Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2020/2021
Bachelor's degree in Telecommunications Engineering at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 253505 Subject title: DESIGN AND TEST OF ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Mandatory Year: 3 Period: 1º S
Department: Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación

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Module/Subject matter

Module: Specific training in Electronic Systems.

Matter: Design of electronic systems.



After completion of the subject, students are expected to be able to solve practical problems applying electronics. In order to achieve this goal, this subject complements former ones on basic electronics by introducing electronic design techniques and CAD software, and providing tools to choose the electronic technology best suited to a particular problem. The course will cover the design of electronic systems and PCB fabrication, as well as automated design and verification of digital systems. Issues related to electromagnetic interference and techniques to overcome them are also covered.


General proficiencies

G2. Teamwork

G3. Self-directed learning

G4 Efficiency in oral and written communication.

G5 Efficiency in the management of information resources.

G7. Ability to conceive, design, implement and operate systems and services in the field of Information and Communication Technologies.

CB2. Students can apply the knowledge to their own work or vocation in a professional manner and have the skills generally demonstrated by preparing and defending arguments and solving problems within their area of study.

CB3. Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their study area) to make judgments that include reflection on important issues of social, scientific or ethical nature.

CB4. Students must be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.

CB5. Students must develop the necessary learning skills in order to undertake further training with a high degree of autonomy.


Specific proficiencies

3.14. Ability to build, exploit and manage systems for the acquisition, transport, representation, processing, storage, management and display of multimedia information, from the perspective of electronic systems.

3.15. Ability to select specialized electronic circuits and devices for the transmission, routing, and terminals, in both fixed and mobile scenarios

3.16. Ability to perform the specification, implementation, documentation and fine-tuning of electronic, instrumentation and control equipment and systems, considering both technical issues and regulations.

3.17. Ability to apply electronics as a support technology in other fields and activities, not just in the area of Information and Communication Technologies.

3.18. Ability to design analog and digital electronic circuits, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, radiofrequency circuits, and electric power supply and conversion circuits for telecommunications and computing applications.

3.20. Ability to design devices for interfacing, data acquisition and storage, and terminals for telecommunication services and systems.

3.22. Ability to analyze and solve interference and electromagnetic compatibility issues.


Learning outcomes

a) Know the main types of integrated circuits and their typical applications

b) Know the design flow of electronic systems and employ CAD tools to support the design process

c) Extract the basic system-level specifications from the particular requirements of a given communication, instrumentation or control application.

d) Identify the fundamental circuit-level and device-level specifications satisfying the requirements of both wired and wireless communication systems and subsystems.

d) Extrapolate solutions achieved for a discipline to other disciplines.

f) Propose improvements to the functionality of electronic circuits, systems and equipment with practical application.

g) Apply the main test techniques for electronic systems.

h) Implement a mixed analog/digital system in a printed circuit board

i) Identify the main electromagnetic interference mechanisms as well as the basic techniques employed to overcome them.

j) Understand English manuals and specifications of equipment and products. Find information in English books and on-line resources.

k) Use autonomously the tools, instrumentation and software available in the laboratories. Know their operation and limitations.

l) Plan and use the information required for a project or academic work form a critical reflection about the information resources employed.



Methodology - Activity Contact hours Non-contact hours
A-1 Lecture / participatory classes 25 20
A-2 Lab sessions 25 20
A-3 Debates, team work, group tutoring    
A-4 Work preparation    
A-5 Material readings   10
A-6 Independent study   40
A-7 Assessment tests 4  
A-8 Individual Tutorials 6  
Total 60 90




Learning outcome Assessment Weight (%) Recoverable
a) - l) Lab exams using PC. Exams may cover contents taught in both lectures and lab sessions. 100 Yes


There will be two partial exams: the first one will have a weight of 60% of the final mark and will be held after completion of Topic 2. The second exam will have a weight of 40% and will take place at the end of Topic 5.

Students who do not pass one or both partial exams (minimum grade: 5 out of 10) can re-asses the exam(s) failed in a final retake exam.



1     Electronic Design Fundamentals

  • Design Flow
  • CAD Design Tools
  • Analog and Digital Design


2     Design and Verification of Electronic Systems

  • Description of Systems using HDLs
  • System simulation and Verification using HDLs
  • Logic Synthesis
  • Schematic Edition and Simulation of Analog Circuits 


3     PCB Design and Fabrication

  • PCB Fabrication Techniques
  • PCB Design


4     Test of Electronic Systems

  • Test Techniques. Design for Test.
  • Test of Digital Systems
  • Test of Analog Systems


5     Electromagnetic Compatibility

  • Regulations
  • Radiated interferences. Shielding.
  • Conducted interferences. Filters and transient limiters.


Experimental practice program

Labs will be conducted most of the semester. They cover most of the course topics. Lab sessions will be held at the Design and Instrumentation Lab (Los Tejos building).



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

Basic Bibliography

[1] Desarrollo y construcción de prototipos electrónicos Bueno, Angel / De Soto, Ana  (MARCOMBO), ISBN: 8426713637. Fist Edition (09/2005).

[2] OrCAD Pspice and Circuits Analysis. John Keown. Prentice Hall. Fourth edition,2005.

[3] Schematic Capture with Cadence Pspice. Marc E. Herniter, Prentice Hall. Second edition 2003.

[4] Introduction to PSpice Using OrCAD for Circuits and Electronics. Prentice Hall, Muhammad H. Rashid. Third Edition. 2003.

[5] Complete PCB Design Using OrCad Capture and Editor. Marc E. Herniter. Newnes; Pap/Cdr edition (April 27, 2007)

[6] The Circuit Designer's Companion. Tim Williams , Second Edition Newnes, 2004


Complementary Bibliography

[1] OrCAD® Capture User's Guide. Product Version 16.0 June 2007.

[2] PSpice® A/D Schematics version User's Guide.

[3] OrCAD® Editor User's Guide Product Version 16.0 June 2007.

[4] Creación de nuevos componentes para Orcad 10.3. Miguel Pareja Aparicio, MARCOMBO, S.A., 2007, ISBN: 9788426714.






Lectures: Lecture Hall Building

Lab sessions: Design and Instrumentation Lab, Los Tejos Building
