO6 Demonstrates an committed attitude to the development of teaching and learning contexts (ES1, ES2, ES3, ES4).
LO7 Apply the acquired knowledge to diverse and specific realities of the teaching performance (ES2 and ES3).
LO8. It analyzes the different educational innovation options, clearly identifying its elements (ES2, ES3, ES4).
Teaching methods
Code | Description |
TM1 | Lecture with full attendance |
TM2 | Interaction in large group |
TM3 | Interaction in medium-sized group |
TM4 | Interaction in small group |
TM5 | Individualised interaction: tasks and guidelines for autonomous study |
Learning activities
Code | Description | Hours | Attendance |
LA1 | Theory classes (foundation, examples, proven applications and developments) | 45 | 100 |
LA2 | Practical classes or, in the event, practical experience (in the field) | 15 | 100 |
LA3 | Preparation of papers and oral defence | 30 | 10 |
LA4 | Self-study | 50 | 0 |
LA5 | Tutorials | 5 | 100 |
LA6 | Oral or written exams | 5 | 100 |
Learning Outcome | Assessment activity |
Weight (%) | It allows test resit |
Minimum required grade |
LO1-LO8 | ES1-Attendance and participation in class | 10 | No | |
LO1-LO8 | ES2-Theoretical work of recension and synthesis | 20 | No | |
LO1-LO8 | ES3-Practical work: observation, proposal and, where appropriate, evaluation | 30 | Yes, 20% (This will be recovered through an oral or written exam) | |
LO1-LO8 | ES4- Oral or written tests, partial or global | 40 | Yes, 40% (This will be recovered through an oral or written exam) | 5 out of 10 |
TOTAL | 100 % | 60 % |
- The participation and involvement in the development of class sessions, study and evaluation activities, tutorship ... will be valued.
- If any evaluation activities, some texts taken from the Internet, or from books, or from other sources, are included literally, without specifying its source and its complete bibliographic reference, , the final grade in this activity will be as: failed (0.0); as it appears in the Regulatory Regulations of the UPNA Evaluation Processes (art. 34).
- In group work, all the members of the group have to know how to present and argue any part of work. Teamwork may be evaluated by the teacher by randomly interviewing to one group member, in order to guarantee the positive interdependence of collaborative work.
- If oral presentations and debates are developed in group works, both the formal aspects and the content will be valued.
- Self-evaluation, co-evaluation and hetero-evaluation activities will be carried out, which may be considered by the teaching staff.
- The final grade will be obtained as a result of the weighting of the partial marks. If in the exam the minimum for weighting is not met (5 out of 10), the mark of the subject will be a maximum of 4 out of 10 (failed).
- A grade of Not qualify (No presentado) will be considered in cases on which the weight of the evaluation activities, where student has participated, is less than 50%.
- The Recovery evaluation will be done orally and / or in writing.
Importance and complexity of the teaching profession. Professional profiles of teachers and other education professionals in schools. Legislative regulations: Teaching functions; Pedagogical proposals for Early Childhood Education and Primary Education; Rights and responsabilities of students, teachers and families. Teaching ethics and deontology. Contributions of neuroeducation and other professional fields in teaching work. First Aid at School.
Teaching workspaces. Organization and functioning of schools (educational management and coordination bodies, institutional documents). Support from the educational administration and relations with social and health services. Effects of neoliberalism on teaching work.
Educational paradigms/approaches and their implications in the teaching work: in curriculum design and curriculum development, in the management of relationships, coexistence and participation in school, ...
Student diversity, educational equity and teaching practice in an inclusive school. The gender perspective in education.
Didactic and socioemotional teacher training for a respectful and emancipatory education. Teachers as researchers in the classroom: action research.
Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.
. Ainsworth, Larry (2011). Rigorous Curriculum Design: How to Create Curricular Units of Study That Align Standards, Instruction, and Assessment. U.K: Lead & Learn Press
. Robinson, Ken & Aronica, Lou (2016). Creative Schools: Revolutionizing Education from the Ground Up. U.S.A: Penguin.
. Lenoir, Yves & Hansi, Abdelkrim (2015). Curricular and didactic conceptions of interdisciplinarity in the field of education: a Socio-Historical Perspective. Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies, 33, 39-93.
. Levi, Amir (2017). Mastering organizational change. Theory and practice. Lomdon: Levi PublisherIndependently published
. Suciu, Andrea & Mata, Liliana (2010). Didactic approaches to the curriculum area of Language and communication from the perspective of curricular innovation. Recent Researches in Mechanics, Transportation and Culture, S.N.
. Brookfield, Stephen (2005). The Power of Critical Theory for Adult Learning and Teaching. Maidenhead, England: Open University Press.
. EP-Nuffic (2015).The Spanish education system described and compared with the Dutch system. Germany: EP-NUFFIC-Internationalising education. (Creative Commons Attribution).
. Gravells, Ann (2012). Preparing to teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector. California: Sage.
. Jasper, Melanie (2006). Professional development, reflection, and decision-making. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
. National Professional Development Center on Inclusion. (2008). What do we mean by professional development in the early childhood field? Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina, FPG Child Development Institute, Author.
. OCDE (2003). Diversity, inclusion and equity: Insights from special needs provision. Brussels: OCDE-Education Policy Analysis.
. Reece, Ian, Walker, Stephen (2007).Teaching, training and learning. UK: Busines Education Publishers.
. Zaki, Claudio (1988) Formal, non formal and informal education: concepts/applicability. Cooperative Networks in Physics Education - Conference Proceedings, 173, 300-315
* More detail about specific bibliography you can found in didactic programs.
Arrosadia Campus of the Public University of Navarra. For specific classroom, see the website of the Faculty of Humanities, Social and Educational Sciences.