Public University of Navarre

CastellanoEuskara | Academic year: 2017/2018 | Previous academic years:  2016/2017  |  2015/2016 
Bachelor's degree in Applied Sociology at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 303102 Subject title: EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Basic Year: 1 Period: 1º S
Department: Psychology and Pedagogy

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Module/Subject matter




This subject develops, in a global and integrative way, content associated with the professional profile of the applied sociologist and they are related to following descriptors: Educational institutions and socialization processes: Educational systems; Infant, Primary and Secondary Education; From Special Education to Inclusive School; Permanent Education and Adult Education; The organization of formal education institutions; Non-formal education; The right to education and education in the world; Socio-educational institutions.




This subject belongs to "Education matter" and it is a basic training subject which develops the following topics: The need, politics and development; Educational systems and their regulatory frameworks; Education and risk groups; Educational institutions of formal and non-formal education; Organization of educational institutions and administration; Educational services for inclusion; Socio-educational services and their professionals; Permanent Education and Adult Education; Right to Education and Education in the world; Socio-educational institutions.


General proficiencies


BP1 - Students have demonstrated that they possess knowledge of and understand an area of study, based on general secondary education and usually at a level which, albeit with the support of advanced text books, also includes some aspects which imply knowledge of the latest developments in their field of study.

BP2 - Students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess skills which are usually demonstrated by developing and defending arguments and resolving problems in their area of study.

BP3 - Students are able to compile and interpret relevant information (normally within their area of study) in order to voice opinions which include reflection on relevant themes of a social, scientific or ethical nature.

BP4 - Students are able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.


GP1 - The capacity to discern the relevance of the sociological perspective in the structuring of social life.

GP4 - The capacity to reason critically and to appreciate the respective value of alternative explanations.

GP5 - The development of a social sensibility and an awareness of citizenship open to acknowledgement of social and cultural diversity.


TP2 - To demonstrate a level of competence in Spanish and, where appropriate, Basque equivalent to the C1 level of the Council of Europe¿s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.


Specific proficiencies

SP4 - The capacity to analyse and synthesise data and arguments, and to relate and contextualise knowledge.

SP6 - Knowledge of oral and written discursive techniques (professional level) for the preparation, presentation and public discussion of reports and projects on situations and processes encountered in social life.

SP8 - The capacity to describe, interpret and mediate in contexts of social change and conflict.

SP10 - The capacity to analyse the development and transformation of contemporary societies.


Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes are the realization of the skills that students acquire in the matter. Three levels are


- Optimal level: 100% acquisition of skills and expertise in at least 75% of them.

- Standard or medium level: acquisition of the majority of the alleged relevant powers and expertise in

those aspects contributing to the specific competencies of the title.

- Deficient Level: Insufficient acquisition of the aspects contributing to the specific competencies of the


A student gets a grade of APTO if the level of learning is optimal or medium.

Related to evaluation system (ES), these learning outcomes are specified in this subject as follows:

LO1 - Know language and concepts: social need, social policy, development and human scale law, and know how to use them.

LO2- Analyze the old and new social risks critically, especially in the educational field.

LO3-Know how to use the language and concepts of public administration, knowing its principles.

LO4- Know the structure of the educational system in Spain and Navarre and the devices of attention to diversity in this Community.

LO5-To be aware of the investigations and debates related to the limitations and dysfunctions of the educational systems in Spain and in Europe.

LO6-Know the functions of a social worker in an educational centre or in a school support organization.

LO7-Know and analyze critically the current methods of coordination between education and social services.

LO8-To be able to establish lines of improvement in the intervention of social work in the educational field.

LO9-Cite correctly the bibliographical references and the rest of sources of information.

LO10-Be able to communicate correctly orally and in writing, using the appropriate terminology.



