Course code: 303101 | Subject title: SOCIAL ORGANIZATION AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT | ||||
Credits: 6 | Type of subject: Basic | Year: 1 | Period: 1º S | ||
Department: Sociology | |||||
Lecturers: | |||||
The subject aims to provide students with a ¿sociological look¿, a tool to analyse the most relevant topics in current societies. The purpose is twofold: on the one hand, particularistic ¿common sense¿ points of view on the world and on how we interact, which are usually acquired when we first socialize and develop, will be detected and ¿if possible- reversed. On the other hand, students will also learn how to look at the world, and at their future profesional career, from an alternative, sociological point of view
This subject belongs to the matter ¿Sociology¿. The following topics will be discussed: introduction: the sociological perspective. People, culture and society in the processes of socialization; family and domestic relationships. The gender issue; social stratification and inequality: social classes; modern organizations. Knowledge and information society; globalization, a changing world and how to govern it: poverty, development and terrorism.
SP4 - The capacity to analyse and synthesise data and arguments, and to relate and contextualise knowledge. SP7 - The capacity to determine social problems and their consequences in the different spheres of social life. SP8 - The capacity to describe, interpret and mediate in contexts of social change and conflict. SP10 - The capacity to analyse the development and transformation of contemporary societies. SP12 - The capacity to analyse contexts of crisis and social conflict. |
4.1. Metodology
Learning outcomes are the product of having mastered the basic, general and specific proficiencies. Three levels are established:
R1- Optimum: 100% of the proficiency acquired; at leat 75% fully mastered.
R2- Average: Acquisition of the majority of the proficiencies of the course; mastery of the specific proficiencies
R3- Inadequate: insufficient acquisition of the specific proficiencies
Students will be considered ¿APTO¿ if their learning outcome is optimum or average.
These are the learning outcomes in this subject:
R1. To understand the core concepts about human societies in order to learn about both the social and institutional structure which keeps it stable as well as its ongoing processes of change and social transformation. R2. To distinguish institutions and social processes which lie at the basis of social production and reproduction R3. To be able to recognise which are the basic components of social and cultural inequalities. R4. To analyse social and political movements and become acquainted with the main theories on power, legitimacy and the Sate. |
R5. Ability to analyse and critically embed the most relevant social topics and issues by applying sociological concepts and perspectives.
R6. Ability to publicly defend the results of a research on social reality.
4.2 Activities
Code | Activity | No.Of hours | face-to-face |
AF1 | Lectures (foundations, examples, contrasting cases) | 45 | 100 |
AF2 | Practical clases/exercises | 15 | 100 |
AF3 | Writing and presentations of papers | 30 | 10 |
AF4 | Individual study | 50 | 0 |
AF5 | Tutorials | 5 | 100 |
AF6 | Exams | 5 | 100 |
Teaching methods
Code | Description |
TM1 | Lecture with full attendance |
TM2 | Interaction in large group |
TM3 | Interaction in medium-sized group |
TM4 | Interaction in small group |
TM4 | Individualised interaction: tasks and guidelines for autonomous study |
Learning activities
Code | Description | Hours | Attendance |
LA1 | Theory classes (foundation, examples, proven applications and developments) | 45 | 100 |
LA2 | Practical classes or, in the event, practical experience (in the field) | 15 | 100 |
LA3 | Preparation of papers and oral defence | 30 | 10 |
LA4 | Self-study | 50 | 0 |
LA5 | Tutorials | 5 | 100 |
LA6 | Oral or written exams | 5 | 100 |
R1,R2,R3, R4 | Practical classes and exercises. | 20% | Non-recoverable |
R6. | Public exposition | 10% | Non- recoverable |
R5 | Written essay | 10% | Yes |
R1,R2,R3,R4, R5 | Oral or written tests, either partial or total | 60% | Yes |
Lecturers will tell the students which practical exercises will be made in group or individually. Also whether practical exercises include an oral exposition or written report. All practical exercises will weigh 40% of the total mark.
Students need to obtain a minimum mark of 5 out of 10 in the written exam.
There will be a midterm examination of the first two units. Those students who pass it, will not have these chapters in the final exam.
Unit 1. The sociological approach. Its utility.
Unit 2. Families, gender and identities.
Unit 3. Labour, leisure and consumption.
Unit 4. Communication, globalization and new technologies
Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.
Anthony GIDDENS, Sociology. Cambridge: Polity Press. 2006 (5th edition).
Also in english:
John J. Macionis and Ken Plummer: Sociology. Upper Saddle River (NJ): Pearson Prentice Hall, 2012.
