Public University of Navarre

CastellanoEuskara | Academic year: 2018/2019
Bachelor's degree in Social Work at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Basic Year: 1 Period: 2º S
Department: Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación
MAJUELO GIL, EMILIO (Resp)   [Mentoring ] YANIZ BERRIO, EDURNE   [Mentoring ]

Partes de este texto:




1. The Industrial Revolution and the transformation of agricultural societies.

2. The cycle of liberal revolutions (1789-1848) and European Politics up to the 1870,s.

3. The rise of the worker´s movement. Marxism and Anarchism. Development of Capitalism to 1873. International Workingmen´s Association (IWMA) and International Worker´s Association (IWA).

4. The Second Industrial Revolution. Political Dynamics. Imperialist expansion until 1914.

5. The Great War (WWI). The Russian Revolution The origins of Fascism (1922). The German Nazism.

6. The Western Democracies During the inter-war period. The Italian Fascism. The Great Depression (or Slump) of 1930s and The germann nazism. The Second Spanish Republic.

7. The Second World War (WWII) and post-world War II. The Cold War. Intenational relations. The United Nations (UN). Decolonisation and Developing Countries

8. Economic growth and social transformation in the actual world. Welfare Sate. The World of our time and globalisation.

9. The social and economic questin in contemporary Spain.


Learning outcomes

Students know well and know how to explain, in writting and orally, the historical context in which social policies arise and the professionalization of social assistance in Europe and Spain to understand their evolution and current situation.



Methodology - Activity Hours % To be attended
Theoretical classes 45 100
Practical classes 15 100
Researching and writing about a selected topic on development, and where appropriate, oral discussion 30 10
Autonomous study 50 40
Individual office hours 5 100
Exams (oral or written) 5 100



Learning outcomes Assessment Weight (%) Recoverable
R1 Practical assessment: case studies, problem-solving tasks through observation, proposal and, where appropriate, evaluation 40 % Yes, in the final exam there will be a part that will be dedicated to practical exercises
R1 Oral and / or written tests (partial or global) 60%   Yes, the exam can be retaken



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.


In this subject there is no single manual, but in each of the topics will be marked one or more articles and chapters of books whose contents, explained and extended in class by the professor and worked through practical exercises, will constitute the basis on which will be raised the final exam. 
While these readings will be detailed at the beginning of each theme, there are some general works that can be useful to students to follow the development of the subject:

Specialized journals:


Journal of Contemporary History (JCH). USA and UK

The Historical Journal. UK

Journal of Economic History. UK

AYER, Asociación de Historia Contemporánea. Madrid.

Historia 16. Madrid.

Historia Contemporánea EHU ¿ UPV. Bilbao.

Historia social UNED ¿ Alcira. Valencia.


General bibliography:


Aizpuru, M. X. y Rivera, A., Manual de historia social del trabajo, Madrid, Siglo XXI, 1994.

ARACIL, R., OLIVER, J., SEGURA, A., El mundo actual. De la Segunda Guerra Mundial a nuestros días, Universidad de Barcelona, 1995.

AROSTEGUI, J., BUCHRUCKER, C. y SABORIDO, J., El Mundo contemporáneo: Historia y sus problemas. Barcelona, Crítica, 2001.

ARTOLA, M. y PEREZ LEDESMA, M., Contemporánea: la historia desde 1776, Madrid, Alianza, 2005.

clarke Parker, R. A., Europe: 1918-1945, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1969; first published in 1967 in German as part of the well-known Fischer Weltgeschichte.

COMÍN,F., HERNÁNDEZ, M., y LLOPIS, E., (Eds.) Historia económica mundial, siglos X-XX, Barcelona, Crítica, 2010.

FONTANA, J., Por el bien del imperio. Una historia del mundo desde 1945. Barcelona, Pasado y Presente, 2011.

Hobsbawm, E., The age of revolution: Europe 1789 ¿ 1848, New York, Vintage books edition, 1996.

Hobsbawm, E., The age of capital: 1848 ¿ 1875, New York, Vintage Books edition, 1996.

 Hobsbawm, E., The age of extremes: a history of the world, 1914 ¿ 1991, New York, Pantheon Books (division of Random House), 1994.

HOBSBAWN, E. Historia del siglo XX: 1914 ¿ 1989, Barcelona, Crítica, 1995.

Kershaw, I., To Hell and Back: Europe, 1914-1949, London, Allen Lane, 2015.

MARICHAL, C., Nueva historia de las grandes crisis financieras. Una perspectiva global, 1873-2008, Barcelona, Debate, 2010.

MARKS, R., The origins of the Modern World, Lanham (Maryland), Rowman & Litllefield Publisher, 2007.

MARTINEZ, J. Historia Contemporánea. Valencia, Tirant lo Blanc, 2006. (Acceso on-line desde la biblioteca:

NUÑEZ SEIXAS, X., Las utopías pendientes. Una breve historia del mundo desde 1945, Barcelona, Crítica, 2015.

OsterhammelL, J., The transformation of the World. A Global History of the Nineteenth Century, Princeton (New Jersey) & Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2014.

PIKETTY, T., Capital in the twenty-first century, Cambridge (Massachusetts) & London, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2014.

RudÉ, G., Revolutionary Europe, 1783-1815, Oxford, Blacwell publishers, 2000.

Thompson, E,P,  The Making of the English Working Class, New York, Vintage Books, 1966.

Traverso, E., Fire and Blood: The European Civil War 1914 ¿ 1945, London & New York, Verso, 2016.

Traverso, E., L'Histoire comme champ de bataille : interpréter les violences du XXe siécle, Paris, La Découverte, 2011.

VILLARES, R. Y BAHAMONDE, A., El Mundo Contemporáneo. Siglos XIX y XX. Madrid, Taurus, 2001.