5.1. Teaching methods

Code Description
TM1 Lecture with full attendance
TM2 Interaction in large group
TM3 Interaction in medium-sized group
TM4 Interaction in small group
TM5 Individualised interaction: tasks and guidelines for autonomous study

5.2 Learning activities

Code Description Hours Attendance
LA1 Theory classes (foundation, examples, proven applications and developments) 45 100
LA2 Practical classes or, in the event, practical experience (in the field) 15 100
LA3 Preparation of papers and oral defence 30 10
LA4 Self-study 50 0
LA5 Tutorials 5 100
LA6 Oral or written exams 5 100




Learning outcomes Evaluation systems Weight %
% Recoverable
LO3/LO5 ES1- Attendance and participation in class or, where appropriate, in a school. 10 0
LO2/LO3/LO4/LO7 ES2- theoretical works of recession and synthesis. 15 100
LO2/LO4/LO6/LO7 ES3- Practical work: observation, proposal and, if necessary, evaluation. 15 0
LO1 ES4- Partial or complete oral or written assessments 60 100

 * Procedure for obtaining the final grade for the course: It is obtained according to the weight given to the evaluation systems. To pass the course: it is necessary to approve the ES4.

 There are obligation to attend class sessions in which continuous assessment activities are carried out.



BLOCK 1: Education: social need, politics and development.

Theme 1: Social need, politics and human development. The educational system: concept, levels, structure and elements. Focusing on social policy in education systems.

Theme 2:  Educational institutions and public administration. Relationships between the educational system and educational institutions. Trends in the social policy of educational institutions.

BLOCK 2: Current development of educational institutions in Spain, Europe and the World.

Theme 3: Formal education. Current Affairs of Basic Education for Children, Primary and Secondary. Coordination between Education and Social Services. Socio educational roles.

Theme 4: Permanent Education Institutions and Adult Education. Non-formal education.

Theme 5: Socio-educational institutions. Risk groups: intervention strategies.

BLOCK 3: Legislative dimension of educational institutions

Theme 6: Current legislation: between LOE and LOMCE. Consequences in social policy.

Theme 7: The right to education and education in the world.

BLOCK 4: Diversity, challenges and educational innovations

Theme 8:  Student Diversity. From special education to inclusive education.



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

11.1.- English Basic Bibliography

Teachers will decide the specific references in this section to work each course.

BROOKFIELD, S. (2005).The Power of Critical Theory for Adult Learning and Teaching. Maidenhead, England: Open University Press.

EP-Nuffic(2015).The Spanish  education system described and compared with the Dutch system. Germany: EP-NUFFIC-Internationalising education.( Creative Commons Attribution).

FOLEY, G. (2004). Dimensions of Adult Learning: Adult Education and Training in a Global Era. Maidenhead, England: Open University Press.

JASPER, M. (2006).Professional development, reflection, and decision-making. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

LEE, In-Sook (1994). Key Elements in Successful Educational System Redesign: Learning from Theory and Case Studies. Bloomington: Indiana University.

NATIONAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTER ON INCLUSION. (2008). What do we mean by professional development in the early childhood field?. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina, FPG Child Development Institute, Author.

OCDE (2003).Diversity, inclysion and equity: Insights from special needs provision. Brussels: OCDE-Education Policy Analysis.

SPECK, M. & KNIPE, C. (2005) Why can't we get it right? Designing high-quality professional development for standards-based schools(2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press

UNESCO (2015): World education fórum 2015. Final report. Paris. UNESCO.

VV.AA (2006). The impact of non formal education on yung people and society. Belgium: AEGEE-Europe

ZAKI, C.(1988) Formal, non formal and informal education: concepts/applicability. Cooperative Networks in Physics Education - Conference Proceedings,  173, 300-315.

11.2. Spanish Basic Bibliography

AA.VV (2005): Pedagogo Sortzaileak. Hik Hasi aldizkariko monografikoa. Donostia: Xangorin.

BONA, C. (2015). La nueva educación.  Barcelona: Plaza &Janés.

CARREÑO, M. (2000): Teorías e instituciones contemporáneas de educación. Madrid: Síntesis.

DEL POZO, M.M. (2004). Teorías e Instituciones contemporáneas de educación. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.