Margaret L. Andersen, Howard F. Taylor: Sociology: the essentials. Belmont: Wadsworth, 2003 (2nd edition)
Additional references in Spanish
BELTRAN VILLALBA, Miguel (1991), La realidad social, 2ª ed. ampliada, Madrid, Tecnos, 2003.
BERGER, P. L. y KELLNER, H., La reinterpretación de la sociología. Ensayo sobre el método y la vocación sociológicos, Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 1985
BERGER, Peter L. y LUCKMANN, Thomas, La construcción social de la realidad, Buenos Aires, Amorrortu, 1979 (5ª reimpresión).
Berger, Peter L., Introducción a la sociología, México, Limusa, 1987.
BOUDON, Raymond, La lógica de lo social, Madrid, Rialp, 1981.
BOURDIEU, Pierre, CHAMBOREDON, Jean Claude, PASSERON, Jean Claude, El oficio de sociólogo. Presupuestos epistemológicos, Siglo XXI, Madrid (12ª), 1989.
COLLER, Xavier, Canon sociológico, Tecnos, Madrid, 2003.
DELPINO ARTACHO, Juan, La teoría sociológica. Un marco de referencia analítico de la modernidad, Tecnos, Madrid, 1990.
ELIAS, Norbert, Sociología fundamental, Barcelona, Gedisa, 1982.
FITCHER, Joseph H., Sociología, Herder, Barcelona, 1994 (1ª ed. 1974) [1957 y 1971].
FREYER, Hans (1931), Introducción a la sociología, traducción de Felipe González Vicén, Madrid, Aguilar, 1973.
GARCIA FERRANDO, Manuel (coord.), Pensar nuestra sociedad. Fundamentos de Sociología. (Edición Compendiada). Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 1995.
Garvía, Roberto, Conceptos fundamentales de sociología, Madrid, Alianza, 1999.
GALEANO, Eduardo, Patas arriba. La escuela del mundo al revés, Siglo XXI, Madrid, 2003 (1ª ed. 1998).
GIDDENS, Anthony (1990), Consecuencias de la modernidad, Madrid, Alianza, 1993.
GIDDENS, Anthony, La moderna teoría sociológica, Alianza, Madrid, 1990.
GIDDENS, Anthony, Las nuevas reglas del método sociológico. Crítica positiva de las sociologías comprensivas, Amorrortu, Buenos Aires, 1997 (1ª ed. 1987) [1976, 1993].
GIDDENS, Anthony, Política, sociología y teoría social. Reflexiones sobre el pensamiento social clásico y contemporáneo, Paidós, Barcelona, 1997 [1995].
GINER, S. (ed.), Teoría sociológica moderna, Madrid, Ariel, 2003.
GINER, Salvador, LAMO DE ESPINOSA, Emilio y TORRES, Cristóbal (eds.), Diccionario de Sociología, Alianza, Madrid, 2006 (1ª ed. 1998).
HABERMAS, Jürgen, El discurso filosófico de la modernidad, Taurus, Madrid, 1989 [1995].
HABERMAS, Jürgen, Teoría de la acción comunicativa, I y II, Taurus, Madrid, 1992 (1987) [1981].
LUHMANN, Niklas, Sistemas sociales. Lineamientos para una teoría general, Anthropos, Barcelona, 1998 [1984].
MANNHEIM, Karl (1934-35), Sociología sistemática. Introducción al estudio de la sociedad, traducción de Luis LegazLacambra, Editorial Revista de Derecho Privado, Madrid, 1960 (V. O.: 1934-35).
MARTIN LOPEZ, Enrique, Sociología general, Barcelona, Multioffset, 1969.
NISBET, R. A., La formación del pensamiento sociológico, I-II, Buenos Aires, Amorrortu, 1969.
NISBET, Robert A., Introducción a la sociología: el vínculo social, Barcelona, Vicens Universidad, 1975.
PEREZ DÍAZ, Víctor, Introducción a la sociología, Madrid, Alianza, 1980.
PICÓ, Josep, Los años dorados de la sociología. 1945-1975, Alianza, Madrid, 2003.
RITZER, George, Teoría sociológica contemporánea, McGraw-Hill, México, 1993 [1992].
RITZER, Georges, Teoría sociológica clásica, Madrid, Mcgraw Hill, 1993.
ROCHER, G, Introducción a la sociología, Barcelona, Herder, 1979.
RODRÍGUEZ IBAÑEZ, José Enrique, La perspectiva sociológica, Taurus, Madrid, 1992.
SIMMEL, Georg, Cuestiones fundamentales de sociología, Gedisa, Barcelona, 2002 [1917].
Stuart Hughes, Herbert., Conciencia y sociedad. La reorientación del pensamiento social europeo 1890-1930, Madrid, 1972.
WRIGHT MILLS, Charles. (1959): La imaginación sociológica, México, F. C. E., 1961.