COLMENAR, C. (1995): Génesis de la Educación Infantil en la Sociedad Occidental, Revista Complutense de Educación, 6, 1, pp.15-29.
COLOM, A. (2002): Teorías e Instituciones contemporáneas de la educación. Ariel: Barcelona.
COLOM, A. (2002): Hezkuntzaren teoriak eta Erakunde Garaikideak. UNUP: Iruña.
DELORS, J. (1996): La educación encierra un tesoro, Madrid, Santillana/UNESCO.

ESCRIBANO, A. y MARTÍNEZ, A. (2013). Inclusión educativa y profesorado inclusivo. Aprender juntos para aprender a vivir juntos. Madrid: Narcea.

GARCÍA-RUIZ, R. (2013). Enseñar y aprender en educación infantil a través de proyectos. Publican: Santander.

HARGREAVES, A. (1996). Profesorado cultura y posmodernidad, cambian los tiempos cambia el profesorado, Madrid, Morata.

HERNÁNDEZ ARISTU, J. y LÓPEZ BLASCO, A.(2005): Cambio social y Educación Permanente, Madrid, MEC.

LÁZARO, J. L. & GISBERT, M. (2007). La integración de las TIC en los centros escolares de educación infantil y primaria condiciones previas. Pixel-Bit: Revista de medios y educación, 28. Pp. 27-34. (

LORENZO DELGADO, M. (2011). (Coord.). Organización y gestión de centros y contextos educativos. Madrid: Universitas.

MARTÍNEZ, M.J (2010). Y para muestra: políticas educativas de inmigración y modelos de escuela que practican la interculturalidad. Valencia: Universitat de Valencia. Servei de publicacions.

NAYA, L.M. y DÁVILA, P. (Coord.)(2008). El Derecho a la Educación en un mundo globalizado. Actas del X Congreso nacional de educación comparada, Organización de estados Iberoamericanos:
SANCHIDRIÁN, C. y RUÍZ BERRIO, J. (2010). Historia y Perspectiva actual de la Educación Infantil. Barcelona: Grao.

11.3- Specific Bibliography

Teachers will decide the specific references in this section to work in each course. The specific bibliography in English will be given to students by the teacher with their class group.

ARNAIZ, P.; ISUS, S. (1995): La Tutoría: organización y tareas. Barcelona: Graó.

BESALÚ, X. (2002): Diversidad cultural y educación .Madrid: Síntesis.

 LÓPEZ-GOÑI, I.; GOÑI ZABALA, J.M. (2014): Hacia un currículum guiado por las Competencias. Propuestas para la acción. Iruñea: UPNA-NUP.

MARTÍN, E.; MAURI, T. (1996): La Atención a la diversidad en la Educación Secundaria. Barcelona: ICE, Universitat de Barcelona: Horsori.

 MOREN, R. (2006): Panfleto antipedagógico. Madrid: Lector universal.

 NAYA, L.M., C. GARCÍA; F. GÓMEZ, ET ALL. (2005): La Educación y los derechos humanos. País Vasco: Espacio Universitario, EREIN.

 PENNAC, D. (2008): Mal de Escuela. Barcelona: Literatura Mondadori.

 SORIANO, E. (Coord.). (2007): Principio del formularioTítulo: Educación para la convivencia intercultural Madrid: La Muralla.

 ZUFIAURRE, B. & CARR, W (1996): Comprensividad, desarrollo productivo y justicia social Barcelona: Icaria

 ZUFIAURRE, B. (2007): ¿Se puede cambiar la educación sin contar con el profesorado? : Reflexiones sobre treinta y seis años de cambios en España, 1970-2006. Barcelona: Octaedro, 2007.

ZUFIAURRE, B. (2000):Evaluación escolar y coparticipación educativa: responsabilidad social y democrática: padres, madres, maestros, maestras, alumnas y alumnos, sociedad : la complejidad de la vida escolar . Valencia: Nau Llibres, 2000.



 English, Euskera, Spanish




Arrosadía Campus of the Public University of Navarra. For specific classroom, see the website of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